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Stern Ghostbusters

Sorry my mistake I just checked the email from Phil, he said they would be available for 2 years !
So this really makes me think if I should send the deposit in, I grew up with this film and would love the experience of a nice new pin out the box......
You only live once although MAYBE get to play one first. unless you want an LE/PREM I think availability wont be an issue
Nearly everyone who played it at the Texas show said it basically kicked ass.......in a good way:)

Already showing signs that could be best selling Stern ever, well of recent years as it will need to go some to overtake LOTR.
Walking Dead was Meh at best on release. Didn't really come alive until 9 months after release. Now it's a ****ing awesome game. Ironically I kind of like that it hasn't got show call outs etc as can you imagine how dated it would be as soon as characters get killed off. It reminds me more of the comics than the tv show
Walking Dead was Meh at best on release. Didn't really come alive until 9 months after release. Now it's a ****ing awesome game. Ironically I kind of like that it hasn't got show call outs etc as can you imagine how dated it would be as soon as characters get killed off. It reminds me more of the comics than the tv show
Never watched the show. It's just a survive zombies attacking you game. One of the very best games made for sure.
Very tempted to pick one up in the future.

Would like to see how they implement the magnet slingshots into the game on the premium first.

Could make this a bit special if they can pull off some good tricks like passing the ball between the slingshots and dropping the ball onto the flipper.

Love the whole look of the game too, not sure about the bright green LE though. Shame about the Bill and Dan faces, only thing I don't like about the artwork.
Do we have any more info on a release date yet ?
How much packaging is on a new pin ? If I can just about get the back box through the doors with 1" each side will I have remove all the packaging to get it in the house ?
Just want to find out if I need to have somebody here on the delivery day to help with all this.
Many Thanks
WTF is that topper? Stern excelled themselves with the KISS topper. TWD was good but I was really surprised that it didn't go all the way across the backbox. I really wasn't impressed with the GOT one for the money.

This one. Serious Blue Peter style ****ness. Surely I can't be the only one who thinks it looks dreadful. Who the **** is going to pay $400-$500 for it:eek: I honestly thought it was a **** take at first. If it was included in the NIB price then it would be a bit more forgivable but when you have to pay extra to get it you really do want something better than this. It's police force or LAH with a bit more crap plastic moulding and a huge price tag.
I contacted Phil and put myself down for a Premium too, the game looks fantastic.

My only real problem now is space, I went heavily back into arcade/videogame stuff in the last few years, and the part of my house the pins were in is full of metal racks stuffed with games. They're going to have to go. It's a perfect spot too, concrete floor extension on the end of the lounge and excatly the right width for 3 games with an air gap. I've got a TWD Premium on order too so the only real question is which of the old games I'm finally pulling out of the garage and fixing/restoring gets to stay.
Just made the last payment to phill also added a shaker motor, I have also been working on a topper ideas this is one with colour changing LEDs plus I have a small ecto car but not sure on that yet


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