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X Men - and apparently people like it. (and me too now :))

Also, recent life events and anniversaries of other difficult times have taught me, get whatever makes you happy! If you don't like it later , or it doesnt pan out how you thought you can always get rid and get something else. Life is too short to be missing out on stuff that will bring you enjoyment, or worrying about flipper gap, hard rock music scores, short ball times, or can i make this ramp/shot, what is this target for?!

I actually think if you haven't played gold wings much or maybe starship troopers, you might have a hard time to start with to get used to the off centre layout and tracking both areas during mb events etc. I definitely saw some stern guys struggle with this lol...

sorry for the 'deep' post so early...
Also, recent life events and anniversaries of other difficult times have taught me, get whatever makes you happy! If you don't like it later , or it doesnt pan out how you thought you can always get rid and get something else. Life is too short to be missing out on stuff that will bring you enjoyment, or worrying about flipper gap, hard rock music scores, short ball times, or can i make this ramp/shot, what is this target for?!
Agree and thought something similar when I ordered X-Men. Too easy to focus on the negatives, especially the cost but pinball makes me smile so I went for it!
I don't get why they wait till after work to promote their latest product. The graphics are all static and the spelt Sabretooth wrong.
The graphics are poor, the music is even worse and the voice actors especially Gambit make you want to rip your own ears off, at the very least they need to fix Gambit!

Shots look brilliant though especially when they began finding them and getting some flow going. Excited to see Avatar today.
I eagerly awaited the stream with a beer in hand. I lasted 20 minutes before I fell asleep so I missed most of it.

One thing I noticed is that some of the animation looked really cool like Foo Fighters, and I thought some bits were a bit pants like Avengers.

Love the music. I expect to hear more as the code progresses. Same Pantera Anthrax dude that did Venom.

Going to go and have breakfast. Then I'll clock on to work and watch it in the background to see what I missed.
Really reminded my of AIQ which I hate. The bonus and screen text look exactly the same.

Looking forward to playing it though.
To recap my comments above. I am disappointed. Stern needs to put more into launching these i.e. not have it as an afterthought where they have to wait. Move it forwards to lunch time so the rest of the world has a chance of watching it live.
The screen is lacklustre, the music is err, terrible, the modes are dull. Layout is great, art is great. So it appears that the coding is way behind (and will improve). But this is your shop window, do better. JJP breathes sigh of relief.
Look at Foo, Bond, Venom, bm66 at launch versus now. I imagine half the stuff isn't in the game.

I agree it is ridiculous if you're a buyer you have to make that gamble, but I'm assuming loads is coming.
Listening to it again and they made Gambit sound so weird- the others seem like variable quality attempts of the cartoon voices but Gambit is out there.

If you arent a fan of the show that wouldnt matter to you I guess, but it sucks big time. Also I knew it going in, but this would be so much better with the cartoon in it.
To recap my comments above. I am disappointed. Stern needs to put more into launching these i.e. not have it as an afterthought where they have to wait. Move it forwards to lunch time so the rest of the world has a chance of watching it live.
The screen is lacklustre, the music is err, terrible, the modes are dull. Layout is great, art is great. So it appears that the coding is way behind (and will improve). But this is your shop window, do better. JJP breathes sigh of relief.
I was amazed by how poorly they were playing! Jack Danger even apologised a couple of times, making the excuse that it was due to the costumes.

It was almost as though they'd walked up cold to the pin in a bar. They could have at least have had a few practice games before starting to live stream!
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To recap my comments above. I am disappointed. Stern needs to put more into launching these i.e. not have it as an afterthought where they have to wait. Move it forwards to lunch time so the rest of the world has a chance of watching it live.
The screen is lacklustre, the music is err, terrible, the modes are dull. Layout is great, art is great. So it appears that the coding is way behind (and will improve). But this is your shop window, do better. JJP breathes sigh of relief.
They are an American company and their biggest market is the US, so why would they move it?!??? So you don’t have to stay up late 😂
It is stupid them playing in costumes. We're not 7 years old.
They were trying to make it look 'fun'. Like 'we're all friends outside of work and we hang about all the time playing pinball. WOOT!'

Which would've worked better if they hadn't kept draining (and laughing about it).
Not expecting their employees to stay past knocking off time to sell their product is the point I'm making.
And the point I am making is they are trying to catch US fans when they are not at work. Some people have real jobs and cannot sit there watching YouTube while at work, so their evening time makes sense.

Plus, they are hardly ‘working’, they are playing pinball in fancy dress!
Pinball is meant to be fun, they are just having a laugh, whilst playing a game.
I didn't think the point of the stream was to watch people 'having a laugh'. I thought it was to show off the game which is hard to do if you're wearing a mask and can't see the playfield. The gameplay was not great (apart from Nick) so it makes me think this is just a brutal game and therefore not fun. Just my opinion of course. Other than that, it looks great.
Most people do lots of overtime time unpaid. I do. That's the nature of work and progression.
I'm self-employed and, if it's not a standard-length project, I often charge by the hour.

The only time I pretend to have fun without being paid is if I'm networking for new business, which I haven't done for a while because I'm pretty specialist and get a lot of work word-of-mouth now.
I'm not liking seeing the word brutal pop up after you guys watched the stream. As a more casual player I prefer the titles with the more accessible code and intuitive play. Everyone calling GnR a multiball fest sounds good to me for example and others commenting that CCr was shallow was also a possible positive for me.
I'm not liking seeing the word brutal pop up after you guys watched the stream. As a more casual player I prefer the titles with the more accessible code and intuitive play. Everyone calling GnR a multiball fest sounds good to me for example and others commenting that CCr was shallow was also a possible positive for me.
For me, who's not an amazing player, I find games like Venom and John Wick are a knife-fight in a phone booth. Lots of hard nudging, bricked shots and so on. Very much the experience that Jack Danger and colleagues seemed to be having on UXM.

If you're looking for an easier ruleset, but tougher gameplay, then you can't go wrong with some of the classic 90s Bally-Williams titles, such as AFM or Fish Tales.

You could even consider an 80s classic, such as Dolly Parton, Meteor, Quicksilver or Harlem Globetrotters. These pins keep on being played for a really good reason - they're simple to learn, but remain fun to shoot at a variety of skill levels.

If you want something NIB that's 'gentler' to play with decent theme integration, I'd suggest looking at Deadpool, yeah CCr, and Elvira HOH :)

GnR, set up correctly, isn't especially *fun* for more casual players because you've got to work for the multiballs. You can spend a lot of time 'wood chopping' the spinner, lanes, etc. before the game gets interesting and, if you're not good enough, that's pretty much all that you do.
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