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What pins/how many do you have ?...add em to the running list !

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Big Hurt
Dirty Harry
Fish Tales
Indiana Jones
Lord of the Rings
Medieval Madness
Monster Bash
Road Show
Twilight Zone
White Water
Dr Who

Running Total 361
IJ (Williams)
Soon leaving me

Running total 5

I'm one of those weird one at a time guys. Lol

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iPhone using Tapatalk
Running total 5 ?? :frusty:

I thought Welsh guys could count... :bolt:

383 + 1 = 384 (not 5) :noidea:

keep the totals updated by adding how many machines you have onto the running total of the post before yours.

if Grizz comes in here and sees this mess we will all be for the high jump, keep to the program guys ...

Running total 384
My bad. I have however been knocked senseless by a bug the last few days and currently taking a concoction of anti biotics and steroids so somehow I can't seem to care!

Sent from my totally useless
iPhone using Tapatalk
Hope you feel better soon

i now see your running total was the amount of machines you've had .... :biggrin1:

You must have thought these guys have had some machines through their hands.
All EM's.

Ice Show
World Fair

Magic City
Skill Pool
Zig Zag
Lucky Strike
2/3 of a Freindship 7


Running total 402
BBH Tomorrow

Running Total 409 (but as it came from Darren 408 if he's already counted it)

As an aside it looks like there must be far more machines in the UK than we suspected. Doubt anywhere near 10% of UK owners have posted on this list so maybe 5,000-10,000 is a possibility in the UK (Seems very high and I know this figure has been shot down before, but I know I can think of several big collections that haven't been posted and I suspect loads of old EMs are stashed in garages etc, saw two in junk shop round the corner from me last month - don't get excited they were really trashed)
As of Sunday

The Getaway hs2
Indi 500

LOTR, but I guess it was already counted somewhere earlier so probably still

= 417
Tricky thing with the total is that people must in some cases be buying and selling to each other, which will skew the count slightly.
anyway, from my original list I've shifted on wh2o and getaway, but added Dirty Harry, rocky and bullwinkle, cactus jacks, RFM, victory, stern Dracula. With an Addams incoming as well.

My maths isn't always the best, but looking above my exercise in reducing numbers isn't going too well :( (as a minimum I decided to set myself a 'one in one out rule ' but it seems to have gone to one out and three in .. )
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