Some players go so far as to void their card immediately if the first one or two games aren't up to 'their usual standard' so they can more swiftly get back in and have another shot.

FWIW I think the format, especially the mini PAPA qualifying card format is perfect for Pinfest, it allows serious and not that serious players to have a go, for not a lot of cash. And Paul and Wayne know what they are doing as TD's, it will be fantastic again.
@Arv will there be time to qualify in classics on the Sunday? When is the finals taking place? It sounds similar/the same qualifying format that Peter did a few years back in the classics? Or I think they used it at the Slam?
In terms of points, if it's the same as 2 years ago for the main comp it made 72% TGP. But the prize pool was also the best that I can remember in any UK comp? Ever?