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Pinside is such an angry place.....

To be honest I highly doubt we'll ever see a virtual pin but who knows with the ****-fest.

Discovered my last payment was actually only £2750 and not 3k. Trying very hard to see that silver lining.....

All the licence crap still doesn't explain what he's actually been doing for the last 12 months. If you were trying to sneak a pin out under the radar then wouldn't actually building them be a good idea?
Wander if fox will ever give permission for a pred pin now perhaps one that doesn't look like a snore fest (sorry guys)

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Shame you preorder guys hadn't invested the money in popcorn instead. Sales must be rocketing the last day or 2 ;)

Christ, I'm on my 4 packet of custard creams today, this thread is turning me into a fat bastard but please continue, will work it off next month.
F me I got a personal response from KEvin just now:

Russ,I assure you, you are not being ignored. With the project being forced to come to a close, we are returning all of the money that we have received to where it all came from. This should be handled within a few short days. I can appreciate your position on this and I am doing everything I can to get this done as quickly and painlessly as possible for all involved. I will also state that while moving forward, your case will be noted that you had requested a refund before the decision was made to cancel the project in the case that might be able to expedite your request even further. My most sincere apologies for having to endure all of this. I honestly can't say that enough.-Kevin

Im flattered, but replied with 5 seperate refund requests.
" I will also state that while moving forward, your case will be noted that you had requested a refund before the decision was made to cancel the project in the case that might be able to expedite your request even further."

What is that actually meant to mean?

I'm really not sure what to think now. I'd love to think that people are going to get some kind of refund but I've had enough "the cheque is in the post" type bull**** in my life not to celebrate just yet,
I got a reply also....


It is with a heavier heart that I read this message. I am a man of my word and I can assure you that the picture of our situation is more certainly not as bad as it is being painted. I whole-heartedly appreciate the support you've shown over the years and do not wish for you to feel like you've been punished for it. As we are cancelling the project, we will be refunding all of the money we have received, including yours. I deeply and sincerely apologize for how this has turned out for you.

I just got another mail:


Stalling at this time would do nothing to benefit anyone, especially me. What you've said is exactly true and is exactly the plan: to refund every single person and not stop until it is all done.

Let's hope he does the right thing then and bunce it back and not be another lead on.
Really hope you guys get your money back or pretty close to 100%.
Don't like those personal emails at all though. Completely devoid of any useful facts. Not even sure they are written by the same hand.
Anyway lets hope refunds do appear soon.
Its another stall tactic, hence his second mail when I pointed that out to him. No one has received anything from him as yet so of course its just more bullsh*t.
Guess I'm out in the cold. No personal email for me:( Got another generic one saying that refunds would happen in the next "few days". Fantastic if it's true but......
What can I say guys, really sad to hear it has come to this. It looked like such a good theme and SkitB's energy from the beginning was infectious.
I nearly got in on it late last year but by then there were few video's available to convince myself it was worth the risk.
Hopefully, there will be a suitable refund for those who did commit money and that this doesn't affect any of you significantly. :(
Had another generic email this morning when I woke up: -

"Before any of the animosity surrounding this project goes any further, a few things absolutely need to be cleared up.

First of all, while I'm sure many of you feel like you've been lied to and taken advantage of, I can assure you all that no part of this project has been created or carried out with any sort of intent to deceive or defraud anyone. I know right now these are only words and many of you require much more than that, which brings me to the next point.

At this point, the faith in what we've worked so hard to achieve has been absolutely shattered and I am left with no other option than to abandon everything and make good on our promises that your investments are safe and return all money associated with the project until anything else happens, if anything else should happen. The refund process is expected to be swift and completed very soon. You all will start to see those balances reflecting in your accounts in a few short days.

To the many of you who have continued to support us and prefer to receive your game, I'm sorry to say that this is the end of the road and you, too, will be receiving a refund instead of a machine. While it pains me deeply to have to say it while we are sitting at the finish line, asking or even allowing someone to stay involved at this point is simply too much to ask.

For those of you interested, there will be a follow-up article posted on Pinball News with the real story in a handful of days, so please keep your eyes open for that, as well.

Signing off,

Another email that says nothing in a lot of words...I like how he makes himself out to be a victim though, that's special.
Sat at the finish line?

Wasn't there the small issue of actually building the games? Oh and the licence but hey let's not worry about that :hmm:
All just words until everyone hopefully gets their refund - I wonder how much he'll end up personally losing if that actually goes ahead (not that he deserves sympathy for it at this stage!).

TBH I think this is all down to inexperience, incompetence, over-confidence, self-delusion, misguided determination and foolish assumptions on Kevin's part rather than some lying scam. That's no excuse of course, but it's easy to underestimate how badly good intentions can go awry.
Surely if he has had ~£750000 sitting in the bank (£3k x 250) he will have made a bit of interest of the cash while is sat there ? Depending on what sort of account etc obviously
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