Finally got around to setting her up, pics don't do this game justice, and videos don't convey just how bright the LED's are, had to turn them down a touch. Currently on the warm setting but want to explore the custom option to find the real sweet spot.
lowered the flipper coils to 180 and the ball launch and slingshots down a bit too, will probably set the flippers at 185 like everyone else, currently at 180 and there fine but a tiny bit more oomph wouldn't hurt.
Pop bumpers seem great to me, maybe after a few more games they will need adjustment but all good at the mo.
Toying with getting silicone rubbers to match my other games and will move the outlanes in a bit, I was a bit concerned I would find the game too hard, and while it is definitely hard, it doesn't feel like it loses the ball cheaply, when I lost the ball it sorta felt that if I was better or anticipated it would have been saveable so hard, but not in an unfair way if that makes sense.
At one point yesterday managed to hit cast chaos (more luck than judgement) so pleased a very average player like myself can still progress and see some of the cool stuff, loved the way the music and atmosphere of the game changed and really ramped up the tension.
Its just so different to anything else. Really feels unique and special.
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