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Great British Pinball Podcast

There are opinion, which was the first post (with a lovely family friendly gif to go with it!) and then he didn’t get a rise, so went back in with a rant.

Just don’t watch it, it’s really that simple.

You sound like a Love Island fan, so I didn’t mean to offend….
Glad you’ve had a coffee and calmed down
I like the hysteria around Xmen, you got Neil , Gonzo and many others sounding the victory of Stern and this new pin on social media without in most cases ever playing it and in Neil’s case probably less than 5 times.

I love these euphoric pinball moments, be interesting and lovely to see if this pin has the real clothes
I hate Love Island, cannot stand it. So you know what I do, I don’t watch it and I go happily about my day.

You gave it a listen, it’s not for you, just don’t listen again.

Neil is not even on here now to debate it with.
Neil is still on here under a different alias.
Just listened to the podcast in full and enjoyed the enthusiasm for X-Men , making me look forward to playing one .
I like the hysteria around Xmen, you got Neil , Gonzo and many others sounding the victory of Stern and this new pin on social media without in most cases ever playing it and in Neil’s case probably less than 5 times.

I love these euphoric pinball moments, be interesting and lovely to see if this pin has the real clothes
If you listened to the podcast he played it for one hour. 👍
i tried to listen to this, i really did, but had to give up after 12 minutes. it was just Neil going on and on about how he is a player, owner, operator, he runs a club and competitions, and all the big important guys know him and George calls to apologise when he can't be there to meet Neil who buys more games than any UK operator and Neil had this brilliant idea about the menus and be quiet Scott i'm still talking and .....

i was throwing up in my mouth and had to turn it off. sorry, not a fan :sad:
It's not for everyone. Gonzo does a podcast, you can listen to his views on X-Men here.

I enjoyed it, always interesting to hear about a new game that someone has actually played.
Can't wait to see your homebrew Scott, amazing theme.
is nobody gonna reply then, is everyone deaf and blind?

i presume this podcast is just a big vanity project for our Esteemed Leader then, is it? because that's not entertainment. the reason they give gameshows to Jonathon Ross and Graham Norton is that they're entertaining to watch, they're naturally witty jokers who know how to please and can pick up on an atmosphere with innate skills. they're clever and funny and so people want to watch them entertain. this podcast is drivel. give it to someone with a bit of charisma. Scott, you take over. maybe go and read the story of Dr Faustus first, then come back and berate me and ban me or whatever. i salute what you are trying to do, but you don't employ Helen Keller to paint a picture and then pretend it's good just because she pays your salary. FFS, did none of your mothers ever read you the story of The Emperor's New Clothes?
Not ones replying cause we’re better then that.

Pull the stick out your **** over Neil and move on, love him or hate him he does what he does

I personally like him like a lot of other do cause he does a lot for the club in London and single handed put us on the world map for competitive pinball.

You’ve been gone a while and people have had their chance to sling mud and the forum has moved on.

But what is sad slinging mud when the person can not publicly reply. Maybe that gets your rocks off
I'm not even sure I own a glue stick, how embarrassing. Also good thinking calling it a glue stick, really leaves the sponsorship options open!
Not ones replying cause we’re better then that.

Pull the stick out your **** over Neil and move on, love him or hate him he does what he does

I personally like him like a lot of other do cause he does a lot for the club in London and single handed put us on the world map for competitive pinball.

You’ve been gone a while and people have had their chance to sling mud and the forum has moved on.

But what is sad slinging mud when the person can not publicly reply. Maybe that gets your rocks off
No one's replying because they hit the ignore button, I know I did a fantastic feature can't even see posts.

Not sure what all the fuss is about a pod cast, you can choose to listen or not, simple. No offence to Neil or Scott but it's an amateur thing for them to have a chat.

Xmen does look really interesting, looking forward to playing it, hopefully Neil will bring one to next year pinfest, this time I will go, the wife can't get pregnant again🤣
No one's replying because they hit the ignore button, I know I did a fantastic feature can't even see posts.

Not sure what all the fuss is about a pod cast, you can choose to listen or not, simple. No offence to Neil or Scott but it's an amateur thing for them to have a chat.

