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Virtual pin options in the UK

If you read back through this thread you can see that a few of us are happily using Pinballia cabs. I'm on a HD 3 screen 32" and am happy with it, a couple of others are running full sized 4k. The cabs work well but to get the most out of them it helps to get familiar with the software to be able to update it, and update the tables to the latest versions. I also ask them to upgrade your hardrive to at least 1 TB. Pinballia tend to clutter their cabs with a load of older tables but you should think of it as you're not paying for the software, you're paying for the cab. The software is all community free software. In terms of the cab specs you can look to update the PC if you're more confident than me with that sort of thing like ballsports, or just have the table set up as it comes and you'll be happy.

I'm not really a video gamer, so I'm happy with my 60HRZ HD machine. I'd prefer 120HRZ over 4K but I also don't have any lag with mine so it seems smooth enough to me. There are literally 1000s of tables available but I've got just over 200 on my machine at the moment all playing very well and I'd say my wife and I only really play around 30 of them regularly. Higher quality with less table options is what's important.
I looked at the HD 3 screen 32" Andy and i was so close to purchasing it but i was worried the ball would have so much lag on it? Its good to know people on here use Pinballia cabs. They have said to me they can remote onto the machine anytime and update it if i need it as i wouldnt have a clue how to do that either
I would say I'm relatively PC literate, enough that I can follow youtube videos and guides online, but I literally knew nothing on how to work the software before I got my cab and learnt how to do most things and even tweak settings in a couple of months. Once you've done things a few times it becomes 2nd nature and there are plenty of guides. There is a hobby in its self updating your virtual cab and installing the new tables that are released daily if you want them, or you can ignore all that and just play the thing!
Hah I just edited out my message since I said this on page 2.

But yeah, find out what the FPS being offered is. Don't get me wrong, a super gaming rig at 4K won't run 'slow' or be laggy like an Amiga game, but it might look like virtual pinball as shown on Youtube which is capped at 60fps. Just play a game at 160-200 FPS in 1080p/2k before you make a decision because the difference in cost could be asmuch as being able to buy a Firepower.
BTW, as I said I'm happy but eventually I'd like to update my playfield to run a faster frame rate, I assume this'll involve a new screen if my current one tops out at 60HRZ? As well as updating my GPU and maybe some of my other components. What I don't want to do is break what isn't broken so I'm wary of how big a job this'll actually end up being?
BTW, as I said I'm happy but eventually I'd like to update my playfield to run a faster frame rate, I assume this'll involve a new screen if my current one tops out at 60HRZ? As well as updating my GPU and maybe some of my other components. What I don't want to do is break what isn't broken so I'm wary of how big a job this'll actually end up being?
I assume no1 in here builds them from scratch and sells them?
I tried to put a dartboard up last week and ended up with like 7 holes in the wall so diy deffo isnt my thing so i woukdnt even attempt it
I assume no1 in here builds them from scratch and sells them?
I tried to put a dartboard up last week and ended up with like 7 holes in the wall so diy deffo isnt my thing so i woukdnt even attempt it
I actually have all the parts, the CAD file , 165hz 2k monitor and the desire to build a prototype of a mini pin modeled after this:

Just lacking the solenoids and the bass pucks. My plan was to build a VPin which had no onboard computer and to instead dual boot my desktop gaming PC between windows (normal use) and Linux Ubuntu to solely be used for the Vpin, Have the HDMI connections routed around my room to where it was going to be and a HDMI splitter but just never got around to it. Buying a gaming rig exclusively to power a VPin never made any sense to me.

It's my bucket list occupation once I earn enough money to retire from real life lol. Happy to give advice/help to anyone seeking to build one.
I assume no1 in here builds them from scratch and sells them?
I tried to put a dartboard up last week and ended up with like 7 holes in the wall so diy deffo isnt my thing so i woukdnt even attempt it
I reckon if you're only in Liverpool it's not too far for you to go down and have a play on one of Pinballia's cabinets and see what you think.
Turns out Pinaballia showroom is closed at the min as they are having work done for the foreseeable future......so now im not sure to go with the 32" 3 screen HD or the 32" 3 Screen 4k.....the difference in price is £2000 between them both (will all the extras on both). Anyone got any advice for me please?
Turns out Pinaballia showroom is closed at the min as they are having work done for the foreseeable future......so now im not sure to go with the 32" 3 screen HD or the 32" 3 Screen 4k.....the difference in price is £2000 between them both (will all the extras on both). Anyone got any advice for me please?
Weird answer but it comes down to character and psychology, there’s no right answer.

