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Garden pinball house?

Interesting to know, thanks. After noting Total Sheds advising paving slabs as an option (!), got thinking I may be going OTT on foundation. My access to cabin position is a long way from front of house, so labour is putting a lot of cost onto contractor doing it. He also estimated £1,500 just on materials for 21 ft X 15ft approx !

I'm about to move my shed, probably this weekend so space is clear to start on it. Have a feeling my clay is deeper down so may have to put some hardcore, then sand down to level before the plastic.
Cost was an issue as well for my mate... He went for this one :


With extra-high sides (6'6 instead of 6'), Came in at just over 1k built for the 16x10 version..

hasn't been delivered yet as apparently they are a little busy.. few weeks apparently.. Will post pics when he's had it installed :)

Just spoke to these guys. Total Master Cabin TMC100 fully insulated with fibreglass quilt (loft insulation), UPVC double-glazed etc. at 6.5 X 4.5 approx (21ft X 15ft). £7,500 including delivery and installation.

At this stage, think the Latvian cabin with 40mm logs and no insulation, installed for £4,800 is a better option, doing the internal insulation myself.

Outbuilding quote on its way but looking expensive for the whole lot. Getting a quote for the bunker shell only; concrete foundation, block walls (no render yet) and fibreglass roof.
John I have had a word with a builder friend of mine and he came back with one or two options.
Will have a chat with you at Mooses on Thursday eve about it.
For the size I'm looking at, ready mix would be sensible. Will be a lot more work mixing and doing it in stages.
Just need several barrows (and able-bodied persons) to shift it round as access is a bit awkward.

Last time I did readymix was for an extension on the Father in laws house, access was crap and was a huge amount so barrowing it would have taken yonks - they recommended using a piping company who worked in tandem with them (don't remember the name) which used a system to pipe the mix from a container to the area required. Was only around £100 extra from memory and saved a shed load of work
Thanks for the tip, I'd need piping to go at least 20 metres, probably more. Will look into it anyway.

Just found a couple of firms in Chorley and Bamber Bridge that offer a free barrowing service. They may regret that...
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As Nick says you can get piping to extend to area were you want the mix or another option would be to hire a power barrow which means no pushing plus can take bigger load than normal barrow and if you are going block built then easy for moving them round the back as well.
I have 12 plus 2 arcade machines, plus looking at machine number 13! I have measured up and think they will all squeeze in with just enough room to take the glass out, ill post some pics next weekend hopefully with them all fitted in!
I have 12.5 x 24.5 external (so roughly 12 x 24 internal) and you can just about get 13 pins in with the most optimal layout (and still take all the glass off without a problem) That's using a 5 / 4 / 4 formation. If you had even an inch less than 12' width I can't imagine you'd get the 13th to fit? Or do you have a different layout than me that works?
I have 12.5 x 24.5 external (so roughly 12 x 24 internal) and you can just about get 13 pins in with the most optimal layout (and still take all the glass off without a problem) That's using a 5 / 4 / 4 formation. If you had even an inch less than 12' width I can't imagine you'd get the 13th to fit? Or do you have a different layout than me that works?
I'll let you know how it goes next week, worst case one will have to stay in the garage with my action fig collection
Think John has you down for making Tea Luke but Carl has volunteered for that so I reckon you could be promoted to digger driver ;)
or is he that tight that he won't hire one :p
Don't forget your pin cabins need aircon at this time of year else they are pretty much unusable.

Just turning the lights on heats mine up. I fitted vents to have my portable aircon permanently connected, but it can only just about get the temp down to 23-24 with all the machines on. Thankfully my mum is donating a more industrial air con unit that is now surplus to her requirements
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