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UK Pinball League 2024 - Feedback

I've looked back over the past few years at the numbers attending each meet

And since I just updated this I might as well post it here :D
Grey line is actual attendance
Yellow is the moving average (of the previous six meets)

Silly qustion. Why not structure the league so it does not matter where you meet as long as your best X# games at the end of the season are scored. One drawback i can see is It may make overcrowding worse in some cases. But then you just have several meets and set attendee numbers. Other change as a host that i would ask is that you confirm on a website that you are going and how many. Makes it easier to cater for food. If a host is going to the trouble of sorting food etc then attendees should commit to attend. 👍
Silly qustion. Why not structure the league so it does not matter where you meet as long as your best X# games at the end of the season are scored. One drawback i can see is It may make overcrowding worse in some cases. But then you just have several meets and set attendee numbers. Other change as a host that i would ask is that you confirm on a website that you are going and how many. Makes it easier to cater for food. If a host is going to the trouble of sorting food etc then attendees should commit to attend. 👍
It was certainly the biggest niggle I had as a coordinator - the fact that people didn't say they were attending, or just as bad saying they were then didn't turn up on the day.

Having a single league instead of regions, may not be as difficult to sort as it sounds. What it would need is meets close to each other to be scheduled on the same day which MIGHT help with overcrowding, but could also see an 80/20 split. What it would need is strict adherence to registering beforehand and limits set on attendance. Both of which kind of go against the friendly welcoming nature and introduction to competitive pinball. It would also mean IFPA would get involved and say it's not compatible with WPPR pts😲

I really am not an expert here, so if anyone wants the data and have a stab at doing things better then let me know. It's actually quite easy for people to pull some data directly from the database now, so just send me a PM if interested. Aanyhow. These are the attendance graphs for the six regions that have been active for a while. Obviously some regions have had less meets than others, so the moving average is probably more reliable on those with a larger X axis? The y number shows the slope of the moving average, so higher is a greater increase in average attendance

And I've arbitrarily used six meets in the moving average to generate these. Ranked by average attendance increase:







Like I say, each region has held a different number of meets in total (with Midlands having the greatest total at 97 there, up to the end of season 17)
When collated together onto a single graph I can represent them together based on the season and meet number to try to align them together. This also shows something interesting in that after season six (or during it, based on the lag factor of the moving average) a few of the regions saw a significant increase. Not sure what this can be attributed to. This would be probably 2012/2013. Was there league marketing put out at the pinball shows over that period maybe, can anyone remember?


(Grey background columns / X axis are season number and meet number). Season 14 was cut short in 2020 due to Covid

I really am not an expert here, so if anyone wants the data and have a stab at doing things better then let me know. It's actually quite easy for people to pull some data directly from the database now, so just send me a PM if interested. Aanyhow. These are the attendance graphs for the six regions that have been active for a while. Obviously some regions have had less meets than others, so the moving average is probably more reliable on those with a larger X axis? The y number shows the slope of the moving average, so higher is a greater increase in average attendance

And I've arbitrarily used six meets in the moving average to generate these. Ranked by average attendance increase:

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Like I say, each region has held a different number of meets in total (with Midlands having the greatest total at 97 there, up to the end of season 17)
When collated together onto a single graph I can represent them together based on the season and meet number to try to align them together. This also shows something interesting in that after season six (or during it, based on the lag factor of the moving average) a few of the regions saw a significant increase. Not sure what this can be attributed to. This would be probably 2012/2013. Was there league marketing put out at the pinball shows over that period maybe, can anyone remember?

View attachment 261860

(Grey background columns / X axis are season number and meet number). Season 14 was cut short in 2020 due to Covid
Well since it was our show I'm probably vainly overstating it's importance, but that was the time of the start of the NLP shows which had a specific aim of introducing pinball to people, especially younger people, to the hobby.

Hardly any of the thousands of people who came to those shows actually came for the pinball, but in surveys afterwards many reported it was their favourite area of the show.

I know for a fact that the Northern league gained new players from the NLP shows.
Well since it was our show I'm probably vainly overstating it's importance, but that was the time of the start of the NLP shows which had a specific aim of introducing pinball to people, especially younger people, to the hobby.

Hardly any of the thousands of people who came to those shows actually came for the pinball, but in surveys afterwards many reported it was their favourite area of the show.

I know for a fact that the Northern league gained new players from the NLP shows.
Ahhhhh NLP loved supporting those. Love supporting UK Pinfest too though :-)
Silly qustion. Why not structure the league so it does not matter where you meet as long as your best X# games at the end of the season are scored. One drawback i can see is It may make overcrowding worse in some cases. But then you just have several meets and set attendee numbers. Other change as a host that i would ask is that you confirm on a website that you are going and how many. Makes it easier to cater for food. If a host is going to the trouble of sorting food etc then attendees should commit to attend. 👍
I always ask people to confirm attendance, it's only fair on the hosts.

After labouring the point a bit with our players I now get a pretty good compliance rate on replies and can usually tell the host ahead of buying food reliably within a few how many will be coming
I always ask people to confirm attendance, it's only fair on the hosts.

After labouring the point a bit with our players I now get a pretty good compliance rate on replies and can usually tell the host ahead of buying food reliably within a few how many will be coming
I guess for East Anglia it's easier when it's new - but I always ask people to confirm attendance in advance and send round a Google form for people to RSVP, which includes asking for any dietary requirements. It's fairer on the host that way :)
Bit of a bug bear of mine too, getting people to confirm attendance. Even with me mentioning it in every email and even "PLEASE CONFIRM ATTENDANCE" in the subject field I'm lucky if 50% reply. I normally end up chasing people for an answer with less than a week to go. At least one of our hosts spent far more on food than needed ( combination of first time hosting and not knowing how many would actually turn up ).
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At least one of our hosts spent far more on food than needed ( combination of first time hosting and not knowing how many would actually turn up ).
Food at some venues have gone a bit "Come Dine with me". With people feeling the need to put a massive spread on rather than just a few sandwiches and bowls of crisps.
If you want to put on a hog roast or 5 course banquet, go for it - but hosts certainly shouldn't feel obliged to, feel stressed about it or risk being out of pocket at all.
Food at some venues have gone a bit "Come Dine with me". With people feeling the need to put a massive spread on rather than just a few sandwiches and bowls of crisps.
If you want to put on a hog roast or 5 course banquet, go for it - but hosts certainly shouldn't feel obliged to, feel stressed about it or risk being out of pocket at all.
One of the main reasons I won't host is people asking for Vegan/Veg/ etc and the either not turning up or not touching it. Also one comment about "when is the food coming out" when I'm trying to do everything and the focus is Pinball is a bit much.
Go back to the drinks and maybe crisps and if you want something more to eat stop off before you arrive.
Bit of a bug bear of mine too, getting people to confirm attendance. Even with me mentioning it in every email and even "PLEASE CONFIRM ATTENDANCE" in the subject field I'm lucky if 50% reply. I normally end up chasing people for an answer with less than a week to go. At least one of our hosts spent far more on food than needed ( combination of first time hosting and not knowing how many would actually turn up ).
took me a while Kev, but I've got it to about 80 % now, and I know the few who always seem to "forget" 🙂
I enjoy putting on food, and my local butcher's cornish pasties go down a treat. However the info I circulate to everyone at the start of each season says that the extent of food at each meet is entirely at the host's discretion. I also make it clear to hosts they do as much or as little as they want.

If you were hosting Phil, I would just tell everyone ahead of the meet that there won't be any food, then if they complain tell them to read the pre meet info
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