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The UK Open - 27th to 29th September in Croydon


What a fantastic weekend! I went as a normal punter but due to various reasons I wasn't as keen on playing as others. I put in a lot of hours on the front desk and helping the scorekeepers.
It's great to support an event of this status in the UK and you can tell a lot of people in the UK are proud and want to help make it a success, and a success it was.
I genuinely thought you were helping run the event, with being on the front desk so much :)

It was very obvious all the volunteers and tech team were working their absolute socks off to make it a success, with lots of people being scorekeepers most of the time :) Heroes, as you say!

I'm a mediocre player at best, I did put a few tickets in when I had spare time, mainly to get some play on the games but then had to improve on my standings 🤣

I was monitoring the bottom of the field on behalf of my Flipper Beast and saw quite a few runs to the machines late on Saturday (and Sunday) evening to improve on 'fly-by' tickets!! I think he dropped five places in the rankings at one point, in the space of an hour, from very good players who were volunteering (or just in other competitions) putting in second cards!
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The rule about feet sliding of their rubber feet was introduced specifically for Pinburgh in 2015 where all the games were on concrete flooring and extremely easy to slide around. In my opinion the rule wasn't even necessary there. Adding rubber feet onto games on concrete floors is pretty important sure, but punishing players for attempting to move the game and then finding that they've accidentally come off their feet is just too far. This is why games have tilt bobs

It made little sense to me at Pinburgh. It makes even less sense for games on carpeted floors. It's a rule that needs adjusting, or just not enforcing with such vigor imo.
I'm probably going to be reiterating what most people have already said in the thread but I enjoyed going to my second UK open even more than I did last year! All the PBR staff and scorekeepers did a fantastic job with everything so a huge hats off to them, I ended up doing 3 scorekeeping shifts and they all went pretty well even if it felt like I did get quite a few stuck balls on my shifts ha.

I always love the UK comradery whenever a finals starts, always plenty of support for anyone in the finals and you can feel the wave of energy when someone gets things going or disappointment when they drain a ball, it's what makes watching these events and seeing some of the ridiculously high level of gameplay from the worlds best even more special.

I was pretty happy with my play during the event, I think I improved all my positions from last year and even managed to get the top qualifying score on Genesis on the UK open bank which is definitely not something I expected!

No real downsides for the event to me, although I'd maybe like the return back to having two classics tournaments (one friday / one saturday) so at least there's a final going on everyday.

Roll on 2025!!
What's my name doing near the top of any list? 😅. Seriously, gotta remember the good games, there were plenty of bad!. Lovely machine that genesis. Amazing score Dan.
I'm probably going to be reiterating what most people have already said in the thread but I enjoyed going to my second UK open even more than I did last year! All the PBR staff and scorekeepers did a fantastic job with everything so a huge hats off to them, I ended up doing 3 scorekeeping shifts and they all went pretty well even if it felt like I did get quite a few stuck balls on my shifts ha.

I always love the UK comradery whenever a finals starts, always plenty of support for anyone in the finals and you can feel the wave of energy when someone gets things going or disappointment when they drain a ball, it's what makes watching these events and seeing some of the ridiculously high level of gameplay from the worlds best even more special.

I was pretty happy with my play during the event, I think I improved all my positions from last year and even managed to get the top qualifying score on Genesis on the UK open bank which is definitely not something I expected!

No real downsides for the event to me, although I'd maybe like the return back to having two classics tournaments (one friday / one saturday) so at least there's a final going on everyday.

Roll on 2025!!
Well played and good to catch up Dan, that Genesis score is really excellent as the feed out of the pops on that machine was not at all friendly to me!

On the Classics I/II point, for a tournament to be “Certified” from a WPPR perspective the final needs to start on a separate day from the start of qualifying, and there is also a hit to the “TGP” element if there aren’t at least 20 hours of qualifying. So the WPPRs would be knocked down quite a bit in value in that respect if it was split into separate comps.

