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The "How much is this table worth" thread....

No, not played it. Just getting carried away with looking at the JJP one and thinking of giving the Stern one a go as that will be significantly cheaper. Terrible game? Glad I asked. Thanks.
For what it’s worth I don’t think Avatar is terrible, nor do I think it’s amazing. It’s a challenging machine to score well on and can feel quite brutal at times. You can alternate between the two multiballs if you like them, and there are mode stacking and shot multiplier opportunities if you like those kinds of machines.
I never warned to Avatar when I had one. Just too brutal a game. Designed to drain quickly.

There’s worse games out there and the sound is great but it’s a hard game to love.

3k maybe 3.5k should snag one.
Avatar was my wife’s favourite game, I had it next to Tron here and was played more. Once you get it going on it’s a good game, with decent speakers it sounds great.
I sold a really nice one with extras like the LE ampsuit, Afterglow, upgraded speakers and more in the peak for about £3200.
For what it’s worth I don’t think Avatar is terrible, nor do I think it’s amazing. It’s a challenging machine to score well on and can feel quite brutal at times. You can alternate between the two multiballs if you like them, and there are mode stacking and shot multiplier opportunities if you like those kinds of machines.
There's three multiballs... most people forget about the navi multiball as it is quite hard to achieve, but you need it if you are to reach final battle. A very challenging game but you can alter the settings to make it easier and more enjoyable at home.
There's three multiballs... most people forget about the navi multiball as it is quite hard to achieve, but you need it if you are to reach final battle. A very challenging game but you can alter the settings to make it easier and more enjoyable at home.
Yes, never managed to get it 😂 I’m normally too preoccupied with trying to get into one of the other two multiballs / dying too quickly to try to collect the full set of characters. The wizard mode is a long way away for me on that machine
Avatar is 3k max. IF the market is in a slump its one title that shouldn't be immune surely!
Had difficulty selling all 7 l got from operators. Luckily a Tron or POTC or Iron Man came with the "deal"
I know prices are all over the shop atm, but what is a reasonably nice Creech worth these days? Specifically with faded original hologram, colour DMD and pinsound? I'd have thought £4500 ish or am I miles off?
Hi Jonathan- if we’re ever close to approaching 2020 pre covid prices- I got offered a Creech for 2.5k which was a bargain retrospectively. I’d have thought £3.5 to £4k for a standard so maybe you’re not far off with colour dmd and pin sound
What’s this EBay BTDK worth? Trawling the forum shows 2 that have sold for £3k within the last 12 months and had been workshopped and / or had some nice powder coated axe armour….
Last one for 3k had a waiting list. Way too cheap! This one doesn't look as nice but the last one was massively underpriced based on its conditon. Last decent one on here i remember was £2700 and i regret not buying it. Probably 3k is a decent price for this one. 4k ain't bad if you really want one though.
i concur. fantastic game, and a good example of one.
if it was me, i'd turn up in a vehicle that it fits in (let him know), spend ages in the menu tests and poring over the underside and boards, then offer him cash as low as you dare. maybe start with 3,000 so he knows he's got a sale now if he needs one. with luck there'll be an angry missus with a rolling pin standing behind him telling him to agree because 'them bills won't pay themselves'. then go up in increments of 50-100, slowly. he'll know you've got more but will not want to lose the sale if you sigh and shake your head at 3400, making for the door.
definitely worth 3500.
Not sure if I want to ask this. I'm considering selling my Roadshow. Playfield is in great condition. Cabinet has some fading but not horrendous. Unmodified machine that I've owned for over 20 years.

What sort of money would this fetch ? Not really wanting to sell but may be persuaded at the right price
If you have had it 20 years, I would imagine you will be in profit whatever it sells at. If you are selling to make a huge money, you have missed the market I am afraid.

I would think this would be in the £3k - £3,500 range, without a colour DMD.
Thanks. I dont really want to sell but having the extra space is useful. Yes, I'd make a profit. I paid £1K for it from Pinballers Annonymous - still kicking myself for not going to Germany and picking up a lorry load back in the day. Thats around the money I expected and the enjoyment is worth more than that to me.
Wasn’t sure where to post this but I have an old Attack From Mars playfield, wondered what it’s worth please?


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Whats Gorgar worth these days ?
I have one that works (or did last time I tried it). Displays are faulty but I have a spare set (standard ones)
Rest of it could probably use a little DLC - but I do have a new hard top and pimp stencils for it.
Kinda like a project kit I guess :)
Whats Gorgar worth these days ?
I have one that works (or did last time I tried it). Displays are faulty but I have a spare set (standard ones)
Rest of it could probably use a little DLC - but I do have a new hard top and pimp stencils for it.
Kinda like a project kit I guess :)

I think @VeeMonroe just sold or traded one.
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