Theme is only really a deal-breaker for your personal taste.
Also theme doesn't necessarily mean you'll like the game. I loved the Walking Dead series but hated the game.
The most important thing is to like the game so play it first and do so twice ideally. If Bond is the the game for you because you like the game and you're a Bond fan then that's a decent choice.
You're also not really impacted by the resale 2nd hand problem because you'll be buying new.
I would agree with
@Gonzo. I recently bought a new-in-box JP2 Prem. I knew, if I sold it, the way prices are going I'd be taking a bath. However, I had literally spent about an hour every fortnight for more than a year playing the JP2 Prem in the Funland arcade in London's Russell Square. I knew this pin wasn't going to leave due to getting bored/frustrated because I'd already played it some stupid number of times.
I think you need to work out
@Bigr1ch what you like most about pinball. Do you really like a nostalgic arcade experience - at which point, you might be better going for a classic 80s/90s pin? Do you like fast-paced machines where you're fighting to keep the ball in play - like the pinball equivalent of a knife fight in a phone booth? Do you love setting off fun toys, modes and gimmicks like Addam's Family with the Thing hand, or Twilight Zone with the magnetic upper playfield? Do you want to have a chilled, relaxed experience, maybe listening to music with a beer? Are you a newbie to playing, such that you'd prefer easier shots and a longer ball time? Do you want to play with family and friends, including casual players? e.g.
@Gonzo apparently had a load of fun with Dolly Parton, as the rules are really easy to understand. Do you LOVE the excitement of multiball - if so, JJP's Guns & Roses might be for you? Or do you want to kick back and relax with deep theme integration, a low risk of draining the ball, and a long story-like game?
I'd think about this stuff before choosing solely on theme
There are pins I've owned where I've loved the theme and sold the pin anyway. I love the Lord of the Rings film and books. My wedding ring is the flipping One Ring. I also find the experience of playing fan layouts where, if you don't aim properly, the ball just noodles around casually similar to watching paint dry. So, despite *loving* the theme, after a year, I just wanted shot of Lord of the Rings. Genuinely,
@MadMonzer loved playing it, but - by the time LoTR left - even the callouts ("A new power is rising. To WARRR!") irritated me, never mind the gameplay. Happily,
@MadMonzer was happy to sell it and buy something else.
Really, really, every pin we have now, I've played a tonne of times and in environments (such as the Pinball Republic club in Croydon) where there are loads of other pins, so you're actively choosing to play a game (as opposed to where you're simply glad to see a pinball machine). We chose our first pin (still here) after playing on the Williams pinball app a load of times, which is also an option, but vPins don't work the same - so, real life is best
Just find a local venue with pins, play a lot, get a feel for what you like