Hi Pinball guys, I'm Ian and been into pinball and arcade games for a long time, I have a collection of arcade cabs and now I'm looking to enter the dark and mysterious world of pinball ownership.
I've done a fair bit of restoration work on my cabs and will probably look for a decent project table to get into, as I find that side of the hobby as interesting as playing them

I expect one or two of you might know me from the UK arcade collecting forums.
I'm from Darn Sarf but my Dad was from Preston so I don't have a North-South divide - I can take the pee out of both equally
I got into pinball emulation years ago and I designed some original tables using Visual Pinball and made a recreation of Dr. Who with Future Pinball
Dunno how these sort of programs are perceived on these forums but it was the next best thing to owning a real machine for me.
If you want to check any of it out give me a shout.
I've got loats of fond memories playing pinball but some highlits include Banzai Run in Amsterdam, Hyperball at a local fairground and Fish Tales / White Water at the seaside.
I was also very lucky as the cafe round the corner from where I worked regularly had a pinball machine, and I played Indiana Jones,The Next Generation and Doctor Who every lunchtime when I had the chance.