Also Venom needs an option to not start the boss battles if you're the right level imo, give you the option to continue to just level without fighting the bosses and losing your grid progress.
I might be misunderstanding your point here, but once you have completed three mini modes and qualified a boss battle on the centre ramp you can shoot the left ramp to go back to character select instead and continue levelling / completing the grid.
Thinking on it, absolute best version of one shot pinball I have played, actually, is Batman 66 - and the features the side villains get, the tournament strategy is mr freeze and… mad hatter? I forget without being in front of the game, but essentially it saves villain progression across balls and freezes timers which can rack up serious points.
I know I’m in the minority here but I owned B66 for a while and didn’t really enjoy it, and it was almost entirely down to the Mr Freeze / Bookworm stack. If I didn’t qualify both in ball one then I’d just restart the game over and over until I did. Felt like it was the only way worth playing and I quickly got bored.