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The "How much is this table worth" thread....


Nugent uses the same software as an earlier Stern game, Lectronamo, and both were designed by Mike Kubin, also known for Trident and Seawitch.

I suspect that re-use of software is due to poor sales of the earlier game, leaving too many otherwise unusable Rom chips left over. The thing I recall from playing this is the upper flipper being placed in the wooden rail of the shooter lane, making a quick-reaction (or simply random) feature of allowing the ball to return to the plunger, rather than having a 'free ball' gate.

An oddity on the tech side is one of the triple drop target banks; in the original Lectronamo, it had five targets, so for Nugent the bank has the two outer targets fitted with double switches, resulting in them scoring double. There was even a service bulletin issued to clarify the wiring connections of the target bank switches.

Regarding the rarity of this game; One of the large operators around here had one, and I recall another having one stacked in their workshop years later (probably not the same one). I think the last time I saw one in use, nominally anyway, was on Weston Grand Pier in the late 80's; the arcades in town had the likes of F-14, Monte Carlo, etc, while the pier offered oldies like this and funnily enough its predecessor Lectronamo, the only time I ever saw that.
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Condition of backglass and playfield like any older game but tidy and working must be worth a grand
Only ever had a scrap one. Very rare in UK as theme would have been very "meh" in this country way back then.
I’ll get the details for you. I think it’s in an antique store.

If it had his music on it I’d probably be interested but I don’t really do old games.

Isn’t there a story about how he tried to buy and destroy all of the games as he hated them?
Personally i think if your in the 5s for either of them pins you’ve paid too much. My opinion is twd pro 4250 and bksor pro 4250-4500. Add 400 to twd if It has a shaker and colourdmd.

The for sale thread on here is a sea of red. Generally because people still think their pins are worth more than they actually are. Others will say no it’s because of the economy and people have less money to spend. This may be true up to a certain extent but there is a lot of pins moving around in the background at reasonable prices. I’ve bought 3 in the past 6 weeks with only 1 being from here. Generally people in this hobby have disposable income as we all have big toys in our houses worth more than some cars.
If everyone and the key is everyone took 20% off what they hope something is worth the market would move again like it did in 2017/18. You’d let stuff go to try something else because you knew within a short space of time something you fancied for a reasonable price would pop up in the near future. So many of my early pins (around 15 in my first 18 month) were sold for what I paid for them or a couple hundred loss). This won’t happen though for a number of reasons
Do you mean people are getting those Pins for those prices off the forum?
Absolutely not, people can't be bothered with the price flaming on the forum so do it off it. My last deal was done off grid. Otherwise I would have had a handful of very vocal people going on it's not worth X I bought pins in 2005 for £500.

That's not to say some pins advertised are overpriced.

Some definitely are personally the days of buying a NiTB and then selling for a couple of hundred quid less are long gone
I paid 4250 for my twd, added a shaker and a few bits to it and it will be sold at some point for what I have in it. I’ll let it go to upgrade to the prem when that person is ready to move it on - we’ve already spoken that I want it when he’s ready and it will be for a fair amount.
The last couple of bksor on here have been sub 5k and prices as a whole have come down since then so good luck to anyone willing to pay 5.5-6k for one now
Wasn’t the Black Knight that sold “cheaply” then subject to VAT as had to be imported from Ireland?

No doubt prices have been sliding downwards though. Lots of stuff seems to be sticking around in the sales forum. A very different scenario compared to 3 years ago.
Wasn’t the Black Knight that sold “cheaply” then subject to VAT as had to be imported from Ireland?

No doubt prices have been sliding downwards though. Lots of stuff seems to be sticking around in the sales forum. A very different scenario compared to 3 years ago.
It was going from northern Ireland iirc
Wasn’t the Black Knight that sold “cheaply” then subject to VAT as had to be imported from Ireland?

No doubt prices have been sliding downwards though. Lots of stuff seems to be sticking around in the sales forum. A very different scenario compared to 3 years ago.
Yes it came from Ireland and if going to the UK should have been + 20%

Whilst prices have come down and in many instances should have Personally alot of the non sales are due to spare money no longer being available. 3 years ago everyone was stuck at home, no holidays, no eating out, no pubs = spare cash
I suspect a lot of people are hurting financially. Coming off a fixed rate mortgage is probably the equivalent to buying a pin a year. If you’re paying school fees that’s another pin gone with last weeks hike. Food, insurance etc all up

I’m amazed at how busy pubs/restaurants still are. I think a lot of people are in denial about their finances. Lots of people living off equity in property and/or cards.

Weirdly there’s a trend round here of people in their late 20s/very early 30s with young kids buying million pound properties and instantly carrying out major renovations. Presumably it’s being done on inheritance money as it’s hard to see what jobs would be paying them enough to fund it themselves.
I suspect a lot of people are hurting financially. Coming off a fixed rate mortgage is probably the equivalent to buying a pin a year. If you’re paying school fees that’s another pin gone with last weeks hike. Food, insurance etc all up

I’m amazed at how busy pubs/restaurants still are. I think a lot of people are in denial about their finances. Lots of people living off equity in property and/or cards.

Weirdly there’s a trend round here of people in their late 20s/very early 30s with young kids buying million pound properties and instantly carrying out major renovations. Presumably it’s being done on inheritance money as it’s hard to see what jobs would be paying them enough to fund it themselves.
Totally agree
Constantly surprised about the amount of debt some people are comfortable taking on, but people in their 30s will have only ever known historically low interest rates, every time I have re fixed my mortgage its got cheaper 😮 that's led to a false sense of security.

In some industries its definitely possible to be earning 100k+ by 30 tho, there's still money out there, just hugely unbalanced.
Or a lot of people have paid their mortgages off and have a high level of disposable income now? Most people who went to uni and are pushing mid-30’s I know are hitting £100k or have been on £100k a year for a bit. Most are finishing up their mortgages now too.
Or a lot of people have paid their mortgages off and have a high level of disposable income now? Most people who went to uni and are pushing mid-30’s I know are hitting £100k or have been on £100k a year for a bit. Most are finishing up their mortgages now too.
It's a small number of people, most normal people will never see that amount. If you earn that your social circle tends to be similar so you start to think it's normal.
It's a small number of people, most normal people will never see that amount. If you earn that your social circle tends to be similar so you start to think it's normal.

Perhaps, but I’m thinking of my closest five friends from uni, all studied different things (Politics and Economics, Pharma, Chemistry etc.,) at a non red-brick institution and all working class family backgrounds. Didn’t know each other before uni, from all over the country.

I don’t know specifics of people on the fringe of our friendship group, but am pretty sure it’s similar judging by job title etc.,
Money is so subjective depending on who you hang around with.

Just over 10 years ago one of my oldest friends from school moved into a house in Islington. Nothing that special to look at, a bog standard terrace.

He mentioned it was a bit of a compromise property and he really wanted to live two streets over but couldn’t afford it.

I was earning about 30k at the time. He was on 750k + 😱.

I still can’t quite get my head around someone being paid that much. I could buy loads of things with my first pay cheque but God knows what I’d do with it after month two…..

I met him for drinks one night and he turned up in casual clothing as his firm had got all the partners to do a “community day” and spend 6 hours pulling weeds in a local estate.

He wasn’t very amenable to a suggestion that rather than playing at being a gardener for a day they could instead sacrifice a days salary each and then they could employ a team of people for a year.
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