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Hahaha :rofl: Hilarious, I had NO idea you are transgender? I thought it was you taking the **** trying to get stimulation into the newbie thread? As I was the last NEWBIE thread, I thought I would chip in, as huge fan of Roger the Alien. As i thought it was something that you were ALL in on, and pull on the NEWBIES.:popcorn: Priceless

Try not to be so delicate, there is many people out there who have NO idea, whom or what your particular about apart from pinball. I am being honest with my response as I am sure you are with yours, and if we all can't take a joke, maybe we should all just stay playing our pinballs in a shed/garage all on our own without friends/acquaintances and this happy family forum called Pinballinfo. Pete

Unless you are someone in the LGBT community, disabled or other form of social deviant then you have no idea what it is to have to live day in day out watching over your shoulder or constantly wondering what people are saying/thinking about you behind your back.
Edit..apologies thought @Petebaur was saying this was him, but re-read and don't think that was what he was strying to say
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Can you tell from the IPs @Paul, if anyone shared that IP? As one of the 8 people who has met Courtney, I'd like her to know for sure this bigoted twat is not me.
Bull****, you posted a load of bigoted crap which you have now quickly deleted. You knew exactly what you were doing and there is no place for you in the 21st century. Ban this ****hole straight off.
Once again hilarious, Yes for your information I am classed as disabled as I suffer from Epilepsy and I have all those fears and conscious self awareness for when, one minute I am in (everyone's oppinion normal) having a conversation etc and suddenly throw myself on the floor and **** myself in front of everyone, recovering 15 -20 mins in front of a ring of onlookers and trying to escape from the situation only to be physically restrained so an Ambulance can attend. Not that I thought any of that really makes any difference. Then to be attacked for my honesty and slowness of typing that I am somehow retracting stuff. Is once again hilarious. And the HANG EM HIGH brigade who wish to be all proper high and mighty should read the post with all the facts first. And not just burn us at the stake.
I just hope that at the end of it, Courtney still continues to post and engage with the pinball community.
Once again hilarious, Yes for your information I am classed as disabled as I suffer from Epilepsy and I have all those fears and conscious self awareness for when, one minute I am in (everyone's oppinion normal) having a conversation etc and suddenly throw myself on the floor and **** myself in front of everyone, recovering 15 -20 mins in front of a ring of onlookers and trying to escape from the situation only to be physically restrained so an Ambulance can attend. Not that I thought any of that really makes any difference. Then to be attacked for my honesty and slowness of typing that I am somehow retracting stuff. Is once again hilarious. And the HANG EM HIGH brigade who wish to be all proper high and mighty should read the post with all the facts first. And not just burn us at the stake.
Did you write those posts or not? If not apologies, I'm misunderstanding your posts.
I wrote the post @Petebaur no others, I didn't know you could. I was being honest about what I was thinking when read the posts, as a NEWBIE. I have no idea who Courtney or anyone is as I haven't met anyone on this Forum apart from Andy when briefly looking at his Vector for sale. I have only had contact with a few members, and all can tell you it takes upto 10mins for my computer to tell me I have received a response even though I am looking for replies and refreshing thread multiple times. Then it takes me 10mins to reply trying to spell correctly. I have no malice but thanks to this idiot thread, I have to think that when I do meet people for the first time,(if i am still allowed) that they are now looking at me not as an equal, but as something different, and perhaps taking bets, on how long it takes me to fall over when i am playing,and be thought as not be reliable. As someone has said Paul has banned the culprit, I have explained how and why I have written my posts and where I have approached these replies. I will apologise to Courtney as she has taken offence where none was meant. As for me I need no apologies as it's water off a ducks back or should I say **** off an Epileptics back.lol I hope this reply makes sense because I have no idea what anyone has written since someone asked me if I had written these posts. Peace out
So thanks guys but no thanks, I expect this sort of treatment from twats in the street, not somewhere like this...
Sadly bellends can infiltrate any walk of life, but as you can see we are all disgusted by the pathetic tosser. You have struck me as a top drawer person who has turned up and instantly created and implemented and maintained a way for people to share pins and gain joy from something that would be sat in storage otherwise and that it bloody cool in my book. Ignore the trolls, if and when they rear their ugly heads and pity them for you know who you are and show tremendous courage whereas they are the ones who are lost and lashing out in jealousy. I look forward to buying you a drink when our paths eventually cross.
On a separate note IF EVERYONE can agree. Can Paul move or delete this stupid devicive thread away from the Newbie section as anyone wanting to join as I did, read these posts first. And we don't want new pinheads swayed away from here, because of an idiot and his thread and how a family can and will argue at times, it is not needed? Upto you
hey guys. it wasn't me either

btw Courtney, i didn't know you were trans and have no interest in it either way. how would anyone know, and why would anyone care? today i went to a pinball meet in London where i talked to, among others, my friend Dawn who is also transgender. there go you, pm me if you want an introduction. Dawn is lovely, i have known her and her wife Anne for 5 years, as well as all 4 of their kids, all of whom are well adjusted. i know at least 2 gay guys into pinball, one fella who likes computers a bit too much, and several dozen who who dearly like to have any kind of sexual partner ever, of any persuasion, thank you. i think i speak for 99%+ here when i say that you are most welcome and please stay with us.

gif walrus sniffing.gif
You have been a welcome new member of the family. Don't let the actions of one bigoted fool deter you. They have a problem, not you. :thumbs:

+1 to the above. Just ignore the prat Courtney.

I know its easy for us to say when we're not the one who feels like they're taking the hit, but it's all about provoking a reaction.

Hopefully a sad gatecrasher hasn't soured you on the rest of us.

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I'm ed from Newport South Wales . I know a few people on here as we are neighbours nearly.
I own 2 machines
Teenage mutant ninja turtles
Space limits more and money really . My friend got me into them a few years back and I have been to the uk party as well in Wales and daventry
Cheers ed
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