Triple checked, pin1 is going to pin1 on each board of the data cable.
I have taken the ribbon off , removed plugs and taken board out, pressed home the chips on a flat surface as someone suggested previously and took some pics of front and back in case this is helpful. Board is back in and acting as before, so no change 9for the worse at least!)
I also want to make myself sure that its not a speaker WIRE issue (that would be embarrassing!) but it makes that "bark" at start up, so I believe they are getting power. I could check continuity from the end of the plug incase the wire is dislodged in the plug perhaps.
At this stage, having a known working MC68B09EP might be useful. Pinsound will arrive and that will be a reasonable test of the no sound issue /soundboard I am guessing? I had hoped to fix it with this board just to know we have a working board.
BACK of soundboard
FRONT of soundboard
Thank you all so much for sticking with me on this, incredibly appreciated