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Garden pinball house?

Yeah, just got all that stuff from CEF to wire up the shed and summerhouse. More to get when outbuilding up, just got consumer unit for now as was on offer.
I'm running 10mm Armoured cable.
I have 9 double sockets, 4 single sockets

My house fuse is 80A. I have had all the pins on, with the fridge running but no radiators and told the wife not to boil the kettle!
I'm running 10mm Armoured cable.
I have 9 double sockets, 4 single sockets

My house fuse is 80A. I have had all the pins on, with the fridge running but no radiators and told the wife not to boil the kettle!

Out of interest have you ever put a clamp meter on your mains too see what your actual max draw is?
Nope, I was thinking about this earlier.

My neighbour works for EDF so will see if he has one.
My electric bill came through this month.........£826!

That was for 6months tho. We were £400 in credit, blamed it on the wife being home all day with the baby so used more juice ;):D

Will have to see.
This where last two weeks or so has got me....

Site almost cleared once stock fencing on left is removed. Rest of foundation to dig out. New armoured power cable coiled up in corner, second builder coming tomorrow. If can manage block build, it'll be pushed further back to old knackered fence shown.

Do you have access to get a mini-digger in to dig out the foundations?

No need, as 2/3 of it is done as probably only digging a 12-18" concrete raft. Managed to distribute all soil around the garden so far.... Some may need to be thrown into waste ground nearby though.

And what do the goats think about that - bet they are bleating about it :rofl:

They're noisy and annoying. Imagine a baby crying all the time.... :mad:. The young ones were hand reared so bleat repeatedly until you show them some attention or feed them. I bought a water pistol to squirt them with when the bleating gets on my nerves.... but the wife hid it when I left it hanging around.

If you have a remedy for getting them to shut up, let me know.
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Well that's what I was recommended by a certain builder member on here (although will check again). Anyway, just had second local builder round and has pointed out that clay is another 10" down from where I am at moment, so..... raft foundation may not be best plan after all. Fun and games....
Read this page....!!!!


Concrete paths should be 75-100mm thick, whereas drives, garage bases or hardstandings should be at least 100mm thick. For heavier use, such as large vans, use a 150-200mm thick concrete slab. Concrete slabs intended for exceptional loads, such as commercial yards, lorry parks etc., will be at least 200mm thick and should be specifically designed as they will probably require a sub-base of at least 100mm thickness, and steel reinforcing mesh or a fibre-reinforced concrete.
Just checked the PM, it was actually 6-8" thick concrete recommended. My head is full of numbers.... :confused:
Don't forget your pin cabins need aircon at this time of year else they are pretty much unusable.

Just turning the lights on heats mine up. I fitted vents to have my portable aircon permanently connected, but it can only just about get the temp down to 23-24 with all the machines on. Thankfully my mum is donating a more industrial air con unit that is now surplus to her requirements

Solar cooling?

Good things come to those who wait..... ! When a month comes round it'll be up in a day or so though I would imagine. Have spoke to those guys a couple of times and got a better price out of them too the second time round..... Still waiting on other quotes though too before deciding.
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