I have picked up a VirtuaTilt.
It is a box that gives you all the gubbins that would be in a good vpin, but that you can use with a normal pc setup.
Solenoids, shaker motor, flipper buttons etc.
I'm still setting it up but it seems interesting.
And more like £400 than £4000-£6000 - it also may help get to grips with what is a surprisingly technical and fiddly hobby when you start to look at VPX etc.
Even Pinball FX from steam needs some extra software to get the solenoids, shaker etc working.
I figure it I end up with a real vpin at some point I will still need to know how all this works to maintain that - it may come setup but it is nowhere plug and play.
I almost went for a pinballia one but decided to get a real one first and use my pc / consoles to scratch the variety itch.
Not had chance this week to get it 100% set up but I'll take a video when I do.
VirtuaTilt - The Ultimate Virtual Pinball Controller - by 3DPTronics