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Stern Metallica Remake(?) Discussion

Hi all, hope everyone's enjoying a good Xmas break!

Went to Funland on boxing day to play the remake. They have the Premium there.
In person, I though the translight looked fine (same with the cabinet) - certainly didn't look hideous, and given the general speed of the gameplay, I didn't find myself looking at the backglass (or screen) too much during gameplay.

Short version:
Game is just as brilliant as ever, extra tunes are great to have and the sound quality/speakers sounded great- even with bond next to it being too loud (Met remaster sound is stereo rather than mono now? My og prem. has upgraded speakers+sub, but needs tweaking; sounds muffled...)
After a few shockingly bad (no pun intended...ahem..er...) games I manged to get high scores 2 and 3 (would've smashed the GC if on one game I hadn't wasted a bunch of balls with missed scoop to outlane drain shots:-( )

Longer version:
Ramps felt a bit faster than the og ver., but that could just be new game/good setup/slightly shorter ramps.

Like the way sparky moves when "zapped" subtly different than the original and even in a brightly lit room, could see the UV paint well and the UV coffin key (didn't notice the changing faces so much, but no doubt will stand out in dimmer lighting conditions)

Hammer/ coffin ball lock is more consistent than before, but not perfect- still plenty of non-magnet grabs if you don't hit it/the block dead on from the left flipper.
Snake lock/shot seemed like maybe the jaw needed lowering a bit; too many times i got rejects (also, might just be me, but couldn't get a ball in there from the right flipper - prob nothing to worry about and still manaaged to lock a bunch of times during mb's for add-a-ball).

I was worried I wouldn't like the faster sparky MB startup on Sparky MB, but it actually felt great and is in keeping with the speed of the game. Better for tournaments too tbf. I love the skow build up on the og, as is a chance to take a breather/have a sip of drink, but remake isn't miles shorter and it's still satisfying (timing prob adjustable in settings);
*also same "Jack f'ing pot!" Callout is there, so I'm happy:-) any new callouts i heard weren't crap.
Sparky magnet when in sparky MB seems to hold multiple balls more often when you've hit a sparky jackpot. Obvs due to the larger magnet core there now - wonder if one of the new modes involves getting like 4 balls on to that magnet and sparky launching them at you...

The revives on outlanes are great; especially during CIU modes. As with before, most drains come from outlanes, so these take the sting out of this a bit. Didn't feel like it made the game too easy.

Steel orbit post works as it should; no balls rolling back down the left after hitting it

Didn't like the look of the red cross drop targets aa much as the original, but obvs a small nitpick.
Noticed that the rising cross still pulses sometimes even when not ready to be raised, which i though cool (og doesn't do that iirc)

Scoop felt like a pain to hit/or ball would bounce out, although towards the end I had the shot a bit more dialled in and it felt less unfair (little room for error I guess), but same could be said for the og ver. I guess.

Didn't really get to experience and new modes outside of 72 seasons (which was fun, but i think i has it stacked with other stuff each time, so hard to comment in much detail)
Every time one of the new modes was lit at the scoop, I had a CIU mode lit, which thankfully outranked anything else)
Did all 4 mbs in one game, but don't think the new mode which that qualified is coded in yet (would'vetť added some nice variety

I stacked i think, coffin mb with sparky mb a few times and i think I had like 6 balls going (maybe that was with an add a ball on the go. Og obvs only has 4 balls)

Didn't really notice the skulls on the slings much; maybe in a darker room would appreciate them more.

GI seemed fine without an expression lighting system fitted - no doubt exp l kit will be great in a dark room.

Didn't bother logging in to Insider Connect, as wasn't planning on being there for long, but wished I had now, as would've ticked a load off, aa played for ages with free games etc.
I guess the fact that I have the og prem at home, found the remaster to be at the moment 95% the same, but still stayed and played for ages speakes volumes re; how fun the game is 👍🏻

Will update if I remember more stuff, but defo go and play it if you can get there.

For pinball clubs etc who don't already have some form of MET, or only have a pro, it's a no-brainer; get a Prem remaster in.
Will prob want to sell my og MET prem some day, and get a Premium Remaster (if the financials make sense), as I'm a mega fan, but at present without all the extra modes in place, I don't feel like I'm missing out too much.

Gutted I can't make the PBR tournament(s) this weekend, as would've loved som me of that Stern Metallica swag:-(


Oh, also got this Hetfield guitar in a trade the other day:-)
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I've also played the Metallica Prem in Funland.

It plays very similar to the original, but slightly faster somehow. The mechs are... fine.

I personally hate the artstyle of the new Metallica and it also has the weirdly cheap feel of modern Sterns. However, if you like the new artstyle, and love the original pin, it's a no brainer.