On a more human level, I think I’d have felt even more stretched if I had to find the time / mental strength to dig out yet another solid card for another tournament 😂
Highlight of the weekend, B divisional finals, ball 1, Martin Iles steps up and bangs out a 70m+ ball 1 on a John Wick that was chewing up and spitting out those same top 10 players in the world in qualifying, with lots of them not being able to get 10m on 3 balls!! What a moment, what a winner!!! Well done mate, huge achievement

Thanks mate, was nice to play well in a final for once. A clear victory for the "on the fly, frantic, shoot the flashing lights" approach to the game! If anyone was watching and can explain how I did it, can you please let me know ;)
Awesome event, such an insane level of play from the likes of Zach, Escher, Paul, Daniele, Ray Day, and many more. Plus excellent displays from the home team including Yuen, Craig, Rich, Josh, Dan P, and too many others to mention. Personal highlight for me was @cyberkryten with an amazing achievement in winning the B finals. Such a good player and I was absolutely delighted he took the win 🏆
Thank you so much to everyone who volunteered for scorekeeping shifts over the weekend. It couldn't have happened without you all!

Big thanks especially to Judith, who did almost non stop scorekeeping (16+ hours) - an absolute legend!

Thank you also to @AndyB who jumped in to scorekeep a lot, including in between helping with moving games, plus @Fantazia2 and Lucy who did lots of shifts. Plus @David_Vi who covered the desk most of Friday and half of Saturday plus did some scorekeeping - which meant I was actually able to put in some tickets this year!

Huge well done to @cyberkryten on the B finals win! Plus I am so proud of @Jackpot for getting through to the PBR finals - what a tough group, you did so well! And to Ozkar who won the junior competition!

What am amazing weekend - I'm exhausted now, and fell asleep on the sofa earlier!
Yes, big shout out to Judith who put in hours and hours and wasn't even competing! Well Done. Well Done to all of you who helped out - it made the whole event run super smooth from my viewpoint. Was great to catch up with so many people too. The pins played hard & generally held up well - I had no issues on any games I played, and some (most) of those games were hammered constantly for many hours.

No real criticisms, apart from location - would be great to be nearer the centre of Croydon, rather than out on a limb, but hey ho - I guess finding a suitable venue is never going to be easy. The Hotel was comfy with nice rooms and a bloody good breakfast every day - Think I added a few pounds over the 4 nights we were there!
I'd like to add my thanks to everyone for the absolutely amazing effort to put on another spectacular UK open. The feedback from the international visitors was fantastic - it was a wonderful three days. I love seeing everyone and the camaraderie is brilliant.

I appreciated all the great support in the finals - I am really very sorry that I didn't give you much to cheer about when I was on stream! ☹️ (I did play well the previous round in the PBR comp off camera...) Still, no shame in losing to such elite players.

Luck was on my side for most of the weekend - I managed to put in my best cards just before the deadlines on Saturday night to get a bye in main and then Sunday to qualify for the PBR finals at 5pm. And then in the last 28 I got so lucky one more time, somehow coming second in a game of Monster Bash with a pathetic 3M points to go through on 6 points. I think I had used all my quota of luck by the time my game of Metallica was on stream :)

Well done to @cyberkryten and Ozkar Olave - stunning performances amongst many from the UK team.

Thank you again to all the techs, front desk volunteers, game movers, commentators, scorekeepers, Neil and everyone else who helped put this on. Was so mentally and physically exhausted today but it was really such a tremendous weekend...

Thank you so much.
I'd like to add my thanks to everyone for the absolutely amazing effort to put on another spectacular UK open. The feedback from the international visitors was fantastic - it was a wonderful three days. I love seeing everyone and the camaraderie is brilliant.

I appreciated all the great support in the finals - I am really very sorry that I didn't give you much to cheer about when I was on stream! ☹️ (I did play well the previous round in the PBR comp off camera...) Still, no shame in losing to such elite players.

Luck was on my side for most of the weekend - I managed to put in my best cards just before the deadlines on Saturday night to get a bye in main and then Sunday to qualify for the PBR finals at 5pm. And then in the last 28 I got so lucky one more time, somehow coming second in a game of Monster Bash with a pathetic 3M points to go through on 6 points. I think I had used all my quota of luck by the time my game of Metallica was on stream :)

Well done to @cyberkryten and Ozkar Olave - stunning performances amongst many from the UK team.

Thank you again to all the techs, front desk volunteers, game movers, commentators, scorekeepers, Neil and everyone else who helped put this on. Was so mentally and physically exhausted today but it was really such a tremendous weekend...

