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Predator pin project

In my best Arnie voice.......

If it bleeds, we can kill it.

He's using duh trees.

etc etc
Love the bit in the video where he gets Super Jackpot and Long Tall Sally kicks in....genius.

I ain't got time to bleed!
I love it - a pinball machine with an 18 certificate! Do you think it would get past the censorship police?
I wonder what the toys would be? Spinning predator head? Predator targeting laser? Night vision mode?, heat sensitive flipper buttons? Who knows??..
Rus121' date=' post: 1677874 said:
I wonder what the toys would be? Spinning predator head? Predator targeting laser? Night vision mode?, heat sensitive flipper buttons? Who knows??..

Got to be the three point lazer targeted on the player (nowhere near the eyes of course).

How cool would that be, looking down to your chest and seeing those three dot's. Awesome
To defeat the machine's wizard mode you must first cover yourself in cold mud and then sneak up on it and turm it off.
The Guys behind this were recently at the Michigan pinball expo and have a lot more new pics on their site. Here is a recent quote from the games designer/owner, Kevin Kulek:

*We don't exactly advertise much, so I'm not too surprised you haven't heard of this before. There's not a lot of reason to advertise real heavily, considering we are only making ~200 of these, so word of mouth and the appearances we're making at expos, conventions and shows should eat those up fairly quickly, we believe.

The website is as sparse as the concrete info we have at the moment. We'd love to post up the nitty gritty particulars, but we just haven't been able to land any exact monetary numbers or concrete dates. Candidly speaking here on Pinside is a bit different than official website postings, so I feel more comfortable sharing some tentative information.

Please read that a few more times: Tentative! Tentative! Tentative!

Pre-orders open on April 15th of this year (2012), either by email, phone or on the website itself. The site will be updated with all of the necessary information to get the pre-orders in. If you have a number you'd like to reserve you can make that choice, as well, assuming it isn't already taken.

Cost is a big deal, so we're working on driving that down with every decision we make. Right now, (please see disclaimer above: Tentative!) we estimate the end cost to hover in the mid-to-high $4000 range; something like $4500~$4750. We're doing everything we can to keep it under that $5000 mark.

As for the guys behind it, we are an extremely small company made up exclusively of life-long industry professionals and hobbyists. The names of the people involved are listed on the website under the crew section. If you're looking to see if we have any Steve Ritchies, George Gomezes or Brian Eddies, you won't be finding anything like that. The entire company is made up of fresh, new talent, eager to show off what we've got.

Playfield design and software is done by yours truly, Kevin W. Kulek.

Playfield artwork is done by James Dubay.

Assembly design and R&D is done by Aaron Klumpp.

All of our paperwork - both monetary and legal - is done by Kathy L. Kulek.

All of us are able to be reached directly by our email addresses on the website under the crew section. We are all also reachable by Facebook under Skit-B Pinball. We all have our own personal Facebook accounts which you can reach us at, but we kind of prefer using the company profile for this type of stuff. Conversely, if you want to just talk pinball or whatnot, by all means, go ahead and add us .*

All i can say is WOW....These pin companies are popping up all over the place now. I wish them all the very best of luck.
Looks pretty good. Really liking the 'hunter' mode. The Mini gun thing where mac goes nuts in the film is pretty cool too... Cant wait to see what happens wit this one....
Darn our VAT plus shipping. Price in the USA coming in just over 3k! If I lived in the USA would buy it but an extra £1000 plus really makes a difference.

They have the license as well and I think they will sell all 250 without much trouble. Using P-Roc boards whatever they are. They have not yet planned for European/Australian orders so depends if they can address the power issue. Plan is for deep rules that allow years of fun in home use....... Tempting:p
Anyone else seriously tempted by this and fancy splitting shipping costs? (guessing doubling the weight has a minimal increase in the cost of shipping) It's one of the few themes I always said I would consider a NIB for.
Now, whilst i am super happy to see someone else 'having a go' in the pin manufacture world, i see no track record of pin production from skitb anywhere at all. The guys building the machine are enthusiasts and whilst they have done a commendable job so far, i just dont see a plan of how they are going to pull this off.

You all remember the fiasco that was the MM preorder from Mr. Pinball, so it makes no sense to me that people would actually make a preorder for this knowing that their money could 'up and vanish like a fart in the wind''...

Any pre-order is risky, but i think i'll wait to see how this one pans out before i decide to potentially throw money away. That said, i'll be crossing my fingers for them in any case....
Yeah, i have been following it quite closely. Very exciting stuff. The more i hear, the more i want, and the more i worry about them actually being able to achieve it. (completing 200 machines, then shipping to final destination)

I should just give myself a slap really,...its the best game theme ever devised. Hope to see one in the UK....You going for it?
Too many unknowns at the moment but if they can do everything they suggest, it will be pretty good! NIB price in the USA of around £3000 seems cheap as well, compared to latest Sterns. Waiting and watching for now......
They've done a helluva lot of work before they've actually decided to take pre orders. Displaying it at the next pinball event near them too.

I'm in.
Last day for preorder on pinside before they open up to the world. I have sent a mail asking for some clarity on some issues, but if i'm satisfied, i think i will go for it too. I actually went to bed dreaming about it last night and woke up to this:

Well, $4750 at todays exchange rate is: £2987.42. Vat @20% is: £597.48. Customs Duty @ 2.5% is: £74.68, making a grand total of £3659.58 before shipping.

There are some members here who have preordered and are looking into pricing to ship 3 or more at once. If a good price can be had for mulitple purchases, the shipping cost could be very attractive indeed.

From what i gather from the pinside thread is that they wont take money off you until your game is ready to be built. They will then ask for the rest of the money when it is completed and ship them out hopefully at the end of october at the latest. That means you can preorder now without any initial outlay. Sod it, got to be done...(son of a biiiitch-hehe)

P.S: I just realised that you will be charged vat on the shipping too (how nice) so i'd probably expect this whole purchase to be around £4200 (ish)
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