I feel like we’ve not watched the same video - there doesn’t seem to be any speed to it at all and I’m not really seeing AIQ in it either. It all looked very controllable with lots of stops for decisions (as you might expect in an RPG game).I really like the theme. We play a lot of D&D-adjacent board games, and this looks like the pinball version of the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game. It also looks like it plays similarly to Venom, which I enjoy shooting - just not the mess of a ruleset.
I can definitely see it working and being super-cool if you like that sort of thing, but I can also see it being hellish for casual players due to the combination of an A:IQ-esque ruleset and the Venom-esque (and John Wick) speed.
Looking forward to playing!
I can see this ending up being a slow player with loads of mini modes more akin to the Hobbit, over something properly fast like John Wick