Thank you so much.
You did great Yuen. That snake > left outlane drain on Metallica was absolutely devastating to watch, such bad luck!
Great event and great play by all esp top players etc…. Anyone care to share their top score on a specific game? Mine on Robot has to be out there ranking 16th overall just behind Zach! Though i finished extremely low overall in all 3 divisions this has to be the highlight of the event fir me!


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Great event and great play by all esp top players etc…. Anyone care to share their top score on a specific game? Mine on Robot has to be out there ranking 16th overall just behind Zach! Though i finished extremely low overall in all 3 divisions this has to be the highlight of the event for me!
Well done on the Robot score. I always find the Robot Bridge (on that Robot, anyway) rejects a lot of balls! 😍

If we’re all sharing scores, I want to boast about my son, Hector (age 7) for a while 🥰 The UK Open was his first tournament. He’d only competed once before (in anything) and that was submitting a ‘best game’ card at a Pinball Republic (PBR) league event, aged 5.

He was, I think, the youngest competitor in the main event - although, possibly only by a few months.

Hector is a very bright, mature, inquisitive little boy, but he has quite major support needs at school, often struggling with noise, frustration and unpredictable situations. As such, we haven’t felt able to take him to events before now and, although he’s been to PBR a few times, we stopped taking him after he became very distressed when he found The Addam’s Family - which he’d planned to play - was out-of-action. We tried taking him to the Pinball Office once, but there was a league event on, and the noise/crowding caused him to flee and hide in the kitchen!

Anyway, he got back seriously into pinball over the summer, and now has Grand Champion on all our machines. We eased him into public pinball venues with a visit to the new PBR and Funland, wearing ear plugs for the first time. He felt too socially anxious to agree to compete in head-to-head competition with other young people (he later agreed, but felt unable to cope as the competition started), but decided he wanted to accompany us to the tournament on Saturday to put in some cards.

I wasn’t sure if he’d manage. We had contingency plans for the situation where he walked into the main hall, felt unable to cope, and walked straight back out again, or where something went wrong and he bolted, completely overwhelmed, into the foyer.


Anywaaaayyy… None of that happened. Hector was rock solid for six hours (with a break for lunch and to play in a nearby playground with his little brother) entering five cards with his ear plugs in. He managed in a completely new high-stress environment filled with noise, crowding, unfamiliar machines and frustration with barely any adult support, as well as independently choosing machines, liaising with scorekeepers and deciding how to allocate his cards.

Already, I couldn’t be prouder of him 🤩🥳

However, to add gravy to this already amazing Saturday pinball lunch, he didn’t come last! His card came 159/160 in the UK Open and he came 147/149 competitors in the PBR Championship. In both competitions, he put some serious heat into the bottom of the field, with several volunteers (and very good players focusing on other competitions) only beating him with their second card. His PBR Championship score was an especial achievement as his best card (of two) came under sustained pressure from adult competitors for nearly five hours on Sunday, but never broke.

His best individual machine score was 55th on Rush Prem with over 31 million. Amazingly, we don’t own a Rush Prem, although he had played it at PBR a few weeks ago.


In other news, his four-year-old brother, who is also autistic with suspected ADHD and severe sensory issues, entered the youth competition wearing both his ear plugs AND a pair of noise-cancelling headphones (!) and put in a commendable performance on Diamond Lady, scoring a cool ~200,000 after shooting the Spot Target as an opener before fighting his competitor to the last ball. He says the middle drops and spot target reminded him of the Honky Cat Hurry-Up on Elton John. I think he was the youngest competitor in Youth this year.

Anyway, I came home and I literally wept with pride. I am so unbelievably proud of them both 😍🤩

[And, for anyone wondering after reading this wall of text. Yes, I have watched the Robert Gagno Wizard Mode documentary… as has my son :)]
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I was pretty wiped out from the setup and the early starts and late finishes so I didn't really try

I had a good ticket that kept me in the B finals until 30 minutes before midnight and I slipped out and no time to try again

But I was there to work
I had a few pretty good games (out of the 150ish I played!), in the top 25 I had:

13th on Jurassic Park (275m)
15th on Beatles (4.1m)
16th on Spooky (4.3m)
18th on Monster Bash (51m)
20th and 22nd on Freefall (1m and 960k)
23rd on Skateball (677k)
23rd on Bond 60th (12k)
23rd on Demolition Man (1.1bn)
I had a few pretty good games (out of the 150ish I played!), in the top 25 I had:

13th on Jurassic Park (275m)
15th on Beatles (4.1m)
16th on Spooky (4.3m)
18th on Monster Bash (51m)
20th and 22nd on Freefall (1m and 960k)
23rd on Skateball (677k)
23rd on Bond 60th (12k)
23rd on Demolition Man (1.1bn)

Well played Simon. I saw you smashing those ramps on Monster Bash and it inspired me to give it a go which worked well on my final ticket.

