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Finally, Pulp Fiction

My pops also seem not to be sensitive enough but the switches are real close bottom side. It’s as if the skirts / springs are a bit too tight. Is the game meant to be like this so the pops only go off with a decent hit and not if the ball just lightly brushes them?
My pops also seem not to be sensitive enough but the switches are real close bottom side. It’s as if the skirts / springs are a bit too tight. Is the game meant to be like this so the pops only go off with a decent hit and not if the ball just lightly brushes them?
Dunno. They’re doing my head in.
My pops also seem not to be sensitive enough but the switches are real close bottom side. It’s as if the skirts / springs are a bit too tight. Is the game meant to be like this so the pops only go off with a decent hit and not if the ball just lightly brushes them?
I haven't checked the gaps on mine, but they seem to be firing fine.
My pops also seem not to be sensitive enough but the switches are real close bottom side. It’s as if the skirts / springs are a bit too tight. Is the game meant to be like this so the pops only go off with a decent hit and not if the ball just lightly brushes them?
I had to adjust all mine, they are very fine, Also the magnet target was way out too.
Finally got around to setting her up, pics don't do this game justice, and videos don't convey just how bright the LED's are, had to turn them down a touch. Currently on the warm setting but want to explore the custom option to find the real sweet spot.

lowered the flipper coils to 180 and the ball launch and slingshots down a bit too, will probably set the flippers at 185 like everyone else, currently at 180 and there fine but a tiny bit more oomph wouldn't hurt.
Pop bumpers seem great to me, maybe after a few more games they will need adjustment but all good at the mo.

Toying with getting silicone rubbers to match my other games and will move the outlanes in a bit, I was a bit concerned I would find the game too hard, and while it is definitely hard, it doesn't feel like it loses the ball cheaply, when I lost the ball it sorta felt that if I was better or anticipated it would have been saveable so hard, but not in an unfair way if that makes sense.
At one point yesterday managed to hit cast chaos (more luck than judgement) so pleased a very average player like myself can still progress and see some of the cool stuff, loved the way the music and atmosphere of the game changed and really ramped up the tension.

Its just so different to anything else. Really feels unique and special.

I had another go at adjusting the pop bumper switches. They are much more responsive now.

I also noticed whilst playing that the left hand kahuna stand up target didn’t seem to register often, the switch needed a really firm hit to activate it. I adjusted that too and now it’s much better. That switches a key switch in the game, so important it works correctly. There seemed to be too much foam behind the switch.
Finally got around to setting her up, pics don't do this game justice, and videos don't convey just how bright the LED's are, had to turn them down a touch. Currently on the warm setting but want to explore the custom option to find the real sweet spot.

lowered the flipper coils to 180 and the ball launch and slingshots down a bit too, will probably set the flippers at 185 like everyone else, currently at 180 and there fine but a tiny bit more oomph wouldn't hurt.
Pop bumpers seem great to me, maybe after a few more games they will need adjustment but all good at the mo.

Toying with getting silicone rubbers to match my other games and will move the outlanes in a bit, I was a bit concerned I would find the game too hard, and while it is definitely hard, it doesn't feel like it loses the ball cheaply, when I lost the ball it sorta felt that if I was better or anticipated it would have been saveable so hard, but not in an unfair way if that makes sense.
At one point yesterday managed to hit cast chaos (more luck than judgement) so pleased a very average player like myself can still progress and see some of the cool stuff, loved the way the music and atmosphere of the game changed and really ramped up the tension.

Its just so different to anything else. Really feels unique and special.

View attachment 270469
Yep this game is unique, special, addictive… top drawer 👍
What’s people’s thoughts on the sound?
I think mine sounds ace with the settings left as delivered. There seem to be quite a few on pinside that describe it as muffled??
What’s people’s thoughts on the sound?
I think mine sounds ace with the settings left as delivered. There seem to be quite a few on pinside that describe it as muffled??
I think it's the sound quality of the call outs that people have been critical of. It's one of those things you only start thinking about because everyone has been talking about it (On Pinside).

I think there may be slight clipping on the calll outs on mine but I haven't looked at the sound settings yet.

It also only has one speaker.
For context I’m quite obsessive with audio, I’m an amateur music producer and have been a dj for 30+ years. I’m very into sound and run my music through pro grade studio monitors.

I think that some of the recordings from the film have obviously been hard to isolate well and seem subject to heavy eq / filtering to get rid of background noise, resulting in clips that are inconsistent and some that undoubtedly show distortion. This cannot be fixed by changing speakers or general audio set up, it’s baked into the source material.

Additionally, the sound work in the game has lots of overlapping sounds, filtering and other audio tricks that for the most part sound amazing, but occasionally clang a bit or jump out loud due to inconsistent level. Couple that with a single small front facing speaker and a second in the cabinet, and you’ve got an interesting result. Personally I think it sounds pretty damn good for a pinball machine made of sound sources cut from a film. I also think the overall integration of the audio is top notch, although it’s a shame that the iconic songs are used a little sparingly.

Not that I’d imagine this will happen, but recent advances in AI driven stems technology would be highly likely to make the isolation of the vocal tracks from the film cleaner, but that would be a big job to go back and fix and if they were going back, re recording the director’s voice with QT would be a better use of resource.

What I would like in a future update, is individual volume settings for music / call outs / sfx, so that they can be balanced to taste.

Having had the game a couple of days, I’m absolutely in love with it and I think it’s a keeper. It has to be right up there with the very best ever for theme integration in every conceivable way. It’s funny - if they’d made it like a truly modern machine, so lcd screen showing movie clips, loads of ramps, super in depth code etc, it wouldn’t have suited the theme at all. Everything about the game works with the subject material, from the fact you can’t work out what decade it’s from (same as the film) to the fact all the modes sort of jump around (like the film does in structure). It’s really a top notch bit of art in the form of a box of wires and electronics.

Flipper power at 182
Sling power at 195
Trough power at 165
GI on warm

Pops need adjusting for sure as they don’t trigger enough and I think the gun/watch target needs to be more sensitive. Some drops in both banks fail to drop when hit hard but I reckon that will just wear in with play.

Just got the game really going for the first time with a 6.5m score and lots of modes multiballs. Cool that whilst all things don’t stack, you can do the royale with cheese, mph and so on whilst in multiball modes such as cast chaos.

Couldn’t be happier with the game.
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One annoying thing about the gameplay is the fact that if you light a character in the top saucer, before lighting roll scene, you then have to hit roll scene alley 3 times to start a scene, instead of just twice. It’s such a tough shot, it makes achieving a roll scene so much more difficult.
wtf is that >10m score thing about.? A flickering last digit. Ffs. It looks awful. I though my display was on the blink

Is it really a flicker? One thing I like with the Zacs is they put a blinking 1 at the end of the score
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