Biggest badass that lives closest gets paid first,I wonder how he's going through the refunds? Production order? Number order? People who paid first?

Biggest badass that lives closest gets paid first,I wonder how he's going through the refunds? Production order? Number order? People who paid first?
Just seen Paypal looks like they automatically killed my dispute and there is no way to then contact them. Back to the CC company instead.
We are all civil here, it's one big happy family & I'm honoured to class myself as a member + the moderators are respected and take no 5hit, just the way it ought to beMuch, much happier place here which is a shame because there's some great pinball restoration content on there, but I'm put off by some of the distinctly unfriendly attitudes.
How did things pan out Nick ?
There is no way the Matrix is licenced.
Couldn't agree more. What is this obsession with licensing? Are they scared a pin won't sell without a massive license? It's all a bit hypothetical for me as I'll never have the spare funds to buy a brand new pin, but if I did I'd be far more interested in a well designed game with great gameplay rather than a recognisable theme. Yes, a great game and a good theme would be awesome (was Predator a great game?), but a lame game can't be helped by a license.If there's one lesson to take from this for a pin company startup, it's the obvious thing anyone should do when starting up.....and that's to start with an original theme.
Here's my acid test for Predator: if Kevin had come clean about the license would everyone had stayed in on the project if he'd managed to create a replacement original theme? Maybe something dark and mysterious, a bit evil, with skulls, guns, blood'n'guts'n'glory plus an eerie UV mode. That is, was the Predator whitewood game well-designed enough to be interesting and engaging to play without the Predator theme applied over the top? Because if it wasn't, then what was all the fuss about?
I was inclined to say that's because they're engaged in fierce debate over critical issues that affect us all like the NHS, defence, foreign aid, tax, etc., but suspect it's just as vile under headlines about Kim Kardashian's latest hair styleIf you want to see real anger, look at the guardian newspaper website. The folk who comment on the articles enter a cesspit of anger, criticism, insults, sarcasm .....
Stick to the pins, John. Play and enjoygot some beer in and playing some pinball tonight with my newly thinned down collection
Paypal are bastards. Everytime I log on they try to get me to link my bank details into them. So glad I didn't
Well obviously longer than a week.Well, it's a week since Kevin sent out the email "refunds will be swift and happen in a few days"
I wonder what his definition of swift and a few days means......
Isn't one of them locked up for selling dubious substances or something?!Just make sure whilst you're drowning your sorrows that you don't do anything silly like searching Kickstarter for pinball projects...
Which of course led me to search for pinball projects which inevitably led me to Vonnie D's Pinball Gremlims:
Successfully funded in July 2014 backers are supposed to get their pins during July to September 2015 depending on level. Last update on Kickstarter was August 23, 2014. Last Twitter update the day before and latest date on anything on the website is Nov 21, 2014 for the Free-Play Florida expo. Hasn't Barry Oursler joined Heighway?
Did Vonnie D disintegrate and I just missed all the action?
he got sent to jail for selling meth i thinkJust make sure whilst you're drowning your sorrows that you don't do anything silly like searching Kickstarter for pinball projects...
Which of course led me to search for pinball projects which inevitably led me to Vonnie D's Pinball Gremlims:
Successfully funded in July 2014 backers are supposed to get their pins during July to September 2015 depending on level. Last update on Kickstarter was August 23, 2014. Last Twitter update the day before and latest date on anything on the website is Nov 21, 2014 for the Free-Play Florida expo. Hasn't Barry Oursler joined Heighway?
Did Vonnie D disintegrate and I just missed all the action?
Did Vonnie D disintegrate and I just missed all the action?