I think that is what I struggle with sometimes and this is not aimed at you, as you have given a very honest and open in your reply there. But it’s the selling at a price or not selling at all.
But imagine you were selling a second hand car. You would check your prices against others, maybe ask what the trade in value was and maybe use a buying website to get a market value.
I would use that value and put it up for sale. It it sells great, but if it didn’t I would lower the price until I got some interest (that is the definition of market value). It is highly unlikely most people would set a price and if it’s not achieved, simply keep it.
Back to pinball, I think maybe those with the space and don’t need money for their next game can do this, but for me, if I am selling I need it gone.
I think that is what I am struggling with on the marketplace on here lately, not allowing the market to find its value.
Anyway, again, this is just my 10 cents.