Some people can’t bear to look at a 1080 knowing that 4k exists. They’ll just see blur every time they look at it.

Some people can’t bear to be at 4k knowing they’re getting a lot less performance for their pound.

Pinball to me is about performance. When I play PC games I crank the graphics down to maximise my frames per second so that when I’m in the flow, I get immersed and extract the authentic experience from the feedback. Pinball has a lot of fast flashing lights and moving balls so there’s a difference.

You need to find out what kind of person you are in this regard and the answer will be easy.

1080p at 32 inches is getting a little lofi for most people. Not for me because I extract realism from performance, but I still maintain that 4k is inferior unless you’re spending funny money.

My advice would be shoot for 2k if possible. If it’s not, if you’ve got funny money then just ensure from the provider some examples of average frame rates for some games and go 4K. If you’re really unsure, I’d get the 1080p because replacing the screen and upgrading the computer really isn’t that difficult. You maintain the cabinet, the hard drive and crucially the finnicky software setup for the peripherals.

I’d happily help with technically with the pc hardware upgrade, as I’m sure others would.
Follow up, I’d start by finding out the PC specs on both offers since they’re not listed. That’s a big factor. Until you know that, you could go 1080p and still get an average frame rates owing to the fact that the refresh rate on the monitor isn’t even given.

Baffles me. Like selling a car and not giving the max mph/ 0-60.
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I have picked up a VirtuaTilt.

It is a box that gives you all the gubbins that would be in a good vpin, but that you can use with a normal pc setup.

Solenoids, shaker motor, flipper buttons etc.

I'm still setting it up but it seems interesting.

And more like £400 than £4000-£6000 - it also may help get to grips with what is a surprisingly technical and fiddly hobby when you start to look at VPX etc.

Even Pinball FX from steam needs some extra software to get the solenoids, shaker etc working.

I figure it I end up with a real vpin at some point I will still need to know how all this works to maintain that - it may come setup but it is nowhere plug and play.

I almost went for a pinballia one but decided to get a real one first and use my pc / consoles to scratch the variety itch.

Not had chance this week to get it 100% set up but I'll take a video when I do.

I have picked up a VirtuaTilt.

It is a box that gives you all the gubbins that would be in a good vpin, but that you can use with a normal pc setup.

Solenoids, shaker motor, flipper buttons etc.

I'm still setting it up but it seems interesting.

And more like £400 than £4000-£6000 - it also may help get to grips with what is a surprisingly technical and fiddly hobby when you start to look at VPX etc.

Even Pinball FX from steam needs some extra software to get the solenoids, shaker etc working.

I figure it I end up with a real vpin at some point I will still need to know how all this works to maintain that - it may come setup but it is nowhere plug and play.

I almost went for a pinballia one but decided to get a real one first and use my pc / consoles to scratch the variety itch.

Not had chance this week to get it 100% set up but I'll take a video when I do.

Let us know how it goes. Hopefully i am going to get mine built for me as i struggle putting a flatpack together from IKEA so i deffo cant do it myself.....will keep you informed ;-)
Let us know how it goes. Hopefully i am going to get mine built for me as i struggle putting a flatpack together from IKEA so i deffo cant do it myself.....will keep you informed ;-)
Yep, I am in the same boat. I am more confident with the technical bits but I get stressed trying to put up a shelf!
Good stuff. Im still looking to find somone to build mine as the one i was getting done fell through and i dont want to be paying 5k for something that a really good person could make it for alot cheaper. The UK market isnt flush with them....only Pinballia and Kase-EO i can see make them.
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