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Predator pin project

Paul' date=' post: 1692392 said:
Coz 69 was gone??

69 was my third choice because that's my birth year.
Big Phil' date=' post: 1692391 said:
I couldn't resist
I have number 87

Answers on a postcard as to why I picked that number

Cos it's Aussie unlucky number?
Ive gone for one of these as well, so if it all comes off id be interested in getting involved in the semi-bulk shipping arrangement if it happens please.


I am also in now. I think that makes four of us on here who have gone for the pre-order. Might actually save a few quid getting them all sent together?
Rus121' date=' post: 1692592 said:
I am also in now. I think that makes four of us on here who have gone for the pre-order. Might actually save a few quid getting them all sent together?

Hope so!
Well, decided nothing lost getting on the pre-order list as looks like it good be a very good game, good quality, theme and same price as a Stern Pro. And no commitment for a while yet.
I read all 600 posts so may have done

For now the main reason is that they are going all out to make something special. Theme is good. Art is good. Hand drawn p/f. Like the p/f layout as those targets will ping the ball back like lightning! Plus I am in the position that I will be able to see a completed one before I part with a penny as they plan to build about 10 per week. Hunt mode was probably the main selling point as playing that in a pitch black room with those Predator noises should be pretty cool!
Cheeky little update I copied from pinside.....


1. Balanced scoring issues across a few of the modes. Each mode, when completed properly, awards points within a 15-30M window of one another. This doesn't exactly apply to Unload or Reveal, which are more dependent on how they are played and how long they are active for their scores. As a refresher to newcomers to this thread, Unload is a mode which lasts 30 seconds with all 4 balls out on the field with unlimited ballsave and all shots on the field are worth their initial value +1,000,000pts. If played well, this mode usually nets between 95-145M. Novices seem to average closer to 50 or 60M or so. Reveal is handled a little differently now, which I will get into in a second.

2. Completing H-U-N-T inlanes and outlanes now adds four hunt attempts instead of one. One just simply wasn't enough. Game now starts with 4 attempts available at outset, as well, which I'm admittedly worried about but doesn't seem to have posed any balance issues just yet.

3. Hunt Multiball has been revamped in both scoring and playstyle. Previously, it would select a random shot and light it for 5 seconds then change to another shot. This required a level of control that I simply do not possess, and caused a lot of other players to become a little disappointed when they achieved the Hunt Multiball and didn't see much of a score increase afterwards. After the revamp, Hunt Multiball now selects a random shot (out of the two ramps or two loops, for a total of four possible), waits 5 seconds and selects another, leaving the first one lit, as well. This process is repeated until all four shots are lit or a successful shot is made on a lit ramp or loop, at which point it resets. The player is rewarded for making the shots it selects first by decreasing the value of the shot based on how many have been made lit. In short, if you hit the first shot before it adds another one, you earn a big 40M, but if you wait until all four are lit, nailing one nets you a quick 10M. Can you control the madness? Your scores will definitely show it.

4. Mystery is now lit after making 8 collective shots on the loops (4 left and 4 right, 2 left and 6 right, etc) instead of one of each shot.

5. Showdown Wizard Mode is now worth quite a bit more points overall, and the sounds have been balanced better to be louder and more obnoxious. Your wives will thank me at 2am.


1. Mystery now has a 1-in-5 chance of starting Quick Multiball; a simple, two-ball mode in which all major shots on the field are worth 10M apiece. This mode is also stackable with the standard Multiball and Hunt Multiball modes, but not Showdown, Unload or Reveal.

2. If you remember the old Reveal mode, then you are one of the few. Originally, the mode would pick a random shot and, when the shot was made, pick another random shot and ended after six shots were made. As a player, I'll admit that this mode was just very boring and...blah. That being said, it has been completely scrapped and has been totally redone. Reveal is now something of an add-a-ball mode in which the Jungle Hole, Left Eject and Right Eject are lit as the active shots. A ball is added to play when the mode starts, and once for the first time either of the ejects are hit, for a potential of 4 balls in play at a time. Each of the three shots are worth the same point value, which increases when another ball is added and decreases when a ball is lost. Mode is over when the player loses all but one ball. Ballsave is active for 9 seconds after each ball is added, and if you have already lost one of the added balls when you add another, you get both of them back. Of course, this mode stacks with Hunt Multiball and standard Multiball, but does not stack with Unload or Showdown.

