Great write upI listened to the pinball show podcast and something that keeps the US market moving is trade ins. If Zach has a bunch of Venom prems sitting in stock that per his agreement he’s not allowed to sell under let’s say $9500, there’s nothing stopping him offering $3000 for a trade in that he knows is only worth $2000, pretty much discounting the nib $1000 without getting in trouble. It keeps the market moving, gets the new games in peoples homes where more people get to play them and maybe decide they want one and frees up space and money at the distro for the next title.
It’s not a great option here because distros have to add vat to whatever they buy as a trade in and PH are really the only distro with any significant stock anyway and how much of that is sitting not selling, not a lot I don’t think. They don’t need to free up space and money and other companies here don’t either because they don’t keep much, if anything in stock.
Stuff is still selling if the price is low enough. Some people are out of space but other people will find more space and new people are always entering/ re-entering the hobby, even if not at the same rate as a few years ago.
I think there’s people who are willing to take the hit on a nib because they just see it as the cost of a hobby and then people who are not willing or can’t afford to take a hit on anything, new or used. A couple of machines I’ve sold, after they are pending I’ve almost immediately had someone contact me that if the deal falls through to let them know. People want a machine for sale but are unsure if it will sell for the same amount so don’t buy it, then it sells and that was the confirmation they needed. Or they just get non-buyers remorse
Also some people are happy to make offers and some people either don’t think to or are worried they might offend. The Jaws that sold for 7050, there were more people who would have had it for that, so make an offer, you never know. As long as you are serious and will buy it if accepted and are also not offended if the seller then negotiates or says no, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with making an offer. I never mind getting an offer on something I'm selling as long as the person is serious, I can always say no thanks or try and agree a price somewhere in the middle. Do other people feel differently? Do offers annoy/ offend?
And spend the interim time worrying that you've accepted a handful of fake notes too...It doesn’t as all it means is I’ve then got to take time out of my day to go to a bank (which are never open outside of my work hours)
I bailed at 2300. It needs a new playfield doesn't have a topper and needs a lot of work. By the time I've done all that I may as well just buy another White water and save my time/hassleHow does the £2350 Wh20 on eBay fit into the new price narrative?
So where would you get the best price for your pinball nowadays?
Williams amusements and such dealers?
Here ( depending on title)?
I’m actually glad I’ve no plans to sell anytime soon.
You know , it’s no fun without hagglingDid you haggle?
Offers are fine. What is really taking the **** is if someone makes an offer then comes to collect and then starts to haggle. I’ve only had it once but it totally frustrated me. Unsurprisingly they also wanted to pay in cash as they thought that gave them an edge. It doesn’t as all it means is I’ve then got to take time out of my day to go to a bank (which are never open outside of my work hours)
All true, but the difference in price between NIB and used feels greater than ever, and in my eyes isn't sustainable.I really do not get peoples moaning on other threads about 'loosing money on NIB'.
You buy a car. Drive it off the forecourt and it is worth less.
Stern pinball machines lets say are like Ford cars. Good workhorse machines that I include in this price drop.
You get the odd 'Bugatti' that does not degrade the same way (perhaps Alice in Wonderland will be like this) - but this is usually down to demand. Like BBB. Someone can ask £20K and say 'find another'.
But honestly - if you moan about loosing money on a JJP/STERN/SPOOKY etc then all I would tell you to do is buy a used game and quit your moaning. If you want a game as soon as its out, because you watched some videos and 'had to have it' be prepared for a loss.
The best way not to loose money in this hobby is buy HUO used.
The days are over when you can sell your Stern from 5 years ago for more than what you paid are long gone.
All true, but the difference in price between NIB and used feels greater than ever, and in my eyes isn't sustainable.
No one is expecting NIB not to lose money, it's the amount they are now losing.
The depreciation on my Lebowski is most likely the nail in the coffin for me buying any more NIB.
Your correct.Is it greater than ever though?
There was a time when DMD Sterns were £4k new and then £2-£3k on the used market not that long after. That's 50-75% of the original price.
I'm not seeing people taking a 50% loss on modern Sterns, I've seen a few people recently in the sales threads getting angry because they didn't think they should have to take a > £1000 hit on selling their machine used
Yes:I have bought 5 in the last month
Some aren't selling due to lack of spare money floating around. Deals are also being done hidden away from the flame throwers. There always factors. It does depend on the machine, I personally don't think a couple that haven't sold are overpriced, it's just things take longer now than the 30 seconds they did before.If I had sold my collection during Covid, I would be a millionaire
There are large numbers of unsold machines in the sales section of the site, because people still think they are worth covid prices. When they reach normal prices, I will buy them
I'm not wrong saying they are overpriced, else they would actually sell
Do you reckon the guy on ebay trying to get £7k for his Bad Cats thinks that one day Marcus Rashford will be randomly browsing ebay for a cat themed pinball machine and will just simply have to have it![]()
If I had sold my collection during Covid, I would be a millionaire
There are large numbers of unsold machines in the sales section of the site, because people still think they are worth covid prices. When they reach normal prices, I will buy them
I'm not wrong saying they are overpriced, else they would actually sell
Do you reckon the guy on ebay trying to get £7k for his Bad Cats thinks that one day Marcus Rashford will be randomly browsing ebay for a cat themed pinball machine and will just simply have to have it![]()
Not really such thing as "overpriced".... however something is only ever worth what someone else is willing to pay!!Who knows what things are worth now. I don’t think anything on there is particularly overpriced, but then the market says overwise.