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X Men - and apparently people like it. (and me too now :))

Hi Kev,
The shot to the right of sentinel's head is perfect. The one that suffers a bit is the one to the left of sentinel, where with the left flipper, needs to have enough strength. From the right flipper is fine and fast.
Oh the left side is fine on mine, I have looped it about 10 times in a row. Yes it fails if I don't hit it right but I'd say it's without doubt the easiest shot to hit on mine, the complete opposite of the right. Not sure it's makeable from the left flipper though. I've actually dialed back the flipper power on both flippers, had balls flying off wireforms all over the place.
X-Men has arrived at Tilt

Only managed a handful of games without reading the rules but think I get the gist of it.

Code is early but has massive potential

JD has done an amazing job on the layout, honestly gives me Elwin vibes... It's fast, furious, fun and seriously refreshing.

If everything comes together I think it maybe in the same league as Godzilla and JP2

It can be brutal but I like it
I think they need to get someone in to help Waison out with the code, he does not have a glowing history when it comes to code.
Anyone knows how the red light on lock down bar works?
It says Bishop award if you hold it down but I never see what it gives of how, if anything, but the animation is there.
As you hold the button down the shot it will affect roams across the playfield from left to right so you can select which shot Bishop will complete for you when you let the button go. I think that's right.
Didn't realise he is seen as a possible liability.

What other games has he coded?
I believe he led on WWE and JP Home, so his resume is not the most inspiring, he needs a good lead coder with a strong vision that can team up with Jack to utilise every inch of the playfield.
Anyone have a look at there’s for me please

Dont know if its just the angle of the photos but the LED PCB on yours looks to be at a completely different angle from Kevs when comparing to the board above it, no idea if that would mean its not in the right spot to shine through the insert or not.
How’s everyone getting on with combos? I’m loving it, almost managed a 4 way. 3 way is best so far
Reminds me alot of deadpool, which is great, especially the cross over ramp shot. Shots all feel smooth on my game and i can combo things quite often. Really neat layout with loads of unusual shots and linked ramp shots. Gonna be a great game to see the development on.

Not sure what the autolaunch issue is supposed to be, my launch seems fine to me?? Being a gold wings owner for 20 + years certainly helps with the danger zone area to ...

Only issue i had was the left flipper switch was not adjusted to be over the button, so no left flippers out of the box!! classic stern.. easily sorted though..
Reminds me alot of deadpool, which is great, especially the cross over ramp shot. Shots all feel smooth on my game and i can combo things quite often. Really neat layout with loads of unusual shots and linked ramp shots. Gonna be a great game to see the development on.

Not sure what the autolaunch issue is supposed to be, my launch seems fine to me?? Being a gold wings owner for 20 + years certainly helps with the danger zone area to ...

Only issue i had was the left flipper switch was not adjusted to be over the button, so no left flippers out of the box!! classic stern.. easily sorted though..

Launch issues a plenty on mine. Auto is probably 20%, manual maybe 60%. I've played with the auto launcher prongs, not much else you can do there. I've messed around with the position of the manual plunger, also tried a different spring. I've also played around with the guide at the top of the shooter lane. You're lucky yours works fine, just read the pinside thread to see how widespread shooter lane issues are. Stern supposedly releasing a fix kit this month.
Set my pro up early this morning and played a few games. I’m still finding the shots and think it’ll take me longer than usual on a new game to be accurate but it’s very satisfying when you get combos going. Danger room obviously gives it something different.

Code is fairly basic but fine for this early on, hoping it develops to be just as enjoyable as the layout. Doesn’t need to be super deep for me, just engaging with some fun moments. I’ll definitely be needing the service kit for the auto plunger as it rarely makes it all the way round atm.

Lots of potential!
Launch issues a plenty on mine. Auto is probably 20%, manual maybe 60%. I've played with the auto launcher prongs, not much else you can do there. I've messed around with the position of the manual plunger, also tried a different spring. I've also played around with the guide at the top of the shooter lane. You're lucky yours works fine, just read the pinside thread to see how widespread shooter lane issues are. Stern supposedly releasing a fix kit this month.
Was just wondering what the issue was is all as i dont see it here. I'm not going on pinside to read 500 pages lol
Love the terminator 2 homage stuff in the bonus screen, lots of little easter eggs in there, 'power re-route failed' lol
I know no 2 Pins are identical, and they won't have exacting standards like a Swiss watch when putting them together, but it's odd that some machines have issues and some don't. All holes should be drilled in the same place, so all mechs/parts should be in the same place also?
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