Ah yeah, that's the one - cheers. I remembered the pricing wrong (soz); looks a really nice machine and I remember seeing that and wishing I could buy it!Sold - TWD Pro
2nd game for sale, another nice one, took me a while to find a nice pro. It's got a few nice mods including custom painted well walker. I have done the powder coating in Latent Red Apple. I paid £5100 just a few months ago and spent £400 on this one so would like £5400 I also fitted the fancy...www.pinballinfo.com
This one? £5400 and no colour DMD
£5,400 - no colour dmd, but lovely red power coat, speaker lights, fish tank mod and custom painted well walker (not sure what else was modded etc). If I ever get a TWD I'd be looking for something along the lines of that one, or a Premium, but any TWD (pro, modded or Prem) is a great buy in my humble opinion.
GLWS if the op lists his machine machine