3. Login is now operating as intended. Login is optional, of course, let's just get that out of the way. Instantiate the Login screen by holding the Login button (located where most games have a buy-in button under Start) while you press start. If you're not yet in the list, you simply select new user and enter your initials as if you had just gotten a high score. If you are in the list already, just page over to your initials with the flipper buttons and press start or ball launch. Repeat this process for any or all other players who wish to log their stats. The entire process seems to take about 2 seconds per person, and the novice players around here are just as quick on the process as the veteran players. The next video will cover this system very in-depth.

4. Stat tracking is coming along very nicely, as well, but is not quite finished yet. When outside of normal play (i.e. not in the middle of a game), you can hold the Login button and press the Ball Launch button to instantiate the stats screen. Once you do that, you are presented with a similar screen as if you were logging in, only no new users are allowed here, obviously. Page to your initials and press start or ball launch again to view your stats. The stats screen shows every little bit of information the game collects about you and how you play in a series of screens which pans vertically. Here you can see how many multiballs you've gotten, how many jackpots and super jackpots you've collected, and how many times you've reached the Showdown wizard mode, along with all the little details right down to how many left ramps, right loops, center drains, etc that you've ever had whilst logged in, along with how many Wizard Points you've achieved and much, much more.

5. Added the ability to check two different users' stats side-by-side. While checking your own stats as denoted above, simply press the ball launch button again to select another user's initials to add them to the stats screen. After selecting the other user, the stats will be presented the same way as before, in the vertically scrolling manner, except there will be a line through the horizontal center of the display which divides the first user and the second user. This way, you can directly compare blunders and achievements against a friend. I would like to note that, of the 15 or so regulars that play Predator here, I'm currently leading in a few departments

6. Mini wizard mode has entered final testing. This is another mode I am quickly falling in love with. Mode is accessed "passively" by making a number of shots during regular play. When the requisite has been fulfilled, the mode starts immediately, regardless of what is going on, making this stackable with any and all other multiball modes in the machine, including Unload, Reveal and even Showdown, not to mention standard multiball, quick multiball and hunt multiball. I won't give away the meat of the mode at this point, though I can say that the mode appears to be pretty straight forward at first, but only a real fan who has watched the movie a few times will truly figure out and understand how to get the most out of this mode.
There doesn't seem to be a lot of love for the Predator pin project yet veryone is all over Wizard of Oz.

What am I missing? Apart from Munchkins :-)
There doesn't seem to be a lot of love for the Predator pin project yet veryone is all over Wizard of Oz.

What am I missing? Apart from Munchkins :-)

I guess that could come from the fact that Skit-b have yet to deliver, whilst JJP is about done and almost ready to ship. I sent the $250 deposit and im 53rd in line to have my Predator built so i'm still on board and still excited about it. Once they get a completed machine for everyone to see (with FULL art package and game code finalised) the buzz will commence.
I guess that could come from the fact that Skit-b have yet to deliver, whilst JJP is about done and almost ready to ship. I sent the $250 deposit and im 53rd in line to have my Predator built so i'm still on board and still excited about it. Once they get a completed machine for everyone to see (with FULL art package and game code finalised) the buzz will commence.

How much they retailing at?
$5000 = £3105. By the time you add on VAT, import duty, and delivery it will most likely cost around £4100-£4300 to me here in the UK.

Sadly, all 250 preorders have been filled, but there is another list for those that hope to get a spot if someone backs out. By now i suspect this list will be huge.
This was how it looked at a recent show (black ramps wont be in final build)


The Skit-B guys behind the project:
Wish I had a little more faith in this at the start and put my name on the list. It looks like it could be the machine to have in 2013. It could be stunning, Let's hope so.
Great theme, one of my fav films.
I'm another who wished they had been onboard from the start. It is a theme that is very adult and appears to have been done very well. They seem to be pinball guys who wanted to build their ideas into a machine, which is what would have scared me from putting my money in at the start. I am pleased to say they have disproved me so far, this game looks like it is really going to be a good one.
Just out of curiosity, to the people that have preordered predator on here, what is your production order number? Mine is #56.
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