Odd to release 2 games so close. Even if it's kapow people only have so much to drop in one go.
I wish Premiums were £9699 over here.Prices are listed $9699 Prem $12999 LE expect similar £ price
I vastly prefer cartoon/colorDMD artwork on music pins to a big LCD screen with concert footage. Normally, I'm playing a machine where I neither know, not particularly, care for the band. I've never, personally, been into musicians - so, instead of evocative cool DMD artwork, I get video clips of average-looking dudes playing guitar :/I’m with John on this. Prefer the dots/colour dmd. Mind you colour dmd was not std so this will be a big upgrade on the red led screen..
They've got to keep the big factory upgrade ticking over. One new pin, one 'vault'?Is this not a bit of a marketing gaff with the release of the x-men pin just a few weeks ago?
The market is saturated as it is. Releasing two pins within a month of each other?
I'd assume this is Borgs game that was supposed to be before xmen so spike 2.I think it is Spike 2.
Ah ok, I thought the rumour was spike 3I think it is Spike 2.
£10995 Premium and £14995 LE, so usual pricing.
Metallica remastered by Stern Pinball - Pinball Heaven
Metallica Remastered is updated with a full-color LCD display featuring all-new animations and live concert video footage. Stern’s modern Spike 2 electronics will power the gameplay experience. Fans will enjoy expanded gameplay and improved presentation with 22 songs (8 more than the original)...www.pinball.co.uk
So what do you get with the LE to possible justify 4K more?
Absolutely insane prices. I more than happy to have 4 classics WMS games for that price.