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Ebay Auctions 2014

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Anyone on here win that Centaur? Went above my limit. Quite impressed how restrained I was :)

Wow, I was sure you were going to go for it Kev, and didn't think that it ended at too bad a price in the end, granted not cheap, but not bad for a great game.
I was very tempted Craig, initially I was going to max bid 1200 at the last minute which may or may not have won it, who knows. Common sense prevailed however and I decided that was too much.
Smells worse than a 3 day old kebab.

Magically sold then returns at £500... 7 mins after it starts someone bids 1400?
God that looks dodgy. PZ surely is a £700 max machine who the hell would offer more than a grand for one? The same seller also has a DH up on the bay. Bid price currently £500 which sounds great until you notice that the feedback is 100% activity with the seller......

Still don't understand the £500 initial bid idea but then sticking a higher reserve on it. Why not start at 99p with a reserve or better still start at the reserve price? Personally I never bid on auction that have the "reserve not met" comment
Also the dh is being sold as beautiful condition , and plastics are broken ?
Some nuts look like they have deposits on them ?
Pictures are also not great,
Best thing is buyer beware warning ( very good statement in this case )
God that looks dodgy. PZ surely is a £700 max machine who the hell would offer more than a grand for one? The same seller also has a DH up on the bay. Bid price currently £500 which sounds great until you notice that the feedback is 100% activity with the seller......

Still don't understand the £500 initial bid idea but then sticking a higher reserve on it. Why not start at 99p with a reserve or better still start at the reserve price? Personally I never bid on auction that have the "reserve not met" comment
That's me that's bid on the DH.
The same Party Zone has been relisted yet again

I therefore declare the seller as a lying cheating shill bidding scumbag

Don't bid on this TW@'s auctions
That's weird, I ticked completed listings on him last night and earlier today, all that came up was his Gypsy books, now I've just tried again and I can see DH was previously listed too.

I've never understood the point of reserves on eBay. I thought the whole point of auctions (in general, not just eBay) was to:

a) Attract two or more parties to enter into a bidding war to drive the final selling price beyond what it would probably sell for at a fixed price. This is the ideal if the item for sale is considered collectable or desirable.


b) Shift something that might not otherwise attract any attention if offered at a fixed price. This pretty much covers most second-hand "stuff". For example, your rusty old lawnmower probably won't sell if you stick £50 on it, but bargain hunters will watch it if it starts at 99p and it'll probably go for £44.50 in the end.

By setting a reserve you're saying to your potential buyers "I want a minimum amount for this, I'm not telling you how much but if you pay even more so much the better." But what seems to happen is a lot a bidding in small increments between buyers to try and find the reserve price. Setting a reserve price has a fee on eBay, as does setting a high opening price, but by setting a high opening price you are clearly stating the minimum amount you'd be willing to accept.

Rampant shilling on that PZ though. Note that in the original listing 8***c (279) repeatedly upped the price in the final hour but 7***i (1) was only willing to push another twenty quid over £1,300 but still that didn't break the reserve. So, it gets re-listed and what do you know? 8***c (279) instantly puts on £1,400 and the reserve is gone.

Another Robo. Couple of lies here, lol.

"This game is so much fun and can spend hours learning the game play. This pinball machine will only go up in value due to the new robocop film coming out. Happy bidding;)"
I think the hype surrounding the RoboCop reboot finished around February 6th, the day after it's London premier. Let's face it, it's a pretty cheesy franchise and the pin has a mildly lame backglass and playfield considering what could be done if it had maybe looked more like the comic books:

It's still a good film to watch. Very 80s but not doing too bad for nearly 30 years old!

To further my comment about the artwork on the RoboCop pin I can't get away with not mentioning that Frank Miller, one of my favourite comic book writers (Batman: Dark Knight Returns, 300, Sin City and Elektra) worked on various RoboCop comics ;) These are typically very dark:

If anything the new film devalued the cult of robocop. It was a bit 'Dick Jones'.

That's what I mean by lies, haha. The new film was 'Ok', too long winded & boring, not close to original but they were different. No way it pushes value up of the very simple pinball machine. Only way I can see value going up on this game is when people decide to keep hold of it and they become more scarce.

the pin has a mildly lame backglass

Indeed , it's pretty shocking. I've seen some horrible blue LED jobs on it that makes it look even worse. I'm still contemplating whether I'm going to rip that out and make a new one to fit bigger lcd. The game being simple & I like original film made sense to me to enhance this game with more modes other than arrest & multiball. It doesn't take hours to learn, it takes 5 minutes, just to recode the original rules hasn't taken me long.
Indeed , it's pretty shocking. I've seen some horrible blue LED jobs on it that makes it look even worse. I'm still contemplating whether I'm going to rip that out and make a new one to fit bigger lcd. The game being simple & I like original film made sense to me to enhance this game with more modes other than arrest & multiball. It doesn't take hours to learn, it takes 5 minutes, just to recode the original rules hasn't taken me long.

Hi @dave, so you own a RoboCop? What's it like to play?

Blue LEDs in the backbox sounds ghastly. I've always been surprised that fluorescent strips haven't been used more often (I think the harsh white might work well for RoboCop), but I guess nothing is simpler than a 6V light bulb.

I'm also very interested to find out more about what you use to re-write the firmware, in terms of both software and hardware? I'd love to be able to fiddle with the ROMs for my Bally's but I think the initial outlay on the EEPROM writer may be prohibitive. Have you got any info on PinballInfo or elsewhere?
Hi @dave, so you own a RoboCop? What's it like to play?

Blue LEDs in the backbox sounds ghastly. I've always been surprised that fluorescent strips haven't been used more often (I think the harsh white might work well for RoboCop), but I guess nothing is simpler than a 6V light bulb.

I'm also very interested to find out more about what you use to re-write the firmware, in terms of both software and hardware? I'd love to be able to fiddle with the ROMs for my Bally's but I think the initial outlay on the EEPROM writer may be prohibitive. Have you got any info on PinballInfo or elsewhere?

No, don't own yet, only played it at the shows. Just keeping eyes & ears open. It's fast & difficult, which is a big reason for me this simple game has last-ability.
Well it's all the blue they shove into the face of robo & lewis, bleeds it out. Some recent picture here & comparison to non led. https://img-f.pinside.com/201406/1719655/247336.jpg https://img-f.pinside.com/201406/1726869/249037.jpg

Using the p-roc pyprocgame framework to re-write it. Only really having trouble with working out the multiplayer multi-ball at the moment but if I had the game to throw balls around on it wouldn't be as difficult. You can have as many custom written games as you wanted on one machine. Just pretty much getting the original rules down first and enhancing with lcd, stats & logins.

Not sure if they work with the old Ballys. You just pretty much replace the main board and add your own game to it, but can run the original rom through pinmame.
Wouldn't it be wise to wait and see if Stern remake Tron after Iron Man?

Sent from my Windows Phone using Tapatalk

You could wait until a TronVE is released but it is a "what if" at the moment. Anyway I not selling the machine, but it was more "if anyone is interested I could go and have a look for them".
I have met the guy a couple of times but he does seem to have a shorter retention time for machines than Wez and that's saying something. :eek:
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