Like most Sega games I think they don't really command much.
If its anything like a Starship troopers or an Independance day, it shouldn't be greater than 3k?
But then you see people buying a Fish days with a bloody door bell by the coin door going for 3k so God knows ><
Twister isn't great - I'd say currently it should be 2 to 2.5 but wouldn't be surprised sellers asking more . Not that many around though.
Sega actually have more half decent machines than maybe people give them credit for
My rankings having played them all and had a few here

Hits - Batman Forever, Baywatch, Goldeneye, Frankenstein, Starship Troopers , maybe Apollo 13
OK - Maverick, Independence Day, South Park, Star Wars Trilogy, Godzilla, X Files
Meh - Twister, Lost In Space, Harley Davidson, Space Jam, JP Lost World, Viper Night Drivin