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Pinside is such an angry place.....

Don't worry, I wrote him an email outlining my disgust. I could bang on about it, but really its Kevin that should have the all the flak. Martin just got caught up and decided to take a cowardly option of silence. Great guy huh?

I am surprised he didn't let on to all the uk guys :(
As a journalist Martin is in a difficult situation. Like many in news sometimes you only get information under terms of confidentiality. And what if he did leak the info? Might Skit-B and/or FOX then come after him citing that as the cause for the operation to collapse?

The whole thing is a real shame. Sad day for pinball.

I had a quick look at the "official" Predator thread on Pinside. The bitching started with the first few posts about why it was any more "official" than any of the other Predator threads, let alone bitching about the whole Predator thing itself! I used to use Pinside and much as PinballInfo when I first got into pinball and I really like the website, it has lots of great features. I didn't come across much, if any, negative stuff as I guess I stuck mostly to restoration threads and my own postings. But I gravitated here because PinballInfo is very UK-centric and I wanted to get to know and chat with UK folks, etc. I also assumed Pinside was US-based and some content wasn't relevant because it was all in dollars or buy from PBR or contact this guy in Milwaukee, etc.

I watched that GRC video from a few pages ago in this thread. I quite like watching Ray's tech tips, but didn't like that one of of him being baited and interrupted by the cameraman. A lot of negative vibes there.
Ask mufcmufc, he seems to know:

I spoke with Andrew last night after this came out as I've ordered Alien. I was concerned that Predator was a bad apple and would have an adverse effect if he took it on. He confirmed to me that he had spoken with Kevin but hadn't got very far and had concluded there was nothing he could do so stepped away.
I spoke with Andrew last night after this came out as I've ordered Alien. I was concerned that Predator was a bad apple and would have an adverse effect if he took it on. He confirmed to me that he had spoken with Kevin but hadn't got very far and had concluded there was nothing he could do so stepped away.

Sounds like the right move, good of him to at least have the conversation. I don't think any company would want to pick up this poison chalice now.
I feel for the guys who have possibly lost the money, for me £3k is a huge amount of money to just write-off.

Was just thinking to myself - 'If I had had a Predator pre order, how the hell would I break this to the wife...' . I think I would just pack my bags.
Martin didn't have to leak anything. He could have come on here in the private members section and urged caution at a time when we could have salvaged something. With a word of caution from a respected pinball geezer many would have made the right decision to request a refund at a MUCH earlier date.

What compounds this is that I asked this man for information and he refused to help. Instead he opted to say he was not in a position to offer advice and played the neutrality card instead.
While we are on the subject of failed pinball attempts what happened to that god awful thunderbird pin?

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Don't really think Martin telling any of us about potential troubles would have made a difference , like I said before I had been trying to get a refund since January.
I'm surprised with all this licence talk and ' who could possibly save this project ' that Andrew Heighway was mentioned and not Roger Sharpe?

Isn't Roger Sharpe already tied up trying to save ANOTHER f***ed up outfit who are building a licensed pin?
Isn't Roger Sharpe already tied up trying to save ANOTHER f***ed up outfit who are building a licensed pin?
I'm so out touch! Too busy playing pinball and fixing my project pins, but just so I feel vaguely in-the-loop, who is Roger Sharpe helping?
Don't really think Martin telling any of us about potential troubles would have made a difference , like I said before I had been trying to get a refund since January.

It would have to me. If i'd have known in dec I could have got ALL my money back through paypal. Even when I emailed Martin asking for info just three weeks ago, I could have got £1000 back from my last payment to Kevin.

All he had to do was come on here and offer a word of caution. That's it! ...He didn't as he chose to protect his 'Story' instead of buyers. Think what you like but that's a bottom feeder move in my eyes.
Still ticking along. Last I saw he had setup a factory in China and got machines to produce coil assemblies:
I follow Homepin on Facebook to get updates. Seems to put something up every so often, fairly low key. Apparently, that can be easier said than done when in China due to restrictions, etc., but seems to get more out than Skit-B! Their last technical post was about the standards the plywood for cabinets has to meet for it to be shipped from China to the US, Europe and beyond. Prior to that a design schematic for the speaker panel, assembling coil formers, brass bearings, terminal crimping machine, pop bumper springs, etc. It's all very much about the minutiae of building pinballs, although much of their time recently has also been given over to building a large batch of cocktail cabinet video games for Hankin.

Yeah fair play was saying that i had been trying since jan didn't take into account the paypal thing as I was paid up so long ago...
Reading this latest bit I just posted has made my blood boil...
Yes Kevin was a dick to attempt to build without a licence but these f.u.cknuts that contacted fox to dig around which then alerted fox are the major twats here in my eyes , he could have built those machines under the radar no problems ... Very crazy but possible , no one gives a rats ass about pinball the scene is tiny fox wouldn't have even thought about it until
This lot ... So angry, in fact don't read it , it's angered Me so much
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