Playwise, it's noticeably better than most of the pins currently in Funland, which - given it's a remake - is a bit of a diss.
Nice 👍
Overall how does the gameplay feel in MB with 6 vs 4 balls OG.
Thought it was fine 👍🏻 I guess a bit more flaling (spelling) than usual, but i was still able to pick shots to the snake when necessary for add a ball and such.
Essentially when i was getting in to it and having a good game, it felt identical to the og version really.
One thing I forgot to mention, was the Metalics sign behind sparky; didn't realise it looked all sparkly in person; a little cheap. Didn't find myself referencing it during gameplay, but that's prob out of habit and would use it more if i remembered it was there. No doubt will look cool in the dark too.

Can't imagine anyone being didsapointed if they went from old to new 👍🏻
I've also played the Metallica Prem in Funland.

It plays very similar to the original, but slightly faster somehow. The mechs are... fine.

I personally hate the artstyle of the new Metallica and it also has the weirdly cheap feel of modern Sterns. However, if you like the new artstyle, and love the original pin, it's a no brainer.

Playwise, it's noticeably better than most of the pins currently in Funland, which - given it's a remake - is a bit of a diss.
Agree re; playing a bit faster, although i pit that down to just being a brand nee game with mew rubbers etc on (and the faster mb start ups - think snake might spot put the ball with less delay too, but can't remember)
I know what you mean re; that slightly cheap feeling of recent sterns, but I put that down to gling from a nice powdercoated lockdown bar, to that slightly naff feeling coating on standard lockdown bars. Certainly for me didn't feel cheep when playing; got right in to it and just felt the same really, but agree, most SAM games kind of have a bit of "weight" to them or something (could be purely psychological, but when I first walked up to the game and played, it felt a bit like playing a Spike 2 pro - feeling went away after a few games though. I guess going from a pimped og premium with most of the mods available installed, would make the new Prem feel slightly empty - in the dark and Certainly with the expression lighting kit, shaker and armour kit that'll likely be a different story)

Side note; not aiming to crap on x-men, but had a few games on the LE again at finland after and it felt so boring; nearly walked away. Not sure if it's still old code, but the main music outside of modes is really horrendous to my ears:-(
Once finished it might be a good game though.

Back to MET, I'm obvs biased, as I selfishly wouldn't like the SAM versions to plummet in market value (especially as I may want to sell and get remake someday), but I can imagine there being a market for those who might be happy to save a bit of money and get/keep a SAM model.
I know what you mean re; that slightly cheap feeling of recent sterns, but I put that down to gling from a nice powdercoated lockdown bar, to that slightly naff feeling coating on standard lockdown bars. Certainly for me didn't feel cheep when playing; got right in to it and just felt the same really, but agree, most SAM games kind of have a bit of "weight" to them or something (could be purely psychological, but when I first walked up to the game and played, it felt a bit like playing a Spike 2 pro - feeling went away after a few games though.
It felt sturdy enough to play, you're right. I don't know. I always feel it's the 'Henry Ford King Pin' effect...

There's a story about Henry Ford where he sent workers around scrapyards to see which components had failed on old Fords. The workers reported back that the king pins were always intact, so he said, "make them cheaper" because there's no point the king pin outlasting the car.

I always feel that modern Sterns have component quality pared down to the bone, so the ramps have metal that's 20% thinner and wireforms with wire 10% narrower in diameter, and the overall feel is cheaper somehow.

Side note; not aiming to crap on x-men, but had a few games on the LE again at finland after and it felt so boring; nearly walked away. Not sure if it's still old code, but the main music outside of modes is really horrendous to my ears:-(
I nearly walked off, as well. And the music reminded me of musak in a mid-priced business hotel...

I couldn't work out if the problem was that the code is unfinished, so none of the shots felt like they mattered. Or that there were so many shots, so little 'resistance' to the ball, and so much random unfocused clobber on the bottom part of the playfield that none of the shots mattered.

I guess we won't know until the code is finished. Bond 007 is a great pin now after a wonky start.

Once finished it might be a good game though.

Back to MET, I'm obvs biased, as I selfishly wouldn't like the SAM versions to plummet in market value (especially as I may want to sell and get remake someday), but I can imagine there being a market for those who might be happy to save a bit of money and get/keep a SAM model.
I'd definitely consider a SAM model. I really like the pin and the only thing that puts me off is the music!
Went back to funland today to play a bit more and pay a bit more attention to the details.
When I got there I could see that whoever EFC is (are they on here?) had filled up all the high scores again and got over 1.2 Billion👍🏻 (I'm asuming they got to EOTL) - hats off to EFC!
Managed to beat my previous Highscore and got my name back in 2nd HS.

Anyway, i think to revisit my "...felt slightly cheap" or whatever "felt like a Spike 2 pro" comments, I think I can kind of go back on those now. I think It's just a combination of the standard lockdown bar coating as I mentioned and I think that as standard, without art/mirror blades it looks a bit bare.
Feels as solid as ever to play though and the game never missed a beat.
Kept "earning" free credits and was playing for about 2.5 hrs! (No other pinball players were there, so wasn't hogging..) - again, I think I can't give a bigger endorsement of the game (and the original) than despite owning the original 3 times now, I still didn't get bored playing the remaster for over 2 hours. If you have one on the way, you are in for a treat.

