This sort of thing doesn't help either 41 tonnes of rubbish as well as umpteen new cases of Covid in a fortnight.
do agree with Wayne on starting lockdown sooner and having more policing of it would have made a massive difference but its always easy in hindsight.
Yeah a lot of people cough cough, seemed to think it was just overblown hype in those early days though. They were posting on Facebook daft things like
and trying to organise international pinball tournaments
I trust you know yourself that this sentence is a social faux people like me
Pinball in a hospital setting? Already done that.You've given me a new one Wayne, a pinball machine in a clinical setting
and sourcing? So its all your fault that you ran out?
I had an almost romantic nostalgic picture of you at work Wayne which you have spoiled. I had you down as Henry the mild mannered janitor but now I have you more like Arkwright from open all hours flogging marigolds, domestos and dish cloths.
Pinball in a hospital setting? Already done that.
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Me, mild manneredThat's certainly not the opinion of the reps I get to deal with.
The lack of PPE has been grossly exaggerated by the media - as a stand alone Trust we haven't ran out of anything through the whole outbreak. Neither have any of the Trusts in the Midlands, sharing supplies between ourselves when necessary.
A 'damned if you do, damned if you don't' situation. If people are pushed back into work for their wages there's a sizeable portion of the population that effectively will not have a choice but to risk exposure Increases the risk for every single one of us to the point where it becomes inevitable that most of us would catch it.the pictures from bournemouth are nuts. We are literally paying people on furlough to go and sunbathe and be stupid. Time to kill that scheme.
This reads as though it is someone elses fault that people can't take their rubbish to a bin or home with them.Not f***ing rocket science to provide commercial bins plus an attendant to keep them under control. The whole UK summer event business is closed down, so all the associated infrastructure is sat idle.
Got to be realistic. Folk in high density populations have faced issues getting rid of stuff during lock down as the geniuses in local government shut down the tips.
A significant proportion of the population will just leave rubbish behind if they cannot easily dispose of it properly. Not right. Just a fact of life. Punishment, meaningful fines (£1000 plus) and reeducation might be the ideal answer, the realistic one with the level of capability in this society is to provide bins
Some will use it as an excuse but I honestly don't think it's a factor for the overwhelming majority of people. How many people actually know and care who he is, and would be annoyed that the government said what he did was OK? Not many I'd guess.I believe the straw that broke the camels back was the government's refusal to deal with Dominic Cummings trip, which gave everyone the green light with the if he can do it then so can I excuse...
I believe the straw that broke the camels back was the government's refusal to deal with Dominic Cummings trip, which gave everyone the green light with the if he can do it then so can I excuse...
I believe the straw that broke the camels back was the government's refusal to deal with Dominic Cummings trip, which gave everyone the green light with the if he can do it then so can I excuse...
I don't run parks or beaches. I have never run a park or a beach.
Not f***ing rocket science to provide commercial bins plus an attendant to keep them under control. The whole UK summer event business is closed down, so all the associated infrastructure is sat idle.
the pictures from bournemouth are nuts. We are literally paying people on furlough to go and sunbathe and be stupid. Time to kill that scheme.