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Good morning everyone!!!

My name is Courtney from South Birmingham. I have been into collecting and restoring Pinballs, Jukeboxes, Video Games and vintage computers for over 20 years.

My current collection contains :


1980 Bally Xenon (Needs a Playfield)
1979 Williams Trizone
1977 Zaccaria Aerobatics (Needs Backglass)


1937 Wurlitzer 616
1951 Seeburg M100B

Vintage Computers

Apple II
Apple II+
Apple II Europlus
Apple IIe
Apple IIe enhanced
Apple IIgs
Apple Mac Colour Classic with Apple IIe Card
Apple Mac Classic II
Apple Lisa
Sinclair Spectrum 16k
Sinclair Spectrum 48k
Sinclair Spectrum +
Sinclair Spectrum +2
Sinclair Spectrum +3
Tatung Einsten TC01 (Pre Production Sample)
Tatung Einsten 256
BBC Master Compact
Acorn Archemedes 3000
Commodore 64
Commodore 64C
Commodore Pet 2001
Commodore Amiga A500
Commodore Amiga A500+
Commodore Amiga A1200HD
Commodore Amiga A2000HD
Atari 520STFM
Atari 1040STFM
Dragon 32
Amstrad CPC464

Also I repair and build Valve amplifiers for hifi or guitar.

There you go, that's a little bit of me...

Hugs n Stuff

Courtney x

Pinball Wishlist - Mystic, Silverball Mania, Space Invaders
Great list there Courtney, but why no ZX81 ?
Yeah I have some microdrives knocking about somewhere too.
I've even got a working ZX Printer in the loft.
If it did, it would be no less legible than the actual printing. It's shocking.
Hi, I'm Cary.

We have a 1964 "Mad World" Bally pinball table which has been in the family for thirty odd years - in storage for the last twenty. Finally have room to it stand it up on its feet and get it working. My dad and brother are doing the EM side of the restoration, and I'm handling the paintwork, plastics, and cabinet restoration.

We're in Leeds.
Welcome Cary, good to see that pinball is being enjoyed by a family and your all getting your hands dirty. You'll have to make more room now for your next pin.;)
Welcome aboard, sounds like a nice family project. Post up some pics when you get chance so we can see how your rebuild is doing.;)
Welcome Cary. Please post a shop log as nearly everyone here enjoys these I think (they make us believe we could do it too).

Do you prefer the earlier EM games like yours, or do you like all types?
Well I played the Mad World a few times when I was a kid (was always second in line behind the big brother) but other than that I don't think I've ever played another pinball table (3D Pinball for Windows back in the mid 90's doesn't count.)

I'm kinda blown away by the idea that I have a mechanical computer in my basement.

It's a slice of history and the artwork is just out there - wacky- what was in their baccy?

I've worked in IT for over 20 years - open up a computer and meh - aside from a fan and a couple of LEDs - there's nothing to see that gives you any idea of how the whole thing works - without several degrees in material sciences and electronic engineering - the whole thing might as well be magic - no chance of back-engineering it from just looking. Not saying a modern computer isn't impressive - but it doesn't grab ya by the gin-gan-googlies and say "look at me I'm absa-flubbing-gobb-smackingly-awesome" in the same way as this electro-mechanical computer pinball table does.

I'll start up a log of our progress (and setbacks). Less is more I think with this table... We're starting from a pretty good place. After a few hours tinkering the guys got the machine to the point where it starts, resets and plays. Not everything on the playfield is working, one of the pop bumpers isn't always popping, and there are 4 rollover buttons that aren't doing anything. I've cleaned the playfield and the plastics, replaced the playfield bulbs, and rubbers. The cabinet needs painting (it got sanded down at somepoint in the dim and distant past), rusty legs to clean up, perhaps a little paint touchup on the playfield.

50 years old, stored for 20 of them, and aside from a few minor features it works - just amazing.
Hi Cary, I understand the appeal I'd like an EM machine at some point and the later SS machines are fun to tinker with too. I really like the theme of your machine which I guess was influenced by the movie of the previous year.
Hi, I'm Cary.

We have a 1964 "Mad World" Bally pinball table which has been in the family for thirty odd years - in storage for the last twenty. Finally have room to it stand it up on its feet and get it working. My dad and brother are doing the EM side of the restoration, and I'm handling the paintwork, plastics, and cabinet restoration.

We're in Leeds.
Welcome Cary. Another Leeds pin head. There are quite a few on here.
Evening all, I've been collecting vids for over 20 years and I though it was about time I got myself a pin.

I know quite a few people on here already but look forward to getting to knwo a few more as I enter the world of pinball.

I was looking at getting a Super Mario Bros as my first pin as that will be wife and daughter friendly but sadly just missed out on the one that was listed last week... but i'm sure another one will turn up soon.
Hi all just joined. I say just, lol been trying to work things out on my phone and here since six o'clock tonight waiting for a confirmation? on my ancient phone.:hmm: i say tonight well after finding this place about a year ago, I tried six/seven months ago (again on my phone) been messed around on an older computer (this life is good) ha.ha and now on this. But at least its working and i can post. YIPP:rofl:EE.
Hello my name is Pete, I live in Bristol. My first pinball experience must have been in the Monte Carlo Cafe on Stapleton road in Bristol, i must have been about seven or eight years, In the late Seventies very early Eighties, helping my father work plumbing, (on a so called sick day from school) It was a pair of E/M none flipper nudgers, I WAS HOOKED
The next soon after was Dirty Dot's (The York Cafe In Clifton Bristol) Where she had a Black Knight and a Pacman Table Top in the basement by the toilets.(oh those dingy days and Hidden Caverns of Gold and Sunken Treasures.) After many years in the arcades and much wasted time and money I got out, and finished my Education.:)
Now I find myself nearly a year in and I have bought 3 machines in under a year. HELLO MY NAME IS PETE I AM A PINBALL ADDICT, I HOPE THE TEN STEPS. IS NOT TEN PINBALLS
Thanks for the welcome, but i have to go to bed. JUST SEEN TIME, sorry, i have some time tomorrow I will be here then,to respond and to talk. Night
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