Observations/thoughts from today:

Animations are growing on me (I sucked at the CIU modes today, but liked the animations- sparky/"chair guy" at the end of Battery looked creepy :-) )

Re; more balls during coffin multiball, I think I was wrong. Was I think I observed today, was it's still a 4 ball multiball, but if you say stack with Sparky MB, thrn it becomes a 6 ball (either that, or because of add a balls via the stack, but the former i think)

Looks like all MB start a bit faster, not just Sparky MB. Thout I wouldn't like it, but I don't mind it; keeps things rolling. Like both.

Will check on my og prem, incase I'm mistaken, but on the remake I like how at the start of Snake MB, the music now starts with the drum drum fill (i.e the last part of the drum fill before the main riff comes efc

Am liking having progress towards CIU modes at the top screen. Never really used instant info on the Og ver. But will start using that soon, as really handy.

Went back to funland today to play a bit more and pay a bit more attention to the details.
When I got there I could see that whoever EFC is (are they on here?) had filled up all the high scores again and got over 1.2 Billion👍🏻 (I'm asuming they got to EOTL) - hats off to EFC!
Managed to beat my previous Highscore and got my name back in 2nd HS.

Anyway, i think to revisit my "...felt slightly cheap" or whatever "felt like a Spike 2 pro" comments, I think I can kind of go back on those now. I think It's just a combination of the standard lockdown bar coating as I mentioned and I think that as standard, without art/mirror blades it looks a bit bare.
Feels as solid as ever to play though and the game never missed a beat.
Kept "earning" free credits and was playing for about 2.5 hrs! (No other pinball players were there, so wasn't hogging..) - again, I think I can't give a bigger endorsement of the game (and the original) than despite owning the original 3 times now, I still didn't get bored playing the remaster for over 2 hours. If you have one on the way, you are in for a treat.

Observations/thoughts from today:

Animations are growing on me (I sucked at the CIU modes today, but liked the animations- sparky/"chair guy" at the end of Battery looked creepy :-) )

Re; more balls during coffin multiball, I think I was wrong. Was I think I observed today, was it's still a 4 ball multiball, but if you say stack with Sparky MB, thrn it becomes a 6 ball (either that, or because of add a balls via the stack, but the former i think)

Looks like all MB start a bit faster, not just Sparky MB. Thout I wouldn't like it, but I don't mind it; keeps things rolling. Like both.

Will check on my og prem, incase I'm mistaken, but on the remake I like how at the start of Snake MB, the music now starts with the drum drum fill (i.e the last part of the drum fill before the main riff comes efc

Am liking having progress towards CIU modes at the top screen. Never really used instant info on the Og ver. But will start using that soon, as really handy.

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EFC is Dan Pocklington, not sure if he’s on the forum but he’s an excellent player
Kept "earning" free credits and was playing for about 2.5 hrs! (No other pinball players were there, so wasn't hogging..) - again, I think I can't give a bigger endorsement of the game (and the original) than despite owning the original 3 times now, I still didn't get bored playing the remaster for over 2 hours. If you have one on the way, you are in for a treat.

Yeah, it's a compelling pin. A total classic 😍
Played it for an hour today, and playing the original a lot at home (which I bought just before xmas). Very similar but new one much faster as set up in Funland.

I like the lighting and aesthetics are very nice, however the big screen is worse for me, as I love the cartoon animations on the original and not a fan of seeing groups that are now old men
Doing their old hits. ( I own guns and roses and don’t like the footage on that either ). Rest of game is cool and sure it will be a big hit
Anyone received their Met LE yet? (Non air freight)
Yes I’ve got the Le 🤩 ❤️

Better than I ever imagined by a country mile coming from an original premium which I loved it’s a vast step up.

A fag packet review:

What’s Hot
Best looking pin in my lineup and I have some beautiful pins.
UV and expression system make it concert in a box. ( a must have )
Best ever use of LCD and tasteful to the original.
Only 9.95 code but some great updates with adrenaline pumping wiz modes.

What’s Not
light blue trim on backbox! Er WTF
Mat Black armour with cheap looking skelly arms which should have been laser cut and sparkly IMO
Few issues with flippers and auto shooter too strong but tweaking these with coil power and PF angle.

9.5/10 but would have gave it 10/10 with above addressed.
Caveat - I love the layout and Lyman is the GOAT for code which has been tastefully tweaked thx to love Borg annd the crew ahave put into the remake.
This is coming from a non Met fanboy who discovered their music through pinball.
OMG how stupid am I.
In my defence I blame @Sutol for pointing it out and my foggy eyes for not noticing.
Big Thanks for “the deleted member” for taking the **** and pointing it out.
I almost bought some 😂

View attachment 270873
Lolz 😆. Come to think of it, I've always thought your plastic protectors were always very cloudy, I wonder if...🤔
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