Looking forward to your personal tournament recap!
8th on Funhouse (16.3M)
19th on TNA (1.68M)

Happy with a 50th overall finish in the Main, although I've also dropped 2 places in the UK ranking as a result of the weekend. Competition is getting tougher, obviously, with a lot of rapidly improving players!
Where is the recording of the stream of the play?

I've found the Ladies Final (https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2262420936?filter=archives&sort=time)
And classics (https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2263195727?filter=archives&sort=time)

But can't currently find the main event and PBR Championship?

It just hasn't had the title changed :)
Well done on the Robot score. I always find the Robot Bridge (on that Robot, anyway) rejects a lot of balls! 😍

If we’re all sharing scores, I want to boast about my son, Hector (age 7) for a while 🥰 The UK Open was his first tournament. He’d only competed once before (in anything) and that was submitting a ‘best game’ card at a Pinball Republic (PBR) league event, aged 5.

He was, I think, the youngest competitor in the main event - although, possibly only by a few months.

Hector is a very bright, mature, inquisitive little boy, but he has quite major support needs at school, often struggling with noise, frustration and unpredictable situations. As such, we haven’t felt able to take him to events before now and, although he’s been to PBR a few times, we stopped taking him after he became very distressed when he found The Addam’s Family - which he’d planned to play - was out-of-action. We tried taking him to the Pinball Office once, but there was a league event on, and the noise/crowding caused him to flee and hide in the kitchen!

Anyway, he got back seriously into pinball over the summer, and now has Grand Champion on all our machines. We eased him into public pinball venues with a visit to the new PBR and Funland, wearing ear plugs for the first time. He felt too socially anxious to agree to compete in head-to-head competition with other young people (he later agreed, but felt unable to cope as the competition started), but decided he wanted to accompany us to the tournament on Saturday to put in some cards.

I wasn’t sure if he’d manage. We had contingency plans for the situation where he walked into the main hall, felt unable to cope, and walked straight back out again, or where something went wrong and he bolted, completely overwhelmed, into the foyer.

View attachment 262524

Anywaaaayyy… None of that happened. Hector was rock solid for six hours (with a break for lunch and to play in a nearby playground with his little brother) entering five cards with his ear plugs in. He managed in a completely new high-stress environment filled with noise, crowding, unfamiliar machines and frustration with barely any adult support, as well as independently choosing machines, liaising with scorekeepers and deciding how to allocate his cards.

Already, I couldn’t be prouder of him 🤩🥳

However, to add gravy to this already amazing Saturday pinball lunch, he didn’t come last! His card came 159/160 in the UK Open and he came 147/149 competitors in the PBR Championship. In both competitions, he put some serious heat into the bottom of the field, with several volunteers (and very good players focusing on other competitions) only beating him with their second card. His PBR Championship score was an especial achievement as his best card (of two) came under sustained pressure from adult competitors for nearly five hours on Sunday, but never broke.

His best individual machine score was 55th on Rush Prem with over 31 million. Amazingly, we don’t own a Rush Prem, although he had played it at PBR a few weeks ago.

View attachment 262522

In other news, his four-year-old brother, who is also autistic with suspected ADHD and severe sensory issues, entered the youth competition wearing both his ear plugs AND a pair of noise-cancelling headphones (!) and put in a commendable performance on Diamond Lady, scoring a cool ~200,000 after shooting the Spot Target as an opener before fighting his competitor to the last ball. He says the middle drops and spot target reminded him of the Honky Cat Hurry-Up on Elton John. I think he was the youngest competitor in Youth this year.

Anyway, I came home and I literally wept with pride. I am so unbelievably proud of them both 😍🤩

[And, for anyone wondering after reading this wall of text. Yes, I have watched the Robert Gagno Wizard Mode documentary… as has my son :)]
A joy to read well done to those involved
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