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The UK Open - 27th to 29th September in Croydon

I signed up on the dot at 7pm, just checked, name is on the confirmed list all ok and got my qr code but didnt I get an option to take the volunteer slot. Happy to help with a score keep slot if it can be changed? Cheers, Andy
I signed up on the dot at 7pm, just checked, name is on the confirmed list all ok and got my qr code but didnt I get an option to take the volunteer slot. Happy to help with a score keep slot if it can be changed? Cheers, Andy
Hiya, that should be possible - I'll ask Neil to contact you. :)
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I signed up on the dot at 7pm, just checked, name is on the confirmed list all ok and got my qr code but didnt I get an option to take the volunteer slot. Happy to help with a score keep slot if it can be changed? Cheers, Andy
I had this when I went on bang on 7, but by the time I went to checkout the second ticket option had been updated to a volunteer option. Must have been a quirk on the ticketing site.
I signed up on the dot at 7pm, just checked, name is on the confirmed list all ok and got my qr code but didnt I get an option to take the volunteer slot. Happy to help with a score keep slot if it can be changed? Cheers, Andy
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I hope this isnt a stupid question. But I was wondering, outside of competition play is it possible to play/practice on machines that are not being used.
I hope this isnt a stupid question. But I was wondering, outside of competition play is it possible to play/practice on machines that are not being used.

If you mean the machines in the comps, then no, its ticketed play only as the comps run the full time that the room is open. As DanO said there were a small number of freeplay machines last year, no idea if that will be repeated this year.
If you mean the machines in the comps, then no, its ticketed play only as the comps run the full time that the room is open. As DanO said there were a small number of freeplay machines last year, no idea if that will be repeated this year.
deadly thanks for the reply, definitely clears things up!
There's just 3 discounted scorekeeper tickets left - as well as full price tickets available: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/ukopen/1286446

If you want to see what volunteer slots are available, you can see the spreadsheet and sign up for a slot here (just add your name in), or message me with the space you'd like: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...ouid=116702771780404218570&rtpof=true&sd=true
Just made an amendment to my volunteering times but will also be floating about and helping extra here and there too..
UK Open is only a couple of weeks now!

It’s nearly sold out but still has a handful of spaces left, heard some European players are looking to book up after the EPC but I think we should fill up the last spaces with UK players!

Its an amazing weekend and everyone on the team including myself are extremely excited to welcome everyone back

But Neil has really stepped up and commissioned Brian Allen… Artist to all your favourite alternative backglass art to do the official UK Open T- ****t

One included in your ticket price… here’s a teaser!

It’s an absolute banger



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Damn...! Need to see more! Reveal all and those last tickets will be gone!
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