D-Type' date=' post: 1693859 said:. I hope it has it's own individual feel to it, like a Bally or Gottlieb or Stern and not just like a new Williams.
Judge Dreads' date=' post: 1694163 said:Have to disagree, personally I hope JJ's machines do not feel anything like a Stern and exactly like a new Williams![]()
teachp8' date=' post: 1694273 said:Does anyone else think that JJP may have overstretched themselves a little? I can't help but think that in their quest to knock Stern off their perch they have thrown everything AND the kitchen sink at this game. It looks amazing but I do hope that they don't end up in dire straights because they couldn't say no to the designers. I personally want to see pinball no 2 from this company not see them fold after machine number one due to poor budgeting! Maybe I'm just having a glass half empty kind of day....
Replay' date=' post: 1694280 said:This one?