Hahaha, very good jono, it was very high 

@kevlar check this chap...
Just remembered something funny, Cayle George was playing my Star Trek, had 2 balls on one flipper and one on the other, bent down and pressed the punch it button with his chin a few times![]()
Many thanks for organising the event and saddened to hear you made a large loss. I hope you claw some of that back with new sales
I for one really enjoyed the opportunity to attend the HP factory, it was great to have a look round and loved the preview of Alien.
Well worth the extra effort traveling down
But as anyone who knows me knows - I do this for the love of pinball, and always have done.
You DO do this for the love of the game
Another Party over.
Thanks to everyone who came - you made history by attending the first, and likely only, ever pinball show hosted at a UK pinball factory.
To everyone who didn't come - you missed a great event.
To everyone who didn't come, but still criticised - you also missed a great event.
Thanks to everyone for either providing machines, or bringing games themselves.
Thanks to Peter for doing the electrics.
Thanks to Andy for keeping the games running.
Thanks to Peter B, Martin, The Raisons and anyone else who helped out - for the tournaments.
Thanks to my team for all their hard work over the weekend.
Thanks to everyone who either donated, or bought items at the charity auction. We raised an amazing £419.50 for Barry and his funeral fund. It just shows the amazing generosity of our community.
Machine numbers were much higher than I feared they would be a few weeks before the event. For those people who provided machines - a huge thank you. I also think that the machine allocation for the tournaments was unacceptable. I think a better system needs to be found. Personally, I think the 2-day Open format didn't work. The 1-day format worked much better. Some people who had qualified on Saturday had to drop out on the Sunday because they couldn't attend. Also, some people who stayed playing until 3am in the night session, couldn't get to the show by 10am on the Sunday - and were therefore disqualified. Finally, if it had been a 1-day Open, then the league finals would not have had to be crammed in on the Saturday - therefore freeing up more machines for the public. Clearly, a debrief and review of the tournaments needs to happen. All games need to be rotated to allow the public to play them at some point over the weekend. The few exceptions to this rule are the brand new, or mint condition, machines that some owners wish to be only used for the tournaments - and it is their right to choose this option.
Visitor number were way lower than last year - approximately 50% of last year's numbers. This will be mainly down to the location. Also, the Northern Lights crew did not attend this year - either by way of machines or attendees (except Darren Ball - always a pleasure to catch up with you Darren). The same goes for anyone associated with the Slam - no machines or attendees. There was talk of boycotting the Party by some - I choose not to believe this.
If the Party remains a 'regional' event, then it will not survive.
I have made a big loss with the Party this year, and need to decide if I will run a show again next year. Every year I hear many stories of bitching and complaints about the Party and possibly about the way I run it. Some people seem to believe that I have a secret Bahamas fund - topped up every year from the Party. These people, of course, forget that I have to personally guarantee the Party every year, and personally guarantee £10,000-20,000 of my own money personally - whether a single person attends, or not. For 2 years out of the 6, including this year, I made a loss. For the other 4 years - a profit of £500-£1,000 each year was achieved. Not a great return for 4 weeks of anyone's life. But as anyone who knows me knows - I do this for the love of pinball, and always have done.
I tried to incentivize machine pledges this year as much as I could. However, I ended up personally driving the truck for 2 days before the event, around the UK, to collect machines. On both days I arrived back home at 5.30am - mainly thanks to this country's f***ed up road system where roads and motorways are arbitrarily closed every night and f**k the motorist. With recovery time, this took me away from my business for 4 days. I have to do the same again now, after the Party. I just can't do machine runs around the country anymore - it damages my pinball manufacturing business.
I will let the dust settle for a few months now, and evaluate whether I will continue or not. If people are tired of the Party, or want me to step aside, then I'll walk away from it. If I do have an appetite to do another, and people want me to do another, then I'll review the venue situation - but it would almost certainly be another centrally-located hotel as in previous years. If there are pledges of 120 machines, and people will bring them to and from the Party with the help of van hire grants and free entry, then I'll seriously consider doing another one next year.
Thanks for reading.