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X Men - and apparently people like it. (and me too now :))

Gotta say, the theme is not my thing, but the layout, shots and toys look great. Will be interesting how it plays as it looks like the main flippers are not centred as normal, that could get a bit of getting used to.
Can’t remember the last game that actually had a playfield that looked innovative. Despite being a theme I have zero interest in I want to put money into one of these on site.

So glad Stern are using newer designers rather than getting the old guard to churn out tried and tested formulas.

Reminds me of the 90s when you’d find a new game and want to play them to see what’s different. 😀. I think Avatar has just taken a bath 🤣
It's got:

1) The power from TAF

2) Bowling from Flintstones

3) Flipper from Gold Wings (?)

4) Leaping frog from Elvira

Any more influences?
i must be the only one looking at this and not being amazed by it.
so come on fellas, see my wanted pins in my signature in blue - you gotta sell something to buy this amazing new fresh and innovative game, right?
Wow first new stern game in a while that I've watched the launch and gone perhaps I should start saving
Looks really good. And I don't often say that about Stern's games.
Wasn't sure what I was expecting from this when I saw the previews but this far exceeded anything I think I thought was going to be shown. Nice for some innovative ideas to be tried out, perhaps it'll give other designers food for thought with any future projects? Here's hoping.
Just saw the reveal. I dunno man, bit bored of the comic book Zombi Yeti look. Doesn't do a lot for me. I'm sure it shoots well
His FF is a great pin.
This looks to be on another level altogether.
Move over Keith, Danger's in town.
A new word is needed - PINGASM
( and I'm no fan of the theme)
How hot is the Pinball Heaven hotline? - pretty warm I'd imagine
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I know it's daft but that screw in the Sentinels mouth needs a pop on plastic cover or something and the offset flippers are messing with my OCD :p
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