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Great British Pinball Podcast

I think it depends on your personal situation. I work from home and have found Scott and Neils podcasts really enjoyable and perfect company to have on in the background and would happily have them extend them even longer.
There are plenty of excellent sub 30 minute options out there too for the time starved. It's great to have a choice.

I'm new to the hobby though so a bit of a sponge I guess.
These days podcasts are just too long. I certainly don't want to listen to 2 people dragging out a subject for 90 minutes.
I doubt any one does, unless is Stalone Vs Arnie 🤭
Perhaps there a money matrix if it's streamed for a certain length of time you get a better payment. Not something I've ever looked into
not time starved. Another example is Gonzo's YT latest on X-Men. No Info to share, nothing to really say, pauses in-between thoughts. All just really a content filler.
I think you might be looking for more a news podcast :) The Kaneda 'a Stern insider leaked me on their upcoming titles' format.

The best most people can do is either humorous commentary or sharing a fun experience/topic :) I watch more YouTube videos than listen to podcasts, and it's mostly Beard Eats Food (Leeds bloke does eating challenges) and the guys who make fun of badly-written fantasy series streaming on Disney/Amazon Prime.
A more cheery side of bed to get out of? 😉
To be fair, people listen to podcasts for different reasons. If I'm listening to a podcast, I'm normally seeking information and want the minimum possible run time.

It's obvious there are people who like listening to friendly banter as a background to their working day or while jogging. Personally, that'd drive me mad, but I know it works for other people, so no judgement :)
To me 30minutes isn't a podcast.
Most I listen to are an hour or more, even if it contains a lot of waffle I'm listening because In enjoyed the company when I'm driving or doing stuff at home.
I don't watch TV at all, it's just music, podcasts or YouTube and often with YouTube I want something long so I don't have to keep finding new things to 'watch' when I'm working.
To me 30minutes isn't a podcast.
Most I listen to are an hour or more, even if it contains a lot of waffle I'm listening because In enjoyed the company when I'm driving or doing stuff at home.
I don't watch TV at all, it's just music, podcasts or YouTube and often with YouTube I want something long so I don't have to keep finding new things to 'watch' when I'm working.
You nailed it on the head.
I listen to a lot of the pinball podcasts as well as other stuff, I don’t set time aside to solely listen to them I just have them on while I’m doing things around the house or when I go for walks. I probably listen to 3 hours a day of stuff just from that so appreciate all the content and don’t mind longer episodes at all.
I really don't understand the 'Poscast is too long' comments. You don't have to listen to it all in one go, just listen to however much you want, then carry on with it later on.

I'm a huge podcast fan, I hate silence at home so get through a lot of different content throughout the day - on the loo, in the bath, any occasion when the TV isn't on, plus walking, driving etc.
Next episode is out!

We discuss Neil's exclusive first hands on gameplay of the Uncanny X-Men!

@s000m enjoyed this week's podcasts, buddy, I can't wait to try Xmen; the excitement came across and was great to hear. I am also looking forward to hearing more about your Home Brew project. Exciting Times
If I’m struggling to sleep I listen to Get Sleepy episodes on Spotify. I must have heard about Caesars early years a dozen times and I never manage to make it to the juicy stuff. The last one was the origin of the Roller Coaster which sounds like an odd one but was genuinely interesting.
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