i blame the code guy for the debacle that WOZ has become. he had so much time to make it perfect when the parts were all ready, what has he been doing? sitting at home ****ing?
Got to be a better option than doing this in the office!
i blame the code guy for the debacle that WOZ has become. he had so much time to make it perfect when the parts were all ready, what has he been doing? sitting at home ****ing?
Hi Jon,
given you follow all things WOZ have the shipped games actually got finished code in them? Tried looking at the the stuff on Pinside and lost the will to live after page 2. Do you know what changes have been made? I'm assuming that all the switches, multiball etc now work fully. Any other major differences between the "real" machines and the ones doing the rounds in the UK?
How far down the shipping list are you? Got to be itching to get your hands on it now. :thumb:
Is this an initial slow period of building and checking or are they now in full production mode?
Hi Jon,
given you follow all things WOZ have the shipped games actually got finished code in them? Tried looking at the the stuff on Pinside and lost the will to live after page 2. Do you know what changes have been made? I'm assuming that all the switches, multiball etc now work fully. Any other major differences between the "real" machines and the ones doing the rounds in the UK?
How far down the shipping list are you? Got to be itching to get your hands on it now. :thumb:
Is this an initial slow period of building and checking or are they now in full production mode?
The machines currently in the UK have prototype board sets, they weren't reliable and iirc haven't been updated to v1.0
The code currently out is a work in progress. V1.0 was the bare minimum they were willing to put out as a playable game. They still have 3 software guys working on this full time. 1 being the guy behind TZ and another behind TSPP/LOTR. Code is the least of my worries
I ordered in September 2011, I expect a container to the UK in the next 12 weeks or less. That's fine by my as another 12 weeks of code will only make this a better game.
The machine will be in a better place to be judged at the summer shows imo.
Games are currently going out 10-15 a week. They plan on getting this to 10-15 a day at full steam ahead. There are around 500 games worth of parts ready and waiting once the board sets arrive
Compare Metallica LE to TRS. The pinball world has a lot to thank JJP for
i just watched John Trudeau on youtube talking about heighway pinball. i can't be sure, but i think he was talking about FT (FT? really, again?) when he said it was all done bar the programming
go go Andy!
Team Heighway!
There's about 20 out so far with more each week. Even Stern had to start somewhere. Would Stern have released the types of game they are atm were it not for JJP? Or would we still be playing BBH and TRS plastic filled turds?Gary Stern was asked about JJP in a Chicago news paper. His answer
We are the only manufacturer of pinball machines in the world. One of our former distributors decided he should make pinball machines. He’s made some samples; it’s taken him two and a half years. I’m not gonna tell you my opinion. He says he’s gonna ship one day. He has taken payment for a number of the games as much as two years ago, and he has yet to fill more than half a dozen orders. Is that a competitor? In order to be a competitor, you have to manufacture pinball machines.
Full article here
Fairly standard stuff apart from the JJP bit
Has anyone seen anything of the forbidden planet machine he was speaking about?
Better asking on the Yahoo group as most of the guys involved are on there and not here.Has anyone seen anything of the forbidden planet machine he was speaking about?
Would Stern have released the types of game they are atm were it not for JJP? Or would we still be playing BBH and TRS plastic filled turds?
So, do we still get the unboxing invite Jon? Would really like to play this thing regardless what most think.
bids so far -
Apr 20 Gaz
Apr 25 Matt
May 4 IDchappy
May 7 Ronsplooter
May 12 Paul
May 24 Replay
May 31 Big Ian
June 7 cooldan
July 4 JohnW
Aug 1 MarkP8
Aug 15 Calimori