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No matter. Just looked back now and I am well out of it, I said May 19th.
Good luck to all those who are still in the running.
Gives you a good insight into the how much effort wen into the machine. Most of the parts were ground up builds which must have taken an age to design, fabricate and test
Wasnt keen of the WOZ theme, but with so much new tech its looking good for future releases :)

Assuming the image doesn't go......

Not an coupling that would immediately spring to mind but I'm guessing a decent celebrity endorsement here.....
Slash is becoming a bit of a Pinball Whore, I have seen him stand next to so many pinball machines I would not be too surprised if he wasn't lurking in one of our houses/Shacks.
First batch of LEs being shipped next week apparently, but not all of them. Only 9 ordered from what I heard so you would think they would just push the boat out and stick all 9 in the same container. Getting seriously jaded with the waiting now and if I'm not in this batch it's going to be a lot longer :(
First batch of LEs being shipped next week apparently, but not all of them. Only 9 ordered from what I heard so you would think they would just push the boat out and stick all 9 in the same container. Getting seriously jaded with the waiting now and if I'm not in this batch it's going to be a lot longer :(

thats just taking the P*ss.... :( I'd be well hacked off - Couldn't they tell you if one of them was yours (or alternatively the Distrib you are buying off..)
I know. September 2011 I ordered. The irony being I had decided months earlier I wanted a Woz but decided to wait until the UK distributor was announced to buy through them. It seems a few people ordered direct from Jack prior to that though
Jonathan, I have not really posted because I didn't want to fuel either side of this debate.
Simply, I feel your pain. You have been very patient and loyal so it would be a shame if that is not rewarded. Sadly, someone will be missing out and that is such a bad situation for JJP to be in.
The spark for this 'new' machine is growing weak because it has dragged on for so long for so many reasons.
I hope for you sake, your machine arrives soon and is as good as you hoped.
I know I'm not the first to say this .....but JJ has seriously f*cked up with the actual shipping of WOZ. Its done (bar the software) .....the factory should be running 24/7 to get these bloody things out the door. I mean how long have they known the numbers of games needed ?!? Very poor.
15 Machines a week are coming off the production line, things are speeding up and they need to but it is still taking way longer than it should.
I was talking to Phil from PH this evening and he said that he told Jack that he would have so much space in a container that the Metalica pins where coming over in and he could fit 10 machines in.
That container is on its way without the WoZ machines , Why ? because the production line in not running quick enough.
Feel your pain Jonathan.
I know its not much but you are welcome to borrow one of my pins if you want until you get your WoZ.
That's very kind of you mate, I might just take you up in it if I get bad news about this shipment
Sorry to hear your pain Jon. I bet your Dad is well p*ssed too as i know how much he likes the whole woz thing. Hopefully the game will have much more to it when you finally get it.
He's more upset he hasn't got a game to play haha. I sold TAFG last year thinking Woz was imminent. Did the same with CV a year later once games started shipping but still no luck.

Hopefully get plenty of games in at NERG on Saturday though
God, things must be bad if Jon is finally getting hacked off! Hang in there mate, it can't be that much longer surely.

I know they are a new company but these delays are really starting to harm their reputation. Really not sure if I'll still pay the next installment on their Hobbit in Sept if this hasn't been sorted.

Still haven't seen any unbiased reviews. Is the code now fully done? I would have thought the people who now have machines would have been far more vocal about how it plays. Maybe I've missed something on Pinside but the negativity on a lot of those threads makes it hard reading. No facts just mud slinging from both sides, the low point was the WOZ vs Metallica debate from people who had played neither machine.

Fingers crossed your machine does ship next week. Still surprised that only 9 WOZs have been ordered for the UK, I think there will be a similar number of Predators making it over here despite being a far smaller run. Presumably there are more "normal" machines being shipped though.
It is very odd how no woz owners have been posting anything on pinside. Not even biging their new woz up or probs they have it's very strange
Maybe they're too busy playing them after waiting so long?

Seriously hope you don't have too much longer to wait - everything i've read and seen about the table makes me lust after one. Hopefully we might hear more in the way of feedback after NERG. I'm sure people who get to play it there will be happy to give their current review. ;)
Latest software is in Woz at NERG. Ten times the game it was before, got me excited all over again haha
When I arrived this morning it was in the same state it was back in January. VUKs took 3 or 4 goes to get the ball out, flippers were weak, game was slow. Whilst I was there however the new board arrived with v1.12 code on which is near enough the latest update (despite what Jack told me!?).

The game has tons more modes, videos, the rollovers are working, the balloon ball save is working. Made such a massive difference. Crowds started forming around it straight away and Myself, Darren Ball and Alan Syson all had a multiplayer game. Had a bash with Russ too.

My mate was whingeing after a few hours so I' ve dropped him off at home, but I enjoyed Woz so much I'm going back again now with the wife haha. Expensive day!
Yeah, have to admit it was a lot more fun now that things actually work! I like the balloon ball save thing. I think the idea then is that you spell out 'state fair' and you get the ball back, but scoring is disabled until you complete some goals? The first goal (spell RAINBOW) was pretty chuffin hard because there isn't a shot to the 'R' standup.

Still. Nice idea.
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