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Stern Ghostbusters

So stern are saying that there is a colour LCD screen on the ray goggles ramp on the prem and the LE, so kinda like the crystal ball on woz I would assume

Damn that could be really sweet maybe like RFM kinda thing going on there :)
This may have scuppered the pro order
Happy with the pro tbh, unless missing modes like tron. 2d instead of 3d library and storage (retro fit) and a ramp that delivers to a different place and no tiny lcd gimmick. Looks great, cant wait to see one in action...
Happy with the pro tbh, unless missing modes like tron. 2d instead of 3d library and storage (retro fit) and a ramp that delivers to a different place and no tiny lcd gimmick. Looks great, cant wait to see one in action...

I suspect there'll be third party mods that look better than the first party ones anyway, and Pro cabinet art looks almost as good as Premium imo. If as you say the ramp is the only substantive difference between Pro and Premium, the Premium absolutely won't be worth another £1600 in UK.

Pricing's out on PH site, and with various EU retailers. Pretty much the same as GoT.
Ghostbusters is the first Stern machine that has caught my attention and making me think about spending serious cash on a new pin which I have never done before, prefer the art on the premium and pro to the LE, some more head scratching to do and to find the cash and the space.
Scotty, I fear that this is the only practical way to move forward on this matter. Your local pin-buddies are all behind you (well with you once it arrives) :D
All sorted I ordered the pro though, thought it would be less pins to sell that way! The price Star Wars de are on eBay prob could just undercut them and sell my nice one!
Less solenoids = less to go wrong :) Also chealer running costs (no sling rebuilds..)

As long as they fuse the magnets tho........

If they offer separate strength settings for flipper coils and (magnetic) slingshots it would be nice ...
More power in = More power out. Simples!

The only problem would be accuracy - with slings you can usually work out where a ball will head once it's hit - would this be the same for a magnet? Only playing with the hardware will answer this :)
The most recent Coast 2 Coast podcast has an interview with Jody from Stern where they discuss the magnetic slingshots. Apparently they can do some cool tricks with them - bounce the ball repeatedly against one sling, controlled bounces between the slings, and firing the ball up the playfield were all mentioned. Guess we'll have to wait and see how they turn out, but at least it sounds like Stern are trying to do something interesting with the idea as opposed to just replacing a coil with a magnet.
looking good. have a feeling though when stern switch to LCD any dot matrix game will automatically look dated. doesn't mean the games are any better but think of how "old" funhouse looked when T2 came out less than a year later. maybe GB will have an LCD upgrade. PRO looks loaded enough and cab looks the better version. LE toys should be fun to try.
I don't think there will be any upgrades. Perhaps future vault editions that they plan to do very large runs of. There may be ColorDMD (and other) support eventually ... I just hope there's no red sludge dot-ised film clips in the game - GoT & KISS are absolutely ghastly in this respect.

But re your main point about datedness, that's kind of how I feel generally about Stern when compared to JJP, DP, Heighway or even Spooky now. Eventually used Stern prices are going to slide heavily.
I for one don't really care about the display. As long as I can see my score and I know what I am supposed to be doing then who cares? I don't need a 20 minute movie scene everytime I lock a ball.

I don't think it will have any effect on games values in later years. A good game is a good game. It's not like you can pick up a Donkey Kong cab for 50p just because the graphics are ****e and modern arcade games are so much better looking.

And pinball is retro after all. I love Funhouse, Whirlwind, Bride etc. Would those games really be better with a DMD? Would TAF really be better with a huge LCD display churning out film clips every 5 seconds. Probably not.

I'm not saying a nice colour display wouldn't be nice. I just don't think it's a big deal really. :suspect:
Love the Ghostbusters films and think that Zombie Yeti did a great job on the artwork - very bright and detailed which is what I love from a pin.
All sorted I ordered the pro though, thought it would be less pins to sell that way! The price Star Wars de are on eBay prob could just undercut them and sell my nice one!
Hi Scotty, i am interested in your SW if you want to sell it, i'm ready to buy, drop me contact details if you are interested.
Nice one got it :)

Lost the will to live now , just saved myself 6k....... NEXT :clap:
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