The (S)LE looks good. The Premium (LE) and Pro (Premium) pretty meh. Topper looks much better than the awful GB & GoT ones. Playfield art is ok, I guess, but it's going to draw unflattering comparisons with
Austin Powers ... and it clearly is BMDK 2.0. Such a barren game, even at the lowest point of entry pricing wise.
Still, for $15k it should look good. But that $15k (probably close to $20k in most overseas markets) still gets you the cheapo metal backbox with cheaper plastic bands, by the look of it the same cheapo practically balsa wood cabinet, and the same crappy cabinet decal print quality.
The SLE is how their Premiums should look normally.
If this was some one off celebration of 30 years, they would have pushed the boat out a little and made it their own
WOZ ECLE ... instead, as I suspected, this looks like a, "Hey potential investors, we just proved we can clear more than $10k (I'd guess 12k) gross profit on a machine. Buy us or into us for a massive sum."
Oh, and that's not a backglass for $10k and $15k .... it's a translite. That's sad.