Xmen does look really interesting, looking forward to playing it, hopefully Neil will bring one to next year pinfest, this time I will go, the wife can't get pregnant again🤣
Hold the phone, I just checked your sig and you've sold your LOTR! when did that happen?
Hold the phone, I just checked your sig and you've sold your LOTR! when did that happen?
Yeh, about two years ago, I'm on the third machine since, Mando, Ghostbusters now Avengers with a topper :)

I loved LOTR however I sunk serious loony tune money into it, which I shouldn't I knew the covid bubble would burst, I did a part exchange for a Mando prem. I'm friendly with the current owner and can still play it, its still in Ireland/Northern Ireland which is nice, it did go to a good home. That was the only machine I was emotionally attached to, it would make a good pod cast talk on how not to restore a machine. I did learn a lot from it, greatful to the forum for digging out all those unobtainable mods and assistance. it did demonstrate there no such thing as a grail machine and when you set it to 10 balls and UK skill posts a game would last 3 hours :eek:🤣 (i was trying to get to Valhalla, nearly did once, one shot away, I did do it by accident when it came out but I was younger and a better player, full disclosure the arcade on oxford street had UK skill post enabled which helped)

You still got one?
UK skill post enabled which helped
I've had a few games with the skillposts still functional, and always ended up with worse scores - never got the hang of them at all :)
Even found one in competition with them still turned on in Belgium - Sharkey's Shootout.
I've had a few games with the skillposts still functional, and always ended up with worse scores - never got the hang of them at all :)
Even found one in competition with them still turned on in Belgium - Sharkey's Shootout.
Yeh, there is a knack to them, t3, Simpsons, LOTR and Elvis I played alot with them on, when they came out. Elvis is the only other game in an arcade ive completed with wizard mode, but it was using skill posts. The rest was stock 3 balls standard settings.
Haven't played Elvis in a long time so no idea if it was a hard game or I became good at it. Again it was in Oxford street. Another older game I loved. Was brand new when I was playing it. Remember also the first and probably only game I got nearly 2 billion on. (Where I think it mattered)
is nobody gonna reply then, is everyone deaf and blind?

i presume this podcast is just a big vanity project for our Esteemed Leader then, is it? because that's not entertainment. the reason they give gameshows to Jonathon Ross and Graham Norton is that they're entertaining to watch, they're naturally witty jokers who know how to please and can pick up on an atmosphere with innate skills. they're clever and funny and so people want to watch them entertain. this podcast is drivel. give it to someone with a bit of charisma. Scott, you take over. maybe go and read the story of Dr Faustus first, then come back and berate me and ban me or whatever. i salute what you are trying to do, but you don't employ Helen Keller to paint a picture and then pretend it's good just because she pays your salary. FFS, did none of your mothers ever read you the story of The Emperor's New Clothes?
@cooldan your posts kill me most the time. I love them.

But - pinball has changed from a hobby that most people if they wanted to, could afford - and have fairly nice games.

Today it is a rich man's hobby that some people spend 5 figures on a table.

Nowadays I get to play most new games as I normally go out there and fix them.

Pinball has changed a hell of a lot.

I have turned down chances to go on podcasts (not this one by the way), listening to them is not my idea of fun. Have listened to a couple of Kanaedas or however you spell it back in covid days when I was driving around everywhere - but Dan - if you can not beat them - join them. Do a cooldan podcast. I would actually want to listen to that.
@cooldan your posts kill me most the time. I love them.


But - pinball has changed from a hobby that most people if they wanted to, could afford - and have fairly nice games.

Today it is a rich man's hobby that some people spend 5 figures on a table.

Nowadays I get to play most new games as I normally go out there and fix them.

To be fair, @Pick Holder, I have a couple of the newer titles at home and we play mostly on location :)

There aren't many people (certainly, here in the UK) who can import and own more than the occasional new machine, and who aren't playing most games in an arcade, pinball club, expo, on the seafront or at Pinfest!

My podcast-y thing, which I haven't managed to finish editing yet, is 100% about location play and largely about older pins...

We also repair our own machines because, again, there aren't enough people who know how to repair pins and enough passionate pinball collectors who don't know how to change rubbers (again, in the UK) for this to be a viable business! :)

Locations are, obviously, a different matter. I've volunteered to repair pins on location so I can play them, just because a slingshot rubber's come off...!
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