The same number applied to the cabinet, backbox, electrical components like the transformer, and circuit boards on Williams games off the production line*. Whoever removed the number from the rear of the cabinet may have missed a secret label, hidden on the lower edge of the wooden tilt panel. They definitely missed the transformer label, 574 for Whirlwind, an upper-case 'I' for export, and the number 338960.
Re. the Insert board on Jurassic Park; many Williams/Bally games have a post fixed to the wood to act as a stop for problems like this. Not tall enough to foul the glass, of course, but enough to touch the woodwork before a lamp does.
* though not necessarily for very long; the only Diner that work bought was faulty out of the box, with the clock wheel not rotating. The remedial work attempted at the factory must've been something like 'Try another clock wheel/motor/opto board unit'. "Still the same?" 'Ok, cancel the FCC verification on the cabinet, change the coin labels, acceptors and stuff, then box it up for export instead'