There is no need to apologise - or list all your perceived flaws

This ain’t the inquisition.
Okay. I’ve also considered importing pins (and others on the forum import pins), but I think - in your case - it’s probably unnecessary.
Unless you’re lucky enough to find your perfect pin in your ideal holiday destination, you’re organising your holiday around a pin acquisition. This means, if you turn up and you’re being offered a pile of firewood with expensive-to-fix faults, it’s going to feel harder to walk away once you’ve flown/ferried/driven all that distance. Also, you need to mess about with VAT and import tax, etc.
From reading your posts, you are not terribly picky about pins. You’re interested in everything from Grand Lizard to TOTAN. You also seem to have a budget of £4,000 at least, excluding imports. Thus, it should be easy for you to source a pin in the UK if you know where to look.
Places to look (apart from these forums) include:
- Pinball Machines for Sale in the UK Facebook Group
- Tobin, a dealer well known on the forum whose contact details I (and apparently several others) have provided you with
- If you want a very specific pin, James Bird @ CoinOpKing (Google for the website) has literally hundreds of pins. They tend to be priced relatively high because he runs an import/export business, but you will be able to find pins that may be rare in the collector community (e.g. Laser Cue)
- I and others have bought pins from Williams Amusements but, again, he costs more and you need to check the condition very carefully
You can also
post a Wanted ad on the forum, if you haven’t done so already. In fact, I’d recommend that as a first-choice option. If you post an advert, and are looking for a specific pin, people will often be kind enough to PM you if they see one on FB Marketplace (or know of someone with one). Given how many pins you seem to be open to, you could post a general Wanted advert, e.g.
Looking for a Bally-Williams era pin with a budget of £4K. I have been offered multiple pins based on a Wanted ad, including titles I hadn’t previously considered.
If your budget stretches to new-in-box, the trusted retailer on the forum is
Phil @ Pinball Heaven. Right now, it looks like he has a Cactus Canyon remake by Chicago Gaming Company available (, which is a remake of a much-loved B/W-era pin in the same vague family of pins as Medieval Madness, Monster Bash and Attack from Mars. I’m personally not a massive fan of
CC, but it is a colourful pin with lots of fun toys and CGC has a good reputation.
It’s worth mentioning that buying pinball machines is more like buying a house than buying an iPhone. There are only a few manufacturers, the biggest of whom - Stern - is currently struggling to ramp up production to meet order volumes. The vast majority of pinball machines are vintage, come in a variety of conditions, and repair/maintenance is usually a core part of ownership.