My 10p;
Cab art on both Remake model is far superior to the OG ones.
Translights; really good, but maybe I prefer the OG.
Playfield art; need to see the remake in the flesh, but so far I think the OG had more charm and was clearer to see, with the bright and bolder colours - both really nice though.
Sparky; both are great. Love all the UV stuff; that was my dream. Hoping the UV light sets off my UV dirty donny metallica poster I have on the wall (have a limited edition spare I might sell if anyone is interested)
Side rails on the LE looks great, but bit dossapointed the powdercoat is just matt black? (Maybe looks sparkly in person or something?)
What we've seen of the animations looks good and the concert footage will be great; MET's live shows are spectacular.
8 new songs (+more will be added I reckon); nice to see some.Hard Wired + 72 seasons representation. Wish there more Death Magnetoc tunes.
Used to hate King Nothing when it came out, but I like it now. Frantic; not a bad St.Anger tune.
Really interested to see how well the expression lighting will be implemented; I didn't think much of it on LZ.
I think if you are a big fan of the original/band and you own the SAM ver, then you will be excited and could possibly justify owning both, or will upgrade. Everyone else will/should be haply with what they have, which is still an awesome game, which has a different charm than the remake.
Edit: removed my previous moan, as realised I was being a bit of an overly defensive fan boy and that I did ask for everyone's opinions in the first place - soz