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Is the forum in a bit of a lull?

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Jul 23, 2017
Essex, UK
Is it just me or is there less being posted on here recently?

I must admit, I am in a bit of a pinball lull and I have lost my mojo, so this has made me go on here and interact less (so I guess I am part of the lull on the forum too).

I just wondered if others are seeing this too or if it’s just me?

Are the banned members leaving a hole in the discussions that are not being filled (I must admit, I miss both Neil and Col being on here)? Is everyone else in a pinball lull.
I haven't posted much recently bit that's because summer has arrived and I tend to be outside doing stuff. But i agree it does seem quiet at the moment.
Feels like it, but I've never been a prolific poster. Sometimes there's just not much new to say without repeating yourself. Pinball news generates comments so just waiting for the next game release or such to talk about.
yes it is quite and I dont normally post anyway. I too had a pinball lull and lost my Mojo and decided to downsize in 2018 2019 and went down from six to one. Then decided last year to get some back and some newer ones, now back up to 6. Of course in the interim we had covid and pinflation, so my advice if you lose your mojo , make sure its definately gone :) although I have picked up 2 reasonably this year ......
I think a few things have maybe made folks talk more in their WhatsApp groups rather than the forum

Well, I’m hoping it wasn’t me :(

I did worry that the mods banning Col for six months would cause a bunch of people to leave permanently because they would be scared of saying something by mistake that also led to them also being banned, without warning, for an extended period. I’ve seen it SOOO many times now in SOOO many different communities.
It seems that the wider pinball community doesn’t seem to have much to talk about right now - John Wick chat came and went, not really in peak competition / expo season, not much in the way of juicy manufacturer news, secondhand market is slow…

As for here, I’m sure it’ll pick up as we get closer to PinFest. I’m not in any WhatsApp groups so no idea if they’re popping or not!
It seems that the wider pinball community doesn’t seem to have much to talk about right now - John Wick chat came and went, not really in peak competition / expo season, not much in the way of juicy manufacturer news, secondhand market is slow…

As for here, I’m sure it’ll pick up as we get closer to PinFest. I’m not in any WhatsApp groups so no idea if they’re popping or not!
Yes, that’s a big thing for me. Nothing really interesting going on with manufacturers except for a bit of ongoing (dull) Pinside controversy over “JOHN WICK DOESN’T EAT THE BALL!!!!”

I’m pretty happy with my current collection so not really spending time on the Sales threads either, or doing loads of fault finding on a new (old) machine.

I haven’t been invited to any WhatsApp groups either :cool:
Is it just me or is there less being posted on here recently?

I must admit, I am in a bit of a pinball lull and I have lost my mojo, so this has made me go on here and interact less (so I guess I am part of the lull on the forum too).

I just wondered if others are seeing this too or if it’s just me?

Are the banned members leaving a hole in the discussions that are not being filled (I must admit, I miss both Neil and Col being on here)? Is everyone else in a pinball lull.

Skint, no new exciting releases coming out and if they are everything feels so expensive.

Banned members missing and no banter around , lull indeed.
There does seem to be a drop in buzz. I expect it's because most people are enjoying what they have at the moment.

It shows on the For Sale thread. So there's not much doing and it's heading into summer.
I too am not a member of any of these WhatsApp groups, and I don't want to be either.

It would be interesting to know how many groups there are though. Do they become an echo chamber where everyone has the same point of view, and if they don't they leave and join another group that does?
I too am not a member of any of these WhatsApp groups, and I don't want to be either.

It would be interesting to know how many groups there are though. Do they become an echo chamber where everyone has the same point of view, and if they don't they leave and join another group that does?
The inner circle pinball cult :D
Summer (tho some days you wouldnt think it), decent weather when people can go places and do stuff outside (i know i do more!) - both have a direct effect, the same as when Pinfest is on :)
The characters on here, the people who stimulate discussion, have either been banned themselves or (I suspect) got fed up of the place becoming sterile.
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