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Pinball Brothers - Queen

Can't believe some of the negativity and slagging. It's still in prototype phase.

Stern show a machine - It's the best thing ever

Any other pinball manufacturer - Sh*te

Be patient.
I don’t think the art is prototype, it plain sucks .. live music, fail, must be the cheapo way to go. Should be studio….
Shame as the track list is awesome.

I'm guessing this will suck too. Music, fashion and design have moved on. Get with the times man, Bowie!
One of the best sessions Queen did was at Live Aid. I still watch it when having a few beers.
But to put live in a pin? Much rather they did the original released tracks, it must be cost prohibitive.
They could have done some sort of montage / mock up of the following:-
Can't believe some of the negativity and slagging. It's still in prototype phase.

Stern show a machine - It's the best thing ever

Any other pinball manufacturer - Sh*te

Be patient


Stern don't show prototypes, and JJP stopped doing it because it caused them alot of agro.

If its not ready, don't show it. If you do and it looks like a turd then take the abuse.
I think it looks pretty decent art wise on the pf. Some integration and ideas borrowed from GNR with a bit of LZ psychedelia. What’s everyone’s thoughts on the new Alien? Gather there was one at Pinfest and the old one too
Wat?! The art is shocking! and I’m no queen mega fan but is it even aligned to their own art? If so then its been photoshopped on!
I read the comments here about this artwork is (insert any negative word here) and I have to laugh. I'll bet very few, if anyone, here has actually had to produce or instigate pinball art and get it approved by the licence owners. It can be a complete nightmare.

What you see is NOT necessarily what the manufacturer wanted to have - often it's what they were TOLD they were going to use!

I laugh when I see things like "they should have done (insert anything different from what was done here) rather than XX"

For Gods sake, give people a break! Do you really think a manufacturer is going to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars and usually more than a years work for the entire team and intentionally produce rubbish?
I read the comments here about this artwork is (insert any negative word here) and I have to laugh. I'll bet very few, if anyone, here has actually had to produce or instigate pinball art and get it approved by the licence owners. It can be a complete nightmare.

What you see is NOT necessarily what the manufacturer wanted to have - often it's what they were TOLD they were going to use!

I laugh when I see things like "they should have done (insert anything different from what was done here) rather than XX"

For Gods sake, give people a break! Do you really think a manufacturer is going to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars and usually more than a years work for the entire team and intentionally produce rubbish?
Maybe they need to have a better marketing, negotiation strategist.
Does this do Queen justice? Is this what fans want to see? They already approved the band on the trans-lite, did they then tell them to make it look like sh^t?
If the licencor + PB believe this looks good for release then their judgment sucks.
Sometimes it's probably better to just walk away. Why risk it flopping and being out of pocket financially. At what stage do they agree the art, hopefully its early on in the process. Look at LZ its actually a very good game but look how the ART on the cab, trans + PF hurt the sales. 1st opinions for some are crucial so why take any chances.
The proof is in the eating and the reactions by most already are mostly negative with disappointment.
So, does this mean they got this part right or wrong?
I’ve noticed especially on pinside how people will pick faults with pins regardless of how it looks. These people are generally the same ones who have no intention or funds to buy one and I guess in some way it gives them a sense of justification in there own minds.
Queen is a great theme for me and music I was brought up with owning most of their albums at some point. That said I won’t be buying one as I have my Band Pin GnR and nothing could really knock that off it’s pedestal ever. However if it was a choice between LZ and this then for me it’s a simple choice theme wise and let’s face it art wise LZ can’t really stand up in an argument.
Let’s wait and see what the production pin brings and most importantly how it integrates the theme in gameplay.

Take Godzilla another pin not yet shipped, for me the LE looks absolutely top draw, drop dead gorgeous! Yet it gets hammered on art before it’s even been seen in the flesh.
So do you bypass a pin because of art? Well if we did 75% of Williams/Bally stuff would be off our shopping lists as today’s pins are generally leagues ahead of there counterparts. (LZ aside obviously) 😂
Don't see it as any worse than the lz art and that's official. Whack any alternate translite in that and you're good to go. I'd be buying for the soundtrack on this one but I'll wait and see gameplay as they do not have a proven slam dunk design or programming and Oursler is not in the same category.
Maybe they need to have a better marketing, negotiation strategist.
Does this do Queen justice? Is this what fans want to see? They already approved the band on the trans-lite, did they then tell them to make it look like sh^t?
If the licencor + PB believe this looks good for release then their judgment sucks.
Sometimes it's probably better to just walk away. Why risk it flopping and being out of pocket financially. At what stage do they agree the art, hopefully its early on in the process. Look at LZ its actually a very good game but look how the ART on the cab, trans + PF hurt the sales. 1st opinions for some are crucial so why take any chances.
The proof is in the eating and the reactions by most already are mostly negative with disappointment.
So, does this mean they got this part right or wrong?
Art and assets are generally considered a fair way into the project, well, they are here and I'm told it is "the norm" elsewhere.

Most companies that I know don't have the luxury of 'walking away' after six months investment in a project and writing that off!

You are living in 'wow, it's perfect land' rather than looking at things from a business perspective.

You are one, let's say, 'potential buyer' among thousands who dislikes things as they are currently presented (which may NOT be the final machines look at all) - for every one like you I'll bet there are 10 who think it's fine.

