hello john sorry ive been away for a while plus doing stuff at dingles too just made a workshop for myself aswell so its been very busy there getting things organised i have just made myself a website with lots of information on the arcade that is within the museum you can find it here http://percivalsretroamusements.weebly.com/ your more than welcome to come and visit me i am there thursdays saturdays and sundays i have got a pinball machine that needs looking at, i am not that good with pinball machines at all so yer if you want to come down and have a nosey your more than welcome toHi Classic Gambler
Good news! I'm near Dingles Fairground Heritage and will certainly come over and play some games - I love EM's. What have you got? The Dingles web site doesn't give much detail.
I own 2 EMs and am slowly learning to fix them up and keep them running. I am no expert, about 8 months experience, but if you want a second pair of eyes on a broken pin then I'm nearby, retired (plenty of time) and enthusiastic.
Message me if interested in meeting over at Dingles.
Hi All
Thought I'd post to say hello.
what about 19-20 April, busy? there's a major show going on over Easter weekend on the South coast
Hi I'm Aaron, 28 from Kent. I can remember playing a couple of pins when I was a kid in the 90s when they were more common in the wild, but until recently only really played old video pinball (MS Pinball Arcade, Balls of Steel, True Pinball on Sega Saturn.) Growing up in the 90s I can remember playing Sega Rally and other video games in the arcades and on console at home so looked to see how much they went for on eBay etc. This led to me "discovering" pinball again and so I bought the Pinball Arcade when it was released on Steam and become addicted really quickly. After looking for a few months I decided to take the plunge and buy my first real machine about a month ago, a TZ in really nice condition.
Although the machine was in great condition I'm at bit of a perfectionist and luckily pretty handy/technically inclined, so ended up stripping it down and cleaning every part individually, replacing all rubbers and lamps with LEDs etc. I'm really enjoying playing my TZ but know I wont be able to stop at one table now as I've caught the bug. Hopefully looking to buy a STTNG, WH2O, Taxi or T2 in the near future for the right money after enjoying playing them on TPA.
I'm looking to go to the Slam on Sunday 20th and really looking forward to playing some more tables for real. Would love to come on Saturday 19th too but unfortunately have a wedding to go to.Hopefully will get to meet some of you guys there and put names to faces.
hi,john here from sheffield,been into pinballs for for the last few years & currently own a cftbl & a whirlwind,also sell a few plastics,mainly slingshots both new & used that i've collected over the years.Attention all new members ....and not so new lurkers
Why not take a minute to introduce yrself to the fellow pinheads on the forum - you know the usual stuff, what pins do you own/enjoy playing/want to own, where in the country are you etc ....
And welcome, good to have you in the Pinballinfo ranks soldiers !
Sgt GrizZ
hi,john here from sheffield,been into pinballs for for the last few years & currently own a cftbl & a whirlwind,also sell a few plastics,mainly slingshots both new & used that i've collected over the years.
favourite machines are mainly from the 90s & although i love the artwork on some of the old EMs i've never really enjoyed playing any of them!
FYI, Its Stafford ENGLAND!
God knows what Ive done but its saying my country is Germany???
Im sat in my office lol
I'll do just that!
I was wondering if evilbay was a good reflection/guide to price.
I know in relation to arcade cabs evilbay is massivly inflated.
There is a very nice Grand Slam on ebay at the moment.... that Ive just been outbid on :-(