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What the **** is going on in the world of pinball?

And still Phil is posting on pinside.
It just gets worse and worse.
The decision:

do we transfer Dutch Pinball Inc to Barry / Dutch Pinball BV


do I refund all the money, drain PayPal to zero, and shut the business down.
Such a shame, I was really looking forward to playing TBL one day :(
Got to love Americans and their weird values....You can buy a gun really easily but not put a picture of one on a pin.o_O Maybe his agent doesn't want him to be associated with this role anymore

Noticed yesterday that flesh eating Zombies are fine on TWD but the word **** has to be faded out, presumably not to offend kids....

Licensing is a bitch though if you don't know what you are doing. I got in trouble in the 90s for re-releasing an album by Neil Innes because there was a tiny picture of HMV's "Nipper" hidden on the artwork. Didn't even see the bloody thing until I'd pressed up a couple of thousand copies. Got away with just having to pay a few hundred pounds to clear it but releasing anything prior to clearance basically puts the licence holder in a strong position to ask whatever they like as they know you'll pay rather than go back to the drawing board.

Ive seen yanks moaning that Stern released Ac/Dc as it has devil horns in and they didn't want a game like that around their children. Seriously
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Odd thing is I got my refund, but why the hell did a UK deposit go to the DP USA company?

Not that I'm complaining as I'm now going to sit on the fence and see the game before I make the purchase, as its now either a) never going to come out or b) be so 'licensed' back that it will not be the game promised, i.e. no Goodman quotes! I mean he is ½ the bloody movie!

Don't start me on Predator....
I find it all rather intriguing - I guess i can since I'm not involved...

It seems like Phil disclosing more info than he should, probably out of desperation (cant say i blame him) due to DP choosing to ignore him, you have what seems most there supporting, a few telling him it was the worst thing he's ever done (but if you were in his shoes would you care?!!), and the Dutch who are backing DP until the day they die....

Interesting that, even after tens of texts, and 6 weeks (allegedly) of telling them he wants away from the whole thing, they have done nothing, and seem to have in fact actively used Phil's name and SS number to create a new paypal... that's REALLY naughty....

Sounds like some REALLY dodgy practices going on there.... Best of as far away as possible methinks...
Phil's last few posts make him sound like he is completely losing the plot. Can't imagine how all this is going to play out.
Probably. To be fair, If i was in Phil's position, 6 weeks in, Cancer, Continually no comms, and continually things getting added to the pile.... Going public was probably a last ditch attempt to sort things... and the fact that there was no response has meant that the info just kept coming... I cant help thinking had DP gotten in much earlier then damage limitation would have been able to take place....
Wow! Gotta feel sorry for this bloke, he just wants out and in his situation can you blame him?

I lost the will to live after reading about a third of the way through the 'digest' post on pinside that someone has made, with only the posts from whoever this Phil is. Jesus, it reads like a bad soap opera :cuckoo:.
The best move for any new manufacturer on the block is to avoid license, simples, just come up with something awesome like WH20 job done ;)
Yeah I'd like to know when a licensed theme became the only way to go to make decent cash, what was the last original theme game to come out, Revenge From Mars on Pin2k? I think Stern have pretty much stuck to a license for every game so far.
Yeah I'd like to know when a licensed theme became the only way to go to make decent cash, what was the last original theme game to come out, Revenge From Mars on Pin2k? I think Stern have pretty much stuck to a license for every game so far.

I think Sharkeys Shootout was Sterns last unlicensed pin but only by a year to RFM
Yeah I'd like to know when a licensed theme became the only way to go to make decent cash, what was the last original theme game to come out, Revenge From Mars on Pin2k? I think Stern have pretty much stuck to a license for every game so far.

Stern's 'Grand Prix' from 2005?
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