There are so many things that have to come together to make a pinball machine that most people just have no clue how it all ties together and so they start picking on ONE thing only - in this case the art. What you haven't seen is the time that was spent getting that left ramp at just the right height (accounting for different setups from 2~10 degrees) that ensures the ball won't hang and 2 MILLION similar things! I see these other things every single day and the art frankly I leave to the art guys to deal with.

I'll borrow from Spinal Tap and just say "surely your nit-picking"?
Art and assets are generally considered a fair way into the project, well, they are here and I'm told it is "the norm" elsewhere.

Most companies that I know don't have the luxury of 'walking away' after six months investment in a project and writing that off!

You are living in 'wow, it's perfect land' rather than looking at things from a business perspective.

You are one, let's say, 'potential buyer' among thousands who dislikes things as they are currently presented (which may NOT be the final machines look at all) - for every one like you I'll bet there are 10 who think it's fine.

There are so many things that have to come together to make a pinball machine that most people just have no clue how it all ties together and so they start picking on ONE thing only - in this case the art. What you haven't seen is the time that was spent getting that left ramp at just the right height (accounting for different setups from 2~10 degrees) that ensures the ball won't hang and 2 MILLION similar things! I see these other things every single day and the art frankly I leave to the art guys to deal with.

I'll borrow from Spinal Tap and just say "surely your nit-picking"?
I hear what you are saying ref the intricacy of build details, process.
I'm no expert but from a customers perspective:
I won't buy based on what I see so far, which i believe may be the final product as they have the marketing flyer out already.
Releasing prototypes that don't look great IMO can be a bad business decision.

Everyone has different feelings on aesthetics.

I remember when IMDN was released, soon as I seen the art/look, i thought "they nailed it" my money was down.
Never even seen the game play and trusted it would be fine.
I'm sure i wasn't alone.

Stop the press: Car-analogy :)
I won't visit a dealership to test drive a car if it looks a bag-of-sh!t - potential sale lost
If I did a test drive and it was great, but looks cr4p, I couldn't, wouldn't have it sat in my drive - potential sale lost

If i was in the pinball business, bad art on the PF, trans + cab is a risk i would do my very best to eliminate.
Feedback shows it can make a major difference to sales.
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A car and a pin aren't really a fair comparison. Well, when it comes to themed. A car manufacturer owns that build 100%

A pin manufacturer spends the time and money invested in the whitewood before it gets to the IP art stage. IP owner says it's got to be a certain way and you have no say in the matter. Do you scrap the half a million invested or continue with your hands tied to a certain degree to try and recoup some/all of that money?

It's a risky business.

Edit: Some wording changed
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A friend of mine went to view this yesterday, he sent me some photos.
What amazed me is that none of the plastics are held on with nuts.
Just like Heighway - seems its a last minute thing!

I am going to wait to see what it is like, I want it to be good. Translite could be changed. Cabinet art is okay.

The art is no worse than an awful lot of games made in the last 30 years!
Maybe they need to have a better marketing, negotiation strategist.
Does this do Queen justice? Is this what fans want to see? They already approved the band on the trans-lite, did they then tell them to make it look like sh^t?
If the licencor + PB believe this looks good for release then their judgment sucks.
Sometimes it's probably better to just walk away. Why risk it flopping and being out of pocket financially. At what stage do they agree the art, hopefully its early on in the process. Look at LZ its actually a very good game but look how the ART on the cab, trans + PF hurt the sales. 1st opinions for some are crucial so why take any chances.
The proof is in the eating and the reactions by most already are mostly negative with disappointment.
So, does this mean they got this part right or wrong?

I was thinking about the Led Zeppelin game yesterday. Neil taking it to pinfest was massive. I spoke to numerous people who said, "actually that game isn't bad at all, I'd consider getting one".

I'm not sure exactly what that demonstrates but it was certainly the case that people (including me) had made up their mind before playing. The game is ugly which doesn't help. I know it's attractiveness is subjective but when the majority of people who buy pinball machines at first glance think it's a *****r then you have an issue.

Also Guns & Roses had just been released and when you look at the two pins next to one another LZ was always going to lose out.

I'm not sure how much of it was the release clashing with G&R and how much was the artwork but it was certainly a factor.
I need to get some work done lol....
I checked Wiki and Queen 1985 Wembley is regarded by many in the industry as the best live performance of all time.

So this was performed in the Queen day session at Live Aid:

Bohemian Rhapsody ---- on the pin
Radio Ga Ga ---- on the pin
Hammer To Fall ----- on the pin
We Will Rock You --- on the pin
We Are The Champions ---- on the pin
Crazy Little Thing Called Love ---- alas not included

Being live on the pin, one would hope its from the Live Aid performances.

@Pick Holder - from the photos, is the main cab Wembley?
This reminds me a bit of the Rolling Stones (stern) pinball artwork, how did that sell? I'd wager the theme helped it sell loads, regardless of the pinside whingers!
This reminds me a bit of the Rolling Stones (stern) pinball artwork, how did that sell? I'd wager the theme helped it sell loads, regardless of the pinside whingers!
Wasn't that back in the day, photo-shopping overload ?
Times have moved on, main pin companies realize that the art helps sell pins, which is why they employ the likes of Yeti + Franchi.
We all know how everyone loves